Sorry about the huge gap in posting time, but I wasn't at work yesterday. But here I am!
Frankly, the last day of the revival was a haze of activities for me, (not to mention the fact I was burnt out from lack of sleep and rest) so I don't think I can summarize very effectively. That is not to say it was not a blessing.
In fact, it was awesome!
Many who attended got blessed, and their prayer "life" was restored.
I will mention just a few of the main points Pastor Kim gave on Friday, Saturday and Sundays.
Let me make a short note here to say, there was not a lot of teaching, per se; instead, she gave a lot of illustrations to help us understand the importance of and how to restore and build our prayer life.
I went as far as the Laver in the courtyard of the Tabernacle in my last blog post.
She spoke of the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place.

Above is a cut-off view from the north side. So to the right of the picture would be entrance the Priest or High Priest would use to enter the Holy Place.
Below is a good rendering of the three things placed inside the Holy Place:

To the right, on the north side was the Table of the Bread of Presence (Also called, Shewbread). Then going counterclockwise, you would see the Altar of Incense (also called Golden Lampstand), placed just before the Veil that separated the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. Finally, on the south side of the Holy Place was the Golden Lampstand that illuminated the entire santuary. be continued...