Last night was something of an eye opener.
I had come expecting some sort of theological study on the Tabernacle.
Instead, I got to hear from the very heart of Jesus.
The children of Israel were freed from 430 years of slavery, and thought they would immediately see the Land of the Promise - Canaan. But God had other plans.
For forty years they wandered the desert.
And so is true for every believer that after we are saved, God puts us through the desert experience. It comes to all who claim Christ in myriad of different forms, seaons, and durations, but it comes.
And just as it was true for the children of Israel, it is true for us: Not all will make it to the Promised Land.
Everyone 20 and older perished in the desert, never to even behold the land flowing with milk and honey. The same is true for us. Only those who come forth from the desert experience with a heart of a child will enter the Promised Land.
The Tabernacle was to be a dwelling place for God. It represents many things - most of all Jesus Christ Himself. But within this magnificent structure we see what a Church should look like, and what the individual Christian should look like - all reflecting the glory of Christ.
This is a simpler blueprint of the Tabernacle:

Here is a real model version of the Tabernacle:

Once you enter the courtyard, the first thing we see is the Altar of Burnt Offering. In the discipline of prayer, this is where we learn to cry out to God. This is where we are "endued with power" from on High.
After that is the Basin of Water, which is where we learn of repentant prayer - a Spirit-led repentance.
Then we enter the Holy Place, the place of Intercession.
Until finally we arrive at the Most Holy Place where we learn to hear the voice of God.
Our aim through this revival is to enter that Holy of holies and hear the still small voice of God speaking to us...
wow (that's all that comes out of my mouth)
i'm at school right now, and i am learning about the tabernacle... and my eyes are getting watery because i am so amazed at how awesome God is!! It's amazing to me how perfect he really is, just, absolutely, completely, wonderfully perfect.
We should make a miniature tabernacle- I agree!
As soon as our room is ready and prepped to display the model.
And seeing makes the learning part much easier and far more effective.
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