This morning, Pastor Kim spoke about the positioning of the tabernacle and the surrounding courtyard.
When one enters into the outer courtyard through the entrance (which is on the east side of the structure), he is facing west as he walks in. This is significant in that when we appraoch presence of God, we come in our failures and weaknesses - in essence our burden of sin, represented by the setting sun of the west; things in life may be falling apart, promises unkept, failed marriages, relationships, personal shortcomings, etc.
But when that same person leaves, he faces east - the direction of the rising sun - facing the "Son" of hope, having laid our burdens down, our sins forgiven, atoned for.
God gave specific instructions to Moses about how and where he wanted each of the items of the Tabernacle for a reason.
Exodus 26:9-11 says:
Make a courtyard for the tabernacle. The south side shall be a hundred cubits long [that is, 150 feet] and is to have curtains of finely twisted linen, with twenty posts and twenty bronze bases and with silver hooks and bands on the posts. The north side shall also be a hundred cubits long and is to have curtains, with twenty posts and twenty bronze bases and with silver hooks and bands on the posts.

The posts represent each individual believer in a church, the body of Christ. Interesting thing about these posts is that they are stationary: they do not move around, except when the tabernacle was pulled apart for transport. And as such, believers need to learn to stay in a church they serve, be a - in a sense - a steadfast pillar in the church of God.
Also, the posts are supported by bronze bases. Bronze in the Bible represents judgment. A believer must have a healthy fear of God. It is good that we come to know a loving God, but God is also a God of Judgment. The necessity for a God-fearing Christians is desperate in this postmodern world of relativism and self-actualization.
The posts also are linked from one to another with silver hooks and bands. This represents "shared grace" among believers.
A Christian with a healthy fear of God, linked to other believers in grace, will stay established, trustworthy and responsible in furthering the Kingdom of God through his or her life within the Body of Christ.
1 comment:
mmmm... wow again. haha.
i mean, it's all coming together to make more sense!! the west -> east symbolism, the posts, to the specific metals that had to be used... nothing is accidental. God has a purpose for everything.
i am awestruck.
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