Friday, October 21, 2011

That big project.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28

Prayer is what makes this Christian walk ______.

a. difficult
b. easy

Prayer seems tiring sometimes. There are so many needs around us, and every day brings new challenges. Eventually, the idea of wrestling through all of the issues is so dreary that we just put off our time in the prayer closet. It's like we have a huge grocery shopping list in front of us, and we don't want to have to carry all of that, so we procrastinate. Prayer ends up being a burden that we dread. But remember, God is not out to dump all of His peoples' problems on us once we come to meet with Him. God doesn't burden our backs; time with Him, the Bible tells us, is refreshing. It's that time that, after a long day of being pummeled by the difficulties of everyday life, we can spend with our Healer. If ever you become weary of praying, and look for distractions to run from the prayer closet, examine the way you perceive prayer, and the way you perceive God. It may be that one [or both] of them has wandered from the truth. God wants to take our burdens and worries away, so that we can focus fully on Him. Then, we will see clearly to pray effectively. Then, prayer will become at once joyful service and profound, life-giving intimacy for and with Him.


jane said...

janes were just talking about how the christian life is supposed to be easy, but why is it so difficult ... ahhh ... prayer is missing ... ;) i say prayer is difficult (a battle) but prayer makes the Christian walk easy.

little jane said...

ahh... i see now. Wow. Makes sense!!! OUR WALK WITH GOD IS DIFFICULT BECAUSE OF OUR LACK OF PRAYERRRR!!! What a simple truth!!! :D

I mean, like you said at Intercessory Prayer meeting before, Jane, our problem is that we don't PERSEVERE in prayer. We feel it's difficult enough praying 5 minutes for someone, but to reallyyyyy PRAY TO GOD & engage in WARFARE for one another (heck. even for MYSELF!)??? I feel like "NO THANK YOU" or "I'LL TRY"


It's stupid of us NOT TO! We're just ASKING to make our lives difficult by NEGLECTING the ONLY ANSWER!

We are such a sad, stubborn & pathetic people most times -.- WHY do we insist on learning the hard way.

But THANK YOU, JESUS for Your patience & gentleness. YOU made a way & provided for my every need. LEAD ME TO THE CROSS that i would DIE TO MY FLESH & FOLLOW YOU!!!!

redeemedestiny said...

I have been thinking about prayer this week and its so true that how we perceive prayer is what matters. I've realized that only by prayer i can see that Jesus can calm my storm and experience it and i can be set free at that moment when i am praying with a childlike faith - No doubt, no religion! its power works only when i know i am a child of God and stand in my position, also He is my Father.