Monday, December 29, 2008

A Living Testimony

A living testimony exalts God, not man. A true testimony is about confessing that God is the engineer of all our circumstances. Psalm 34:1-5 serves as a great example of this.

Characteristics of True Testimony
  1. It is evident in storms - A living testimony is always born out of trial sans storms.. It is often birth out of storms and sometimes in seemingly defeat.
  2. It endures in effect - A true testimony not only changes you but its effect must endure.
  3. It edifies the suffering - It edifies by encouragement and by empowerment. The strength of a testimony comes from the healing others receive by hearing it. When you hesitate to share you testimony, you lose a chance for God to use you as His tool to help further His kingdom.
  4. Embraces God's ways - Does your life prove God is? Can others see what God has done in you life? Your testimony must embrace the Lord by personal declaration of Hi faithfulness and by principal of faithfulness. Your salvation is complete when you stop asking why He did it and be thankful that He did it.

--from Nakwon EM December 28th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

I should have watched Finding Nemo...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Evidences: True Fellowship

Romans 12:9-13 is often quoted to talk about love. However, the lessons in this passage can be applied to the fellowship. True Christian fellowship is deeper than just getting along with people.
  1. Source (Genuine Lordship and Genuine Love)
    Does your definition of fellowship stem from the God's lordship over you or is it a mere by product of you trying to achieve uniformity of thoughts and preferences with your peers? True fellowship first starts with the Lord, because the first duty of every soul is to find its master. Only when we find fellowship with Jesus can we have fellowship with others. When Jesus becomes lord over you life, it will reflect to others. Furthermore, how sincere is your love? The very nature of love demands that it be sincere.
  2. Means (Familiar Devotion and Humble Devotion) - Do not be quick to judge what God is doing in other people's lives. Be hesitant of judging others.
  3. Purpose - we are here to lift up God,

How far do you go to help others? When the means are readily available, do you take the opportunity to help others? When Christ is Lord over your life, others come first and you become last.

--from Nakwon EM October 12th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Evidences: True Walk with God

Genesis 5:21-24 chronicles the amazing life of Enoch. Enoch is one of the two people who never tasted death. Enoch represents the perfect picture of someone who's been raptured away. What kind of life did Enoch live, that God would just take him away?
  1. Commenced by Revelation - The revelation Enoch received was during the birth of his son. It was revealed to Enoch that God's judgement was coming the moment his son dies. This realization completely changed him. True transformation first starts with yourself. Enoch wasn't focused on changing the world, he knew he had to be broken first before he could help change others.
  2. Characterized by Faith - Enoch believed God exists and that God rewards. For most of us, it is not that hard to believe God exists. One only has to examine the world around us to realize everything proclaims "He is." However, most of stumble in believing that He rewards. God rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Believing the Lord exists does not set you apart. After all even the demons know this and shudder in fear.
  3. He continued with judgement in view (World Eschatology vs Personal Eschatology) -
    Knowing the world will come to and end will not change you. It might scare you but even that is only a passing emotion. Even during Noah's time, everyone heard Noah's warnings but not a single person listened to him. Do you have a real, practical sense that you will have to face God's judgement one day? Are you being transformed?

What kind of attitude do you display to others? Do you reflect Christ's image in your life? During his days on earth, Enoch never lived to see God's judgement carried out. Yet despite his faith never faltered. Enoch did not conform to this world. That is why eh was not controlled by the world and that is why he was not condemned like the rest of the world. Does the Lord yearn to take you away like He did with Enoch?

--from Nakwon EM September 28th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

Monday, September 01, 2008

Evidences - True Faith in God

A Christian faith exceeds the definition of what faith means in our everyday world. It is a faith which does not operate in the realm of possible, and sadly it is also one of the most greatly misunderstood aspect of our religion. Is the purpose of faith to get something you want? Matthew 17:14-23 tells the story about a man who brings his demon possessed son to the disciples to be healed. However, when Jesus disciples fail to heal the boy, Jesus drives the demon out Himself and tells His disciples that they were unable to do heal the boy because they had "so little faith."

2 Myths about Faith
  1. "It is because I have less faith than I need that I didn't get what I need (true faith vs little faith).
    Faith is never about amount. Many people get incorrectly interpret v20 when Jesus tells His disciples it is was because they had so little faith. The true implication of little faith isn't a quantitative meaning, but rather the complete lack of faith or unbelief. This point is further established in the next sentence where Jesus states "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." During those times, a mustard seed was the smallest seed known. It was barely visible to the human eye, and yet Jesus states that even that minuscule amount is more than ample to accomplish magnificent things. We try to measure our faith but if you carefully study the New Testament, there is not a single verse which explains how one can increase their faith. Even in this story, Jesus never directly answers his disciples. That is because true faith only come through the Word, and you either have it or you don't. Evidence that you have faith is that you are able to receive hard truth.
  2. The greater my faith, the more readily the Lord will Deliver my request (Faith vs Great Faith)
    Those of great faith think and perceive in God's perspective. People think that just because they've done something to express their faith, God is now obligated to answer their prayers. Those of great faith should not make any presumptions about when and hos God should move in their lives. The Lord is in no way shape or form obligated to answer us. Now the good news is, despite this fact, He does!

In the New Testament, Jesus was astonished by those that have faith without demand. Pursue a faith that is biblical. God is not a vending machine where faith is some kind of tool.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I know...this must be blinding for those who are used to our usual black background.
I think this is a long over due change that was needed since we had that color theme for over 2 years.
Anyways, this change was pretty much for our Nakwon EM site.
Hopefully everyone has visited it and check for updates time to time.
James and I are trying our best to maintain the site for all to use and to make it a site where God does receive all the glory.

I don't want to get technical and bore you with all the details to explain why this had to be done but if you are viewing this posting via our Blogspot page (meaning you have "" in your web address box on top of your browser), you should go and visit our sermon page.
If you've clicked on the sermons link at our site, pat yourself on the back because this is how our blogspot should be viewed.

If I've confused or lost anyone in regards to this, just delete your links to our Blogspot ( and replace it with
It'll be easier since everything, including Song JDSN's Blog, is there as well.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Audio Technical Difficulty

For those wondering when the recording for the message of the Church of Laodicea will be up, I have some bad news.
We recorded it but for some reason there was a problem with the cable we used.
I usually try to clean up any excess noise from the recordings but this one is pretty much beyond repair.
Let's just say you hear a lot of static and JDSN's voice is barely audible.
My apologies and I'll try to do a test run for next week's message so that this problem can be avoided.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Nakwon EM Media Page

To our faithful Nakwon EM Blog readers,

This is just an FYI.
Since our webmaster currently cannot update our site, I did my best to update our Media page with our retreat pictures and Zaya's Presentation.
So, James and I will be slowly updating the site but you should check our other sections as well, especially JDSN's Blog.
I can probably guarantee that section will be updated almost daily. =)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Seven Churches of Revelation (Part 3: Church of Smyrna)

In Revelation 2:8-11 Jesus addresses the Church of Smyrna. Smyrna is one of the few churches in Revelation that doesn't receive a rebuke from the Lord. At the height of its time, Smyrna was the center for culture and learning.
  1. Title - Jesus addresses Himself as "who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again." The idea of resurrection was an important idea to the people of Smyrna.
  2. Commendation - Jesus commends them on their perseverance during their times of persecution. To be a Christian during this time meant it cost you your life. It cost them everything to proclaim that Jesus Christ was their Lord. However, the hardest persecution they endured was from their fellow brother and sisters in Christ. It is the subtle attacks from our peers that hits us the deepest.
  3. Command - Jesus tells them stop being afraid. Being a children of God doesn't mean we are exempt form suffering. However, the Lord is well aware of our plight and He knows the limits of what we can handle. Believe He is in control.
  4. Conclusion - Jesus tells them that "He who overcomes will not be hurt at all by the second death." Jesus paid for out sins to make us righteous. However if we reject that, than we are ultimately condemning ourselves. Born twice, die once; born once die twice.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

--from Nakwon EM July 13th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

Giants and angels oh my!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Seven Churches of Revelation (Part 2 : Church of Ephesus)

The seven churches mentioned in Revelation serves as an allegory to all the bodies of Jesus Christ. Revelation 2:1-7 focuses on the the Church of Ephesus. Throughout Revelation, all seven churches were surprised by what Christ said to them. Ephesus was the largest church of the day. It had a strong lineage of amazing leader that spent time teaching there. Yet even a church as alive as this had their own share of rebukes from the Lord.
  1. Title of Christ - Jesus announces himself to the church of Ephesus as "him who holds the seven stars in his right hand and walks among the seven golden lamp stands." Ultimately, He is telling them that no matter who they are and what they do, God is fully aware and will judge them accordingly.
  2. Commendation Rebuke - The church of Ephesus is commended for their diligence and their discernment. They are characterized as a diligent church that are always active. Furthermore, Jesus commends them for their ability to stay doctrinally pure. However, all the good deeds they perform does not cancel out all the bad deeds that have committed. Jesus charges them of being guilty of "forsaking their first love." The Ephesians spent so much time being caught up serving the King, they forgot why they were so zealously serving in the first place. They had a blind pursuit without any relationship with Jesus Christ.
  3. Solution - Jesus tells the Ephesus church to remember, repent and repeat. They are called to remember exactly how far they have fallen from the Lord, and seek repentance. For true repentance must bear fruit.
  4. Warning - Jesus tells the church "if you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place." Ultimately He is telling them that He will remove His presence from them. God is not obligated to come to us. Our worship is an invitation for Him to come and accept our praise.
  5. Conclusion - The greatest compliment is to love what God loves and hate what He despises. The Ephesians were so caught up in their Church that they failed to realize that the title itself does not give authority. The true church of Christ lies within us, not in some man-made building.

He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches

--from Nakwon EM July 6th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

God doesn't play dice, He plays scrabble.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Seven Churches of Revelation (Part 1: Vision of Jesus Christ)

Revelation, the last book in the New Testament, is often viewed as a series of allegorical metaphors of what the last days will be like. Most people often get so caught up with all the symbolism that they fail to realize that it was meant to be viewed as a revelation of Jesus Christ. It's ultimate purpose is to wake us up. In Revelation 1:9-20, John gives us a vision of Christ.
  1. Attention - One of the first images we are presented with are the lamp stands. In these verses, the lamp stand represents the churches. Ultimately, the job of the church is not to be the light, but rather be the vessel which holds the fire and gives the light of the Lord onto others. In the last days, the Lord's attention will turn to His churches. Those who speak of His truth will be judged on a higher standard, just as those who hear His truth will be held accountable.
  2. Appearance - Verses 12-15 provides a description of how Jesus appeared to John in all His glory. First it speaks about His long flowing robe "reaching down to his feet and with a golden sash around his chest." The robe He wears speaks of His status which is often the type of clothing associated to royalty. Next, it describes His white hair which serves as a symbol of His glory. His eyes is described as a "blazing fire." This is a foreshadowing of things to come. Right now Jesus is or savior, but on that day He will be our judge, and His eyes will penetrate us into our deepest thoughts.
  3. Authority - Verse 17 describes what Jesus was holding in His right hand. His right symbolized favor and authority. When you are in the hand of the living God it is both wonderful and frightening at the same time. Once you have invited Him into your life, He will not let you fall away from Him. He will break and discipline you to try and bring you back.

Throughout the bible, the phrase "Do not be afraid" is spoken by God. However, this message is does not apply to those who do not live for God. Those who live by the Spirit will see upon these Revelations with great joy, where as those who don't, will only realize fear and dread. What do these Revelations reveal in your heart?

--from Nakwon EM June 29th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

Monday, June 23, 2008

Kingdom of Heaven

Matthew 13:44-46 provides a parable which gives us an insight into what the Kingdom of Heaven is like.
  1. Kingdom of Heaven is Priceless - Most meet Christ but fail to recognize His worth. That is why one would fail to belong to Him. We've all heard the truth but we fail to grasp its value. We've managed to trick ourselves into believing that the magnificence of eternity is something ordinary.
  2. Kingdom of Heaven involves joyful sacrifice - The real test isn't whether you're willing to make a sacrifice, but whether you are doing it with joy and willingness in your heart. Sacrifices made begrudgingly will ultimately turn into regret. It will never blossom into something which will help further your spiritual walk with God. Those that make a willing and joyful sacrifice realize that what other may perceive as a sacrifice is really an investment towards a closer relationship with the Lord.
  3. Kingdom of Heaven elicits action - It can either be intentional or unintentional, but both requires action afterwards. You do not belong to His kingdom if you are willing to take action. What have you done after discovery the Kingdom of Heaven?

We all like to boast about the sacrifices we made for others, but it pales in comparison to what God gave up for our salvation. The Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who forcefully runs towards it.

--from Nakwon EM June 22nd 2008 Sunday Worship Service

This sermon was brought you by instant cup ramen. The official food for the 2008 Summer NakwonEM Retreat. (side effects may include puffy morning eyes, bloated faces, and/or fat. Always eat responsibly).

Sunday, June 08, 2008

The Lord is My Shepherd (Part 2)

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. - Psalm 23:2-3

The true essence of Psalm 23 is a confession of a believer who only wants God. The entire focus of Psalm is about what God does. God is completely proactive in you life.
  1. Rest - There are four conditions a good shepherd always strives to achieve for their herd. No hunger, no fear, no pest and no discord. Furthermore, no sheep can satisfy these four conditions on their own. God is constantly leading us to green pasture, but He makes us want to lie down. Unfortunately, we sometimes need to be forced to lie down. We are under the illusion that we always need to be active as if that defines who we are. The Psalms verse states that He makes me lie down in green pastures. Sometime we get so caught up in this world that we need to take time and rest and re-evaluate our priorities about God.
  2. Refreshments - The Lord will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can bear. God will give you mercy in a timely moment. He doesn't give it to us in advance. In amidst of our trials, believe He will provide your deliverance.
  3. Restoration - He guides us in the path of righteousness, for His namesake. Therefore to take glory for Himself, He will take care of us. The moment we acknowledge that, we will find restoration with in the Lord.

Do you look at things in God's perspective? You have nothing to be afraid of. God has already gone ahead of you. God truly works through His Word. Do you know the Shepherd of Psalm 23? Make it yours.

--from Nakwon EM Juen 1st 2008 Sunday Worship Service

My mom buys me clothes ^_^

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Lord is My Shepherd

"The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. " - Psalm 23:1
  1. Yahweh God - God's name has everything to do with salvation. He declares "I am." He's is the un-caused caused, the uncreated, the ever unchanging. Everything around us changes, but He is immutable and so is His love. We never have to worry that He will change from something impacting Him, because He cannot be impacted.
  2. Shepherd God - We are often characterized as sheep. Sheep are known to rely heavily on their vision. They can not go where they can not see. Much like them, we need to "see" to believe. Furthermore, much like a sheep without its shepherd, there is no way we can defend for ourselves without the Lord. Yet like a good shepherd, our Lord gives us both provision and protection.
  3. Provisional God - Whether we acknowledge it or not our lives are stuck in a "prison of want." It is the hunger within us to pursue things which detract us from God. No amount of things in this world will ever satisfy you. So how do you get out of the prison of want?
    (1) Your stuff isn't yours - You can't take anything out of this world. You came into this world naked and you will leave this world naked. It never has and never will belong to you.
    (2) You stuff isn't you - What you possess doesn't define who you are. What defines you is what is in your heart. A man's life isn't defined by the abundance of his possessions. What we have in God is greater than what we don't have in life. It isn't about what you have, it's who are in the face of the Lord.

Wealth may wither away, friends may turns away and even our youth will eventually erode with the flow of time, but as long as you have your character and your faith, then you have everything you will ever need. You can lose everything, but do not lose your soul for a fleeting temptation for it is nothing more than a speck in the face of eternity.

--from Nakwon EM May 25th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

bah ram ewe~

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Knowledge of God

What is the result of someone who comes into contact with the knowledge of God? 2 Peter 1:3-11 talks about what happens to those who comes to know God. The word of God has an uncanny bi-polar effect for those who come into contact with it. It can either change and transform you heart or it can harden and deaden you towards the things of the Lord.
  1. Provisional knowledge of God - God has already given us everything we need to obtain eternal life and overcome. However, most of us are unable to see that He has already provided us with such provisions. Many of us fail to come closer to the Lord, because we try to add Christ into our lives without subtracting the world.
  2. Progressive knowledge - We are called to better ourselves through our sanctification from the Lord. What we accomplish today in the Lord's name must be even greater tomorrow. If we become content and idle in our spiritual walk, then ultimately we become unfruitful.
  3. Positional knowledge - Every child of God has a calling. If you find your calling and make it sure then you will never fall and ultimately receive your welcome into His eternal kingdom. Our purpose is to serve, and we will only find peace with ourselves when we perform the functions we were meant to do. Your love for God will make it natural for you to serve.

If we continue to turn a blind eye towards the things of God, it will ultimately make you turn away from Him. Does of knowledge of God spur your heart to work for Him? Mercy triumphs over judgement, so will you let God's truth touch you?

--from Nakwon EM May 18th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

Not all things that glow have a voice, ESPECIALLY CANDLES!!!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Love of God

1 John is considered the greatest treaties on God's love. In 1 John 4:7-12, he talks about the importance of love in understanding God. If you fail to understand the love of God, then you've failed in understanding the Lord. Yet the truth is nothing in the human language can come close to expressing the love of God.

  1. Love Defined - Contemporary culture likes to talk about love. There are endless amount of songs which try to talk about it. However, what modern society fail to grasp is that love is not a two-way relationship. Granted love can blossom between two people, but true love must come from the Lord Himself. For a person can only love another, if they themselves have been loved, and what love is greater than the love of God?
  2. Love Demonstrated
    (1) God's love is sacrificial - One of the most common heard phrases is that we know God's love because He sent His one and only Son to die for us. While this may be true, many tend to miss the heart of the father. A father's love for their child is unmeasurable and this is no different for the Lord. People often fail to realize the heartbreaking pain He must have endured in having to give up His one and only son for a fallen race.
    (2) God's love is purposeful - God demonstrated His love so that we may live through Him. It showed us a type of love we never knew before. A type of love that He wants us to strife for.
    (3) God's love is unmerited - He knew we needed Jesus long before our creation. The Lord knew that we will become a fallen race and will eventually need the sacrifice of His son to save us. Long before our first breath, the Lord already made provisions to save us. For God's love is everlasting and not dependant on our performance.
  3. Love Displayed
    (1) Application of love - God's love is not a natural love, it is supernatural. He does not ask you to better yourself before you are qualified to receive it. All you have to do is accept it. The love of God has the power to turn us from sin. It is far greater and influential than the fear from His wrath.
    (2) Evidence of love - The love in your life must be other focused. Ultimately the Lord will judge you based on the fruits of your life. You can spend the rest of your days memorizing scripture, praying and fasting, but if you fail to help others, then you would have failed in grasping the love of God. Does God's love compel you to spend for others?
    (3) Completions and Change - Love of God has to change you. First your heart, then your appearance. We are called for others to see Jesus in us during this side of eternity.

The love of God is probably the most important and understated attribute of God. It is the single defining characteristics that can be used to explain all His other attributes. Why did he create us? Why did he save us? Why does he punish us? Why are we tested? How do we better ourselves? Everything can be defined by His love. For some, coming to grip with His surpassing love can be difficult. After all, what have possibly done in our lifetimes in order to deserve this? Yet for those who have accepted His love will find that they have gained a deeper understanding of God, a loving God.

--from Nakwon EM May 11th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

Song JDSN ability to love is directly proportional to EM's ability to annoy her.
<(^.^<) (>^.^)> (>^.^<) <( ^.^ )>

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Omnipresence of God

om·ni·pres·ence, noun refers to the quality of being everywhere. Omnipresent emphasizes in a lofty or dignified way the power, usually divine, of being present everywhere at the same time, as though all-enveloping.

Omnipresence is a well known attribute of God. The concept of an all knowing, all powerful being is what makes God, The God. In Psalm 137:7-12 David makes an elegant prayer about this very attribute, the all encompassing presence of the Lord. Yet if God is everywhere, then why does God feel so remote and distant? The truth is we feel distant from God due to our fallen nature. It is the heart that distances us from Him. His holy nature makes is difficult for us to be close to Him.
  1. Nearness of God - He is always here. We often feel that we must conjure of some elegant prayer to bring the Lord down from the Heavens, but the truth is He is closer to us then we are to ourselves. If we are to accept that our Lord is an omnipresent God, then logic must also dictate that there is no where we can hide from Him.
  2. Pursuit of God - If God is everywhere, where can we run to? Those who are trying to run away from the Lord have a hard time grasping this concept. After all if the Lord is everywhere then we must also accept that fact that we can not hide our sins from Him. Just because you don't acknowledge God, doesn't mean He isn't there.
  3. Manifest presence of God - In Genesis 28, Jacob, after fleeing for his life from Esau, decides to take a rest and has a dream. In his dream, he see a vision of angels going up and down a ladder. When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he thought, "Surely the LORD is in this place, and I was not aware of it." There is a difference between the omnipresence of the Lord, and the manifest presence of the Lord. Though He may be everyone, He will only reveal Himself to those who truly seeks Him. God will not manifest His presence to those who refuse to see Him.

Ultimately, salvation is when a sinner who was living in ignorance, becomes aware of His presence. It is when the truth of his omnipresence is acknowledged by his manifest presence.

--from Nakwon EM April 27th 2008 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

cheap IKEA bookshelf + used books = library?

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Courtship Series with Paul Washer

Part 1

Part 2

If you would like to download these messages, please go to Paul Washer's website.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Power of Resurrection

Contemporary society lives as if there is no heaven or hell. However, our unbelief does not negate the truth, and the truth is that no matter how hard we try, all our valiant attempts are made futile in the face of death. Rich or poor, big or small, in the end we are succumb to death. It is the one thing man has will never conquer, or is it? One of the defining characteristics of Christianity is that a man can die and come back to life. No other religion in the world boasts the power of resurrection. In 1 Corinthians 15:12-24 Paul talks about the importance Christ's resurrection and why it is absolutely vital to our faith.
  1. Purpose in Resurrection - Not only is it central to our faith, but it is the very focus of it. The ultimate purpose of resurrection is it's overcoming power. For the wages of sin is death, but Christ died so that He may take away our sins. The cross not only shows us our value, but it shows us the worth of our sin. So in death Jesus defeated the burden of sin, but in His resurrection He gave us the power to over come it. Death no longer has victory over you.
  2. Participation in Resurrection - We are all born in sin, for through Adam's sin we all die, but through Christ we are made alive again. It is a purifying power that gives us the power to live a life besides the Lord. Jesus wants to be the master of our hearts, but too often we we invite Him in only to shun Him away like an unwanted guest. So how do we turn our hearts toward Christ? The first step is faith. Align your entire life to Christ. Dead to sin, alive to Christ. Second, is obedience. Follow what God says. Do not let the source of sin deter you from following the Lord. Furthermore, do not give Him partial obedience for partial obedience is no different that complete disobedience. Ultimately it all boils down to our willingness to take an active step away from sin.
  3. Promise in Resurrection - We never need to fear that the power of resurrection will suddenly run out and whether it happens in our lifetime our the next, there is a transforming power that is promised His second coming. For we can never enter the gates of heaven based on our works alone, the only way is with Christ.

Thanks be to God, who gives us victory through Jesus Christ.

--from Nakwon EM March 23rd 2008 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Paul Washer Clips

Here you go guys...

Matthew 7

Short Shocker

Examine Yourself

Shocking Message(full length)

You can find other sermons and clips of Paul Washer by just googling him but he does have main site where you can listen to his messages:

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hello fellow EM'ers and all who visit our blogspot.
I just wanted to apologize for the delay of uploading last Sunday's sermon, Triumph of Jesus.
I know, I know, you were crying and wondering what happened.
You can continue to read on if you would like to know.
To simply say it, my comp went crazy and I couldn't access my files for a while.
Of course then I went crazy because I didn't back up any of my files, especially all the stuff for EM.
So the lesson of the day is to ALWAYS backup your files!!!
Anyways, I went through a lot to just get my files so I hope this glitch won't be a problem in the future because I'm looking to buy a new comp.
If you know any deals or better yet, if you would like to donate into the tobi fund, let me know. =)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Honor God : Part 3 (Are you Robbing God?)

Malachi 3:6-12 talks about the importance of tithing and the consequences. How we handle money reveals our depth of commitment to God. Did you know that Jesus talked more about money than He did about Heaven and Hell combined? Whether we believe it our not, our material possessions impacts our spiritual walk with God. Tithing is a topic a lot of people tend to shy away from, but no matter how you feel about it, it is an intergal part of Christian life.
  1. Command
    (a) Claim of God - In Deut 12:22-23, the Lord makes His declaration regarding tithes.
    (b) Criticism from God - Sometimes we like to justify ourselves by giving partial tithe. However partial tithe is like giving partial devotion, which is unacceptable to Him. Giving the Lord partial devotion is no better than giving Him none at all.
    (c) Call of God - This the only time where the God permits us to test Him. "Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it". (v10). The Lord is more anxious to pour blessings in to our lives than we are to receive it.
  2. Commitment - Tithing is an assessment of our spiritual walk with God.
    (a) Test of Acknowledgement - Do you believe it's God who gave you the ability to earn what you have today? Do you acknowledge it is through His strength you are able gain what you have?
    (b) Test of Trust - Tithing is all about stewardship. Will you trust God during your financial hardships?
    (c) Test of Surrender - Does it cost you to give tithe? By tithing you are surrendering to the Lord and saying you will trust in Him to provide for you.
  3. Consequences - Blessings and curses. Just as the Lord proclaim curses for those who rob Him of His tithes, He conversely mentions an overwhelming abundance of blessing for those who obey it. Even though material wealth may be part of His blessing, the true blessing He speaks of is the gift of spiritual blessing.

Disobeying God is ultimately robbing the Lord. Tithe is something God set up to help support the ministry and aid the poor. It provides a way to help further the kingdom of Christ. Will you help strengthen His kingdom will you try to rob Him?

--from Nakwon EM March 9th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

No sleep and no food makes Ray go something.. something...... Go crazy? Hmm..don't mind if i do!! pwahahahahahaahhahahahaha

Honor God : Part 2 (Lord of the Sabbath)

Isaiah 58:13-14 talks about the purpose and the importance of Sabbath. The purpose of Sabbath is a time of spiritual renewal. The Jews observe the Sabbath on a Saturday to signify the power of Lord's creation, where as Christians observe it on Sunday to signify the day Jesus resurrected (i.e. His redemptive powers).
  1. Command
    3 Common Myths regarding the Sabbath
    (1) "Sabbath is a my day of rest" - The Sabbath is the Lord's holy day. It is the only day day set apart to worship Him. It's so important that it's even listed in the 10 Commandments ( it's #4 in case u forgot =P). Sunday is NOT a holiday.
    (2) "I have to go to work, God will understand that I need to money." The Sabbath is a covenant we've made with the Lord and shouldn't be taken so lightly. Not only are breaking His covenant, but ultimately you are telling the Lord that you don't trust in Him to provide for you.
    (3) "I'm too tired, I need to rest" - Sunday is not a day of physical rest, it's a day of spiritual rest. The Sabbath is a day of denial much like fasting. You are fasting from your worldly pursuits.
  2. Commitment
    Assessment Questions
    (1) Priority - Is Sunday the most important day of the week for you?
    (2) Preparation - What do you do on Saturday?
    (3) Participation - Do you believe in the importance of a body of Church coming together to worship God or do you feel it's sufficient to do it from home in front of a TV?
    (4) Purposefulness - Do you come with the sole purpose of worshipping God?
  3. Consequences of Keeping the Sabbath Holy
    (1) Genuine Joy
    (2) Genuine real blessing of God
    (3) Genuine Hope

To truly grasp the meaning of Sabbath you need to first realize that it is not a task. It isn't a burden placed on us but rather an opportunity to come closer to God. It's a day set apart to allow us to still our hearts so that we may reflect upon our worldly endeavors throughout the week. It gives a chance to spiritually renew ourselves and hopefully feed our souls with the Wword which it so desperately seeks. By breaking the Sabbath, not only are you robbing God, but you are ultimately robbing yourself. Why deny yourself an opportunity to get close to God?

--from Nakwon EM March 2nd 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Heavy metal = fire alarm?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Honor God : Part 1 (You are not your own)

Sexual Immorality is a topic that most people feel awkward talking about. We live in world where we are constantly bombarded by promiscuous images which has desensitized us from our own sexual deviance. We live in a world where we proudly proclaim that our body is ours to do with what we wish. Despite what we may think of our bodies, or how we may take it for granted, the Lord considers it an incredible masterpiece. 1 Cor 6:12-20 explains the dangers of sexual immorality and why we must flee from it.
  1. Command
    (a) Ownership - The moment you pronounce the Lord is savior, you belong to Him. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? (v15)
    (b) Union - The act of union between a man and a women is a a covenant with God to keep us from breaking away during our moments of weakness. By honoring your body you are honoring God, who in return will honor you.
  2. Commitment - How do we commit?
    (1)Commit with purity of body - Will you honor God with your body?
    (2)Commit with purity of the mind - Where does your mind wander? Do you expose yourself to stuff that can taint your mind?
    (3)Commit with purity of action - You can not walk with God while living ins sexual immorality.
  3. Consequences -If you wrap your life with the worldly sin, the Holy Spirit can not work the way He want to. You must break free and most importantly no one else can do this for you. For the Lord has given us freedom will. The Holy Spirit will never display His power in a vessel unfit for His presence.

You are more precious to the Lord than you'll ever imagine. To Lord your body is more precious than any treasure we can imagine. It is so precious that the Lord sacrafice his one and only son in order to save it. You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.(v20)

--from Nakwon EM February 24th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Don't open other people's gifts!!! -_-;

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Will We See Remarkable Things Today?

Message Text: Luke 5:26, Matthew 14:22-33

--from Nakwon EM February 17th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
Download this sermon (right click and save)

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Driver Learns Valuable Lesson About Traffic Signs

Parked on the side of the road, waiting to catch speeding drivers, a state trooper sees a car puttering along at 22 mph. Thinking the driver is as dangerous as a speeder, the state trooper turns on his lights and pulls the car over.

As he approaches the vehicle, the officer notices there are five elderly ladies inside—two in the front seat and three in the back—wide-eyed and white as ghosts.

The driver, obviously confused, says, "Officer, I don't understand. I was going the exact speed limit. What seems to be the problem?"

The trooper, trying to contain a chuckle, explained to her that 22 was the route number—not the speed limit.

A bit embarrassed, the woman grins and thanks the officer for pointing out her error.

"Before you go," the officer says, "I have to ask: Is everyone in this car okay? These women seem awfully shaken."

"Oh," she answered, "they'll be all right, sir. We just got off of Route 127."

This reminded me of something big Jane would try to pull off. =)

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

amen to that!

I know I haven't posted in this blog in a while, but I wanted to share this testimony I saw in the web:

I was preaching somewhere in a town of 5,000 people and this guy [who was a street preacher] . . . had earrings and everything and hair all moussed and all this stuff because man, he was working the street. . . . He’s the dude, he’s the man you know, Serpico for Jesus type thing . . . and he’s like you don’t understand, you’re in context, you know, you’re preaching . . . [And I said] look, I worked inner city Dallas, I lived with male prostitutes, alright? And I’ll tell you how I dressed: I wore a pair of blue jeans, tennis shoes, a shirt, and my hair was combed. ‘Cause I want to be honest with you, those guys down there selling their bodies and the other guy’s selling drugs, and the girls dying of AIDS, they could care less whether I looked like them or not. What they wanted was someone who loved them. So that whole idea of you gotta look like them to relevant–no, you gotta love them to be relevant.

- Paul Washer


I think that in our effort to be "culturally relevant" in reaching the lost, and to be "identified" with the "unchurched," we have somehow degenerated in our own conviction and hid our ugly compromising attitudes behind a facade of evangelistic zeal.

Was that too much of a mouthful?

To put it bluntly:

Quit using excuse of "relevance" to flaunt your unwillingness to live a life consecrated (which consequently means 'set apart') unto God.

Your "likeness" to the lost will not save them: only the pure, unadulterated, uncompromising Word of God will.

Something to think about, no?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hell, Blood & Heaven

Luke 16:19-31 chronicles a famous parable of the rich man and Lazarus. It tells the story of a rich man who ultimately ends up in hell due to his negligence of his fellow brother, Lazarus. Hell is a topic many are often shy away from. Furthermore, there are those who are reluctant to believe the very notion of Hell, despite believing in Heaven. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus illustrates 3 principles regarding Hell.

  1. Principle of Justice -v19-20 shows how during his time on earth, the rich man lived lavishly, while a fellow brother in need spent his respective days suffering at Lazarus' gate. The life you live now will determine how you will live your life thereafter.
  2. Principle of Finality - While you live on this earth, God will give you many chances to come to Him, but once you're time is up, there will no more chances to repent. Our life is not a right, it's a privilege. Therefore it can be take away any given moment. We life as if we are guaranteed tomorrow despite everything around us testify our fragile our existence is. Furthermore, the existence of Hell serves as a ultimate proof of God's respect for us. It is the ultimate demonstration of our gift of freedom of choose.
  3. Principle of Provisional Grace - In v27-30, Lazarus begs Abraham to sent Lazarus to his brothers to warn them about Hell, however "He said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.' “God has given us everything we need to obtain eternal life.

So then, what does the bible say about Heaven?

  1. Newness - Nothing on this earth remains new. In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon laments over and over that despite all the riches and pleasures he acquired, nothing remained new. Everything eventually faded away. Yet according the Revelation, John describes heaven as a sense of forever new. Everything will forever surprise you, forever leave you in awe.
  2. Beauty - Not just any kind of beauty, but the type of beauty that comes from purity.
  3. Light - In Rev 31:23 it talks about how we will forever bask in the glory of the Lords' light.

So what is the difference between Heaven and Hell? Blood. For ultimately it is your sin that drags you into Hell, but it will be His blood that will save you from it.

--from Nakwon EM February 10th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

"hey what you know! "newness" is actually a real word?!"

Monday, February 11, 2008

Retreat Pics and Video

Some of the pics are being shown on the right.
If you click on the pics, you should be able to see the originals and here's the link for all of the pics we took at the retreat.

As for the videos, it took me the whole day, but I finally uploaded them.
I just posted two of them below.
If you want to view or download all of them, just let me know.


Group BRWY

Sunday, January 27, 2008

We would like to see Jesus

Do you wish to see Jesus? Do you truly wish to see Him? How badly do you long to be in His presence? Do you seek Him as desperately as your lungs seek for air? John 12:20-26 tells the story of a several Greeks who came seeking Jesus. So how does one find Jesus?

  1. Desire for Jesus - Desire for Jesus doesn't come unless you're desperately yearning for Him. What is your request when you come into the presence of God? Do you find yourselves asking for specific prayers to be answered? Are you truly asking to be in His presence or do you seek Him as a gateway of getting what you want? The Lord looks for those who seek Him in earnest.
  2. Death like Jesus - In v23-24, Jesus draws a metaphor of how when the wheat dies, it gives birth to new seeds. Anyone who seeks God must realize that revelation only comes to those willing to die like Christ. Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice and bear the cross for our sins so that we don't have too. In return we are called to carry out own cross and die ourselves every day. So how does one die every day? We die by willing to sacrifice aspects of our lives which hinder our spiritual walk with God. Whether it is good or bad, when the time comes and the Holy Spirit asks you to give up something, will you be able to bear that cross? For Jesus died to give birth to many new seeds, not fruit. He wants us to become seeds ourselves so that we in turn will bear fruit.
  3. Devotion to Jesus - V25-25 states "Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me." Devotion to God centers around two principles.
    (a) Kingdom Principle - You cannot love both this world and the kingdom of God. A servant cannot serve two masters. If you become too entangled in this world, you will become too blinded to see the Lord.
    (b) Discipleship Principle - Our ultimate role is to serve. One of the biggest reasons for our failures in our spiritual walk is due to our failure to serve. If you do not give back what was blessed to you, it will ultimately rot and rust away. Furthermore, when given the opportunity, you will no longer be able to.

Purify your desires for the Lord, be willing to die like Jesus, and pledge your devotion by committing to life of servitude. Because we too would like to see Jesus.

--from Nakwon EM January 27th 2008 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Tropicana > Minute Maid. True Story...

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

How Grace Works

Luke 15:11-24 chronicles the parable of the lost son. This famous story serves as a beautiful analogy for describing how the Grace of God work in our lives. For we are all prodigal sons who did not deserve our Father's grace.
  1. Grace begins with a choice - God will never force His will onto you. He has given us the power to offend Him, and chooses to give us the opportunity to reject Him. Why is it so easy for us to fall away from God? Why is it we always think God is trying to "hold" something back from us?
  2. Grace brings despair - If you ever find yourself feeling the urge to get away, then you know you've fallen. The ironic thing is that ultimately is our sins that cage us in our own spiritual frustration
  3. Grace breaks all delusions
  4. Grace bestows abundantly - The Lord's grace is far more than we expect and deserve. In the parable, when the son finally returns the father bestows upon him four gifts. Each gifts symbolizes a different aspect of His Grace.
    (a) robe - protection & authority
    (b) ring - power, prestige
    (c) sandals - recognition
    (d) feast - absolute acceptance, forgiveness

--from Nakwon EM Janurary 6th 2008 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

help! I'm too fat to leave this room....

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A New Thing : Meaning of Redemption

The feeling of "new" helps us forget the old, it's an opportunity for a second chance. Isaiah 43:18-21 talks about the meaning of Godly redemption. this concept of redeeming or purchasing us back from our sins.
  1. Clean Slate - The concept of Godly forgetfulness. It's not that God has forgotten what the we've done in the past, but rather He has chosen to let us start over. What regrets do you bear? God's promise is that His view of you now will not be tainted by you past
  2. Clear Vision - This is a promise that HE will give a Godly anchored perspective. What may seem to you as a disaster now, God will use as a way of deliverance
  3. Confident Testimony - In the moment of you spiritual dryness the works God does in your life will server as a living testimony for non-believers. Will you allow God to empower you life?
  4. Committed Calling - The principle of God give purpose. Do you have a purpose? In order for God to work in your life, you must leave whatever is holding you back. Whether it is regrets, our comforts, or any other dependencies, they serve as a metaphoric cage preventing you for progressing forward.

--from Nakwon EM December 30th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim