Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Honor God : Part 2 (Lord of the Sabbath)

Isaiah 58:13-14 talks about the purpose and the importance of Sabbath. The purpose of Sabbath is a time of spiritual renewal. The Jews observe the Sabbath on a Saturday to signify the power of Lord's creation, where as Christians observe it on Sunday to signify the day Jesus resurrected (i.e. His redemptive powers).
  1. Command
    3 Common Myths regarding the Sabbath
    (1) "Sabbath is a my day of rest" - The Sabbath is the Lord's holy day. It is the only day day set apart to worship Him. It's so important that it's even listed in the 10 Commandments ( it's #4 in case u forgot =P). Sunday is NOT a holiday.
    (2) "I have to go to work, God will understand that I need to money." The Sabbath is a covenant we've made with the Lord and shouldn't be taken so lightly. Not only are breaking His covenant, but ultimately you are telling the Lord that you don't trust in Him to provide for you.
    (3) "I'm too tired, I need to rest" - Sunday is not a day of physical rest, it's a day of spiritual rest. The Sabbath is a day of denial much like fasting. You are fasting from your worldly pursuits.
  2. Commitment
    Assessment Questions
    (1) Priority - Is Sunday the most important day of the week for you?
    (2) Preparation - What do you do on Saturday?
    (3) Participation - Do you believe in the importance of a body of Church coming together to worship God or do you feel it's sufficient to do it from home in front of a TV?
    (4) Purposefulness - Do you come with the sole purpose of worshipping God?
  3. Consequences of Keeping the Sabbath Holy
    (1) Genuine Joy
    (2) Genuine real blessing of God
    (3) Genuine Hope

To truly grasp the meaning of Sabbath you need to first realize that it is not a task. It isn't a burden placed on us but rather an opportunity to come closer to God. It's a day set apart to allow us to still our hearts so that we may reflect upon our worldly endeavors throughout the week. It gives a chance to spiritually renew ourselves and hopefully feed our souls with the Wword which it so desperately seeks. By breaking the Sabbath, not only are you robbing God, but you are ultimately robbing yourself. Why deny yourself an opportunity to get close to God?

--from Nakwon EM March 2nd 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Heavy metal = fire alarm?


Anonymous said...

I KNEW that heavy metal thing was a BAD idea....


Anonymous said...

that wasn't bad idea but listening to it in the beginning was really bad for concentrating rest of the day. i was shaky all day.