Monday, May 12, 2008

Love of God

1 John is considered the greatest treaties on God's love. In 1 John 4:7-12, he talks about the importance of love in understanding God. If you fail to understand the love of God, then you've failed in understanding the Lord. Yet the truth is nothing in the human language can come close to expressing the love of God.

  1. Love Defined - Contemporary culture likes to talk about love. There are endless amount of songs which try to talk about it. However, what modern society fail to grasp is that love is not a two-way relationship. Granted love can blossom between two people, but true love must come from the Lord Himself. For a person can only love another, if they themselves have been loved, and what love is greater than the love of God?
  2. Love Demonstrated
    (1) God's love is sacrificial - One of the most common heard phrases is that we know God's love because He sent His one and only Son to die for us. While this may be true, many tend to miss the heart of the father. A father's love for their child is unmeasurable and this is no different for the Lord. People often fail to realize the heartbreaking pain He must have endured in having to give up His one and only son for a fallen race.
    (2) God's love is purposeful - God demonstrated His love so that we may live through Him. It showed us a type of love we never knew before. A type of love that He wants us to strife for.
    (3) God's love is unmerited - He knew we needed Jesus long before our creation. The Lord knew that we will become a fallen race and will eventually need the sacrifice of His son to save us. Long before our first breath, the Lord already made provisions to save us. For God's love is everlasting and not dependant on our performance.
  3. Love Displayed
    (1) Application of love - God's love is not a natural love, it is supernatural. He does not ask you to better yourself before you are qualified to receive it. All you have to do is accept it. The love of God has the power to turn us from sin. It is far greater and influential than the fear from His wrath.
    (2) Evidence of love - The love in your life must be other focused. Ultimately the Lord will judge you based on the fruits of your life. You can spend the rest of your days memorizing scripture, praying and fasting, but if you fail to help others, then you would have failed in grasping the love of God. Does God's love compel you to spend for others?
    (3) Completions and Change - Love of God has to change you. First your heart, then your appearance. We are called for others to see Jesus in us during this side of eternity.

The love of God is probably the most important and understated attribute of God. It is the single defining characteristics that can be used to explain all His other attributes. Why did he create us? Why did he save us? Why does he punish us? Why are we tested? How do we better ourselves? Everything can be defined by His love. For some, coming to grip with His surpassing love can be difficult. After all, what have possibly done in our lifetimes in order to deserve this? Yet for those who have accepted His love will find that they have gained a deeper understanding of God, a loving God.

--from Nakwon EM May 11th 2008 Sunday Worship Service

Song JDSN ability to love is directly proportional to EM's ability to annoy her.
<(^.^<) (>^.^)> (>^.^<) <( ^.^ )>


little jane said...

<(^.^<) (>^.^)> (>^.^<) <( ^.^ )>

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ray!


EM's has a progressively increasing ability to annoy me, so perhaps we need to find a better gauge for my love.


Just one clarification I want to add to your incredibly detailed notes:

"Why did he create us? Why did he save us? Why does he PUNISH us? Why are we tested?"

Just to be theologically accurate, God doesn't "punish" us. He DISCIPLINES us. Punishment is simply recompense for sin. But discipline is motivated by love and results in transformation.

Thank GOD He doesn't punish us as we deserve!

Great work, Ray!

You must have spent a LONG time for this.... I really appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooh! I really want to hear this sermon. Where can I get the sermon??

Hello guy~ How are you guys doing?


little jane said...

hiiii minkyunggggg :)