Sunday, August 19, 2007

We are called to Live for God

1 Peter 4:7-11 begins with "The end of all things are near." What an ominous phrase, but we've all heard it before. The idea that all things in this world are temporary is an idea that we, as Christians, have understood since day 1. However, what most people to fail to realize is that the end isn't a reference to some unknown point in the future, the end is now. We are living in end times. The point of this phrase isn't to scare us by prophesying some apocalyptic end, but rather it is to help us understand the present time. How often are we so caught up in our own busy life that we don't' have enough time to be sensitive to God. Maybe some of us are so caught up in our own ministries that we can not see beyond our church walls. How much time do you set aside a day to read the bible? Often times we get so trapped in our worldly lives, that we fail to truly live for God.

So then what can we do to correct this? In 1 Peter 4 v7, the first thing Peter tells us to is to clear our minds to pray. Will you be ready when you come face-to-face with your maker? If not how can you be ready? The answer is prayer. Prayer is everything! The second thing Peter mentions is love (v8). We are called to love one another and our enemies. The Lord gave up his one and only son to redeem us and showed us what it means to love. Can you show the same kind of love to your enemies? Finally, the last thing Peter mentions is to serve. We are called to by God to help further his kingdom. However, the greatest thing is that he provides us to strength to carry out his will. It is only through is great strength and grace that we are able to accomplish.

--from Nakwon EM August 19th 2007 Sunday Worship Service

Thank god for nerds


Anonymous said...

Thank God for nerds, indeed!


So in the last days...


Pretty much sums up everything we need to do to prepare ourselves for His return, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

amazing how he says to Pray before we can Love... and Love before we can Serve ... =D

little jane said...

mmm, that iS amazing :)

(ray! this is an AWESOME summary of last week's message)

you go bOYYYYY~~