Wednesday, August 09, 2006

missions - part 4


Wed., 10:48pm 8/20
…came from Outreach 30 minutes ago…
Very tired…car got stuck in sand dune…we were lost on our way out of the center [because] we had to take [an alternate] road—the village people had planted a tree in the middle of the road… nice…
…Less chaos with kids today since the educators (Mozambican men and women who helped out at the mission center with cooking, etc) until they decided they wanted to make the lantern (that the kids and I were making) Then I was on my own with hundreds of “Mana Song!” again… Physically very drained…

Thurs., 1:39am 8/21
These mosquitoes (or whatever it is) bites are so bad on me—I can’t ever sleep! I wake up to a sound of pest whizzing over me. I’m so tired—but can’t sleep. I think the bites are infected---it hurts and itches at the same time…How do I cope with this? I need to get all sugar out of my system—which takes how long? God! Help me!

Sat., 8:10am 8/23
Thank you, Lord, for shutting out the electricity… I should have done QT first—not laundry (my own)… Forgive me, Father—I’m glad you shut out the electricity—now I [have to] do the QT. Lord, help me to get my priorities straight…

Huh—raining now—so much for my laundry (hanging outside to dry). Yes, Lord, I hear you.

Sun., 8:36pm 8/24
I’m a fool…
…holding little Davidine (pronounced Da-vi-di-nyo, Valentine’s younger brother) in my arms during [Sunday worship] service…his beautiful little atms and hands bitten mercilessly by mosquitoes and as Elisabeth said, quite possibly by ants, centipedes and other biting insects—He was scratching it…Then I saw my arms—the bites were healing so it doesn’t itch, just dark blotches here and there…But what a fool I am—so…selfish. Here I am complaining, whining…about some mosquito bites while a two and a half year old boy sits tortured with bites literally all over his body…
As a matter of fact, all kids—now that I think about it—has bites all over their bodies—in their faces, arms, legs, bellies, etc…Poor children—they sleep on the dirty with mattresses—so they are victim to all kids of crawling creatures—sometimes even scorpions. I’ve already seen huge spiders, large millipedes, enormous grasshoppers—ugh! Disgusting!
The sleeping conditions in these tents are not too great (which is an understatement). They have bunk beds—but 3 sleep in 2 beds—one literally sleeps under the bottom bed….hilarious story: Alfeo—about 13 or 14 years old—had to sleep under—with no mat! So he complained (and reasonably so) that he had to sleep on the dirt with insects crawling all over him, and even worse, the boy who sleeps above him on the lower bunk—they had no mattress (just iron-wrought frame)—peed on him!—on his face! He said he’d rather go back to the streets…understandable…

Tues., 6:15pm 8/26
Feliciano ran away with 200,000 meticais (Mozambican currency: US$1 = 11,000 meticais, pronounced me-ti-ca-ish)—which is a large amount of money by Mozambican standard—it could mount to someone’s monthly salary—all the more so, it was bread money for Philip (A Mozambican aid at the mission center)…Philips’ real angry…

Tues., 7:45pm 9/2
I have one more day left at the center—feels too weird—saying goodbye…But the two months were perfect, Lord—You times it perfectly…

Thurs., 5:47am 9/4
Last journal [entry] in Mozambique…
Thank you, Father. I haven’t the words to express my thanksgiving!

The End...

No, the beginning of a small step closer to the heart of God...

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