Monday, August 21, 2006

fully devoted follower of God

The second portion of Nakwon EM's mission statement is to "nurture fully devoted follower of God through Christ-centered teaching, fellowhsip and accountability."

So how does one become a fully devoted follower of God?

Today, we are bombarded on all fronts by our culture's godless ideology based primarily on self-actualization and personal fulfillment. We are told to "envision" our success and consummation of our hopes and dreams, and to go for it at all cost.

A nominal Christian has no hope of surviving under such bombardment.

But Christ calls us to be fully devoted followers in our generation in these last days when so many will be led astray by false gospel and teachings as Paul warned Timothy, a young pastor in the first century.

This is impossible without Christ-centered teaching, Christ-centered fellowship and Christ-centered accountabiltiy.


The living and active word of God that discerns the very thoughts and intents of the heart is also likened to a mirror which shows us our faults and flaws.

The Word of God must teach, rebuke, correct and train in righteousness. In other words, it must transform its hearers.


Fellowship in the New Testament had little to do with "fun times" as we understand fellowship today. Sadly we have watered this essential part of our Christian walk down to no more than an excuse for social gathering to "bond" with one another.

Apostle John tells us that fellowship with one another is impossible without fellowship with God. Our shared times or activities (Greek for fellowship is koinonia which simply means "common" or "shared") has no meaning unless we each have a relationship with the Father.


True fellowship demands accountability.

How does a professed believer "suddenly" fall away, shocking his or her fellow believers or the entire congregation. How does one who appears to be a "faithful" believer backslide?


No one can grow to be a mature Christian on his or her own. It is impossible, because God had not designed us for solitary faith.

It is within the body of Christ that we grow and mature. Any believers who is confident he or she could survive on his own is headed for disaster.

Remember the story of the young couple who were driven out of their lovely new home by the previous owner, an old man who claimed ownership of a small nail on the door to their closet? What seemed superfluous cost them their dream and livelihood.

That is what sin does to us.

All it takes is that small foothold, that small nail on the door to our heart we give claim to the devil. And we will discover it is too late to rescind the haste and carelessness that would ultimately cost us our very souls.

Be alert. Be awake. There is a spiritual warfare taking place every moment of every day. A war rages on for your soul.

Through Christ-centered teaching, fellowship and accountability, may Jesus find us faithful and mature, fully-devoted followers of God who will not be ashamed to stand before God on that Day!

-From August 20th Sunday 2:30 PM EM Service

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