We began with understanding and assessing your "Spiritual GPS" - to "locate" where you are spiritually.
Based upon 2 Chr 16:9a" For the eyes of the LORD range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him," we looked into the life & ministry of Nehemiah to find principles behind how to develop a Holy Ambition, to live a life that counts toward eternity.
1. A Dislocated Heart
Holy Ambition begins with a Dislocated Heart. God never does something great through us, until He does something significant in us.
2. A Broken Spirit.
A Broken Spirit begins with a High View of God. A Dislocated Heart is overwhelmed by a problem or a need. A Broken Spirit is overwhelmed by God.What comes to our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us... The most portentous fact about anyone is not what he is doing at a given time, what he may say or do, but what in his deep heart conceives God to be. - A.W. Tozer, Knowledge of the HolyA Broken Spirit leads to an Accurate View of ourselves, which leads to Renewed Commitment.
3. A Radical Faith.
Faith is not an emotional response. Faith it simply believing what God said and acting on the basis of what He said, because of His character and because He gave you a specific promise. The key to having great faith is having a big God; if you have a big God, life's obstacles look small. Radical Faith is choosing to step out to fulfill God's clearly-defined Will at possible great personal risk and sacrifice. Radical Faith is not a faith you just have; it's a faith you practice.
4. A Strategic Plan.
A Strategic Plan begins with a Vision: a God-given burden to see what a person, a place, or a situation could become if the grace of God and the power of God were unleashed on them. A vision is a picture of the preferred future, and is birthed in Silence, Secrecy and Solitude.
5. A Personal Commitment.
A Commitment is a pledge or a promise. It is dedication to a stated course of action, relationship, project, or cost, and is sustained by Mutual Accountability.
A Personal Commitment is made and maintained by:- Principle of Cooperation:We will never get beyond how we're getting along.- Principle of Coordination:The combined effort of the Group is far greater than the Sum of its parts.- Principle of Motivation:The value of the project to the worker will determine the value of the worker to the project.
6. A Courageous Soul.
It is a noble act to step out and long to accomplish a great work for God. It is a foolish attitude to think that just because you do, things are going to be smooth, great, and wonderful in your life.
Four Causes of Discouragement:- Loss of StrengthWrong and Worst response to Discouragements: Distractions.
- Loss of Vision
- Loss of Confidence
- Loss of Security
Four Key Ways to Overcome Discouragement:- Be Proactive: watch out for "Gray Zones"
- Remember the Lord: remember the faithfulness of God
- Fight, fight, fight!: difficulties reveal the depth of our faith
- Never fight alone
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