A Troubled Worshiper is plagued by 3 things:
Finitude of Dogma (vv.1-3)
We need to realize FINITUDE of ANY truth we encounter – NOT because God is finite, but because our understanding of God is finite. Asaph's Problem was that his “personal dogma” about God did NOT match up with what he saw with his eyes.
Frustration of Doubt (vv.4-12)
Asaph sees all around him CONTRADICTIONS of God’s justice & ways because he is seeing with HIS EYES – observing from worldly perspective. (e.g. Old Man & his White Horse)
Futility of Discipline (vv.13-16)
Question: what does the injustice Asaph is seeing have anything to with his pursuit of godliness? His confession of how his pursuit of godliness was in vain revealed his "Silent Rebellion" against God.
A True Worshiper is NOT one who has never had troubles & trials of the heart; but one who encounters God through his trials.
Revelation through Encounter(vv.17-20)
“When I entered the sanctuary of God…” Asaph is referring not to just a specific building, but the very presence of God - a place where God dwells (Ex 25:8). NOTHING changed by Asaph’s revelation EXCEPT Asaph himself.
Repentance (vv.21-23)
Revelation of God always leads us to REPENTANCE.
Restoration of trust & confidence in God: Restoration always leads to Revelation for OTHERS – “I will tell of all your deeds” (v.28)
~ from March 1, 2009 Nakwon EM Sunday Worship Sermon
*No audio is available for this message.
1 comment:
yeah, i didn't change the battery for the recording. we're in a recession, you know. =P
but not to be alarmed, we will have new batteries so we can record next week's message. =)
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