Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Power of Resurrection

Contemporary society lives as if there is no heaven or hell. However, our unbelief does not negate the truth, and the truth is that no matter how hard we try, all our valiant attempts are made futile in the face of death. Rich or poor, big or small, in the end we are succumb to death. It is the one thing man has will never conquer, or is it? One of the defining characteristics of Christianity is that a man can die and come back to life. No other religion in the world boasts the power of resurrection. In 1 Corinthians 15:12-24 Paul talks about the importance Christ's resurrection and why it is absolutely vital to our faith.
  1. Purpose in Resurrection - Not only is it central to our faith, but it is the very focus of it. The ultimate purpose of resurrection is it's overcoming power. For the wages of sin is death, but Christ died so that He may take away our sins. The cross not only shows us our value, but it shows us the worth of our sin. So in death Jesus defeated the burden of sin, but in His resurrection He gave us the power to over come it. Death no longer has victory over you.
  2. Participation in Resurrection - We are all born in sin, for through Adam's sin we all die, but through Christ we are made alive again. It is a purifying power that gives us the power to live a life besides the Lord. Jesus wants to be the master of our hearts, but too often we we invite Him in only to shun Him away like an unwanted guest. So how do we turn our hearts toward Christ? The first step is faith. Align your entire life to Christ. Dead to sin, alive to Christ. Second, is obedience. Follow what God says. Do not let the source of sin deter you from following the Lord. Furthermore, do not give Him partial obedience for partial obedience is no different that complete disobedience. Ultimately it all boils down to our willingness to take an active step away from sin.
  3. Promise in Resurrection - We never need to fear that the power of resurrection will suddenly run out and whether it happens in our lifetime our the next, there is a transforming power that is promised His second coming. For we can never enter the gates of heaven based on our works alone, the only way is with Christ.

Thanks be to God, who gives us victory through Jesus Christ.

--from Nakwon EM March 23rd 2008 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Paul Washer Clips

Here you go guys...

Matthew 7

Short Shocker

Examine Yourself

Shocking Message(full length)

You can find other sermons and clips of Paul Washer by just googling him but he does have main site where you can listen to his messages: http://www.heartcrymissionary.com/

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Hello fellow EM'ers and all who visit our blogspot.
I just wanted to apologize for the delay of uploading last Sunday's sermon, Triumph of Jesus.
I know, I know, you were crying and wondering what happened.
You can continue to read on if you would like to know.
To simply say it, my comp went crazy and I couldn't access my files for a while.
Of course then I went crazy because I didn't back up any of my files, especially all the stuff for EM.
So the lesson of the day is to ALWAYS backup your files!!!
Anyways, I went through a lot to just get my files so I hope this glitch won't be a problem in the future because I'm looking to buy a new comp.
If you know any deals or better yet, if you would like to donate into the tobi fund, let me know. =)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Honor God : Part 3 (Are you Robbing God?)

Malachi 3:6-12 talks about the importance of tithing and the consequences. How we handle money reveals our depth of commitment to God. Did you know that Jesus talked more about money than He did about Heaven and Hell combined? Whether we believe it our not, our material possessions impacts our spiritual walk with God. Tithing is a topic a lot of people tend to shy away from, but no matter how you feel about it, it is an intergal part of Christian life.
  1. Command
    (a) Claim of God - In Deut 12:22-23, the Lord makes His declaration regarding tithes.
    (b) Criticism from God - Sometimes we like to justify ourselves by giving partial tithe. However partial tithe is like giving partial devotion, which is unacceptable to Him. Giving the Lord partial devotion is no better than giving Him none at all.
    (c) Call of God - This the only time where the God permits us to test Him. "Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it". (v10). The Lord is more anxious to pour blessings in to our lives than we are to receive it.
  2. Commitment - Tithing is an assessment of our spiritual walk with God.
    (a) Test of Acknowledgement - Do you believe it's God who gave you the ability to earn what you have today? Do you acknowledge it is through His strength you are able gain what you have?
    (b) Test of Trust - Tithing is all about stewardship. Will you trust God during your financial hardships?
    (c) Test of Surrender - Does it cost you to give tithe? By tithing you are surrendering to the Lord and saying you will trust in Him to provide for you.
  3. Consequences - Blessings and curses. Just as the Lord proclaim curses for those who rob Him of His tithes, He conversely mentions an overwhelming abundance of blessing for those who obey it. Even though material wealth may be part of His blessing, the true blessing He speaks of is the gift of spiritual blessing.

Disobeying God is ultimately robbing the Lord. Tithe is something God set up to help support the ministry and aid the poor. It provides a way to help further the kingdom of Christ. Will you help strengthen His kingdom will you try to rob Him?

--from Nakwon EM March 9th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

No sleep and no food makes Ray go something.. something...... Go crazy? Hmm..don't mind if i do!! pwahahahahahaahhahahahaha

Honor God : Part 2 (Lord of the Sabbath)

Isaiah 58:13-14 talks about the purpose and the importance of Sabbath. The purpose of Sabbath is a time of spiritual renewal. The Jews observe the Sabbath on a Saturday to signify the power of Lord's creation, where as Christians observe it on Sunday to signify the day Jesus resurrected (i.e. His redemptive powers).
  1. Command
    3 Common Myths regarding the Sabbath
    (1) "Sabbath is a my day of rest" - The Sabbath is the Lord's holy day. It is the only day day set apart to worship Him. It's so important that it's even listed in the 10 Commandments ( it's #4 in case u forgot =P). Sunday is NOT a holiday.
    (2) "I have to go to work, God will understand that I need to money." The Sabbath is a covenant we've made with the Lord and shouldn't be taken so lightly. Not only are breaking His covenant, but ultimately you are telling the Lord that you don't trust in Him to provide for you.
    (3) "I'm too tired, I need to rest" - Sunday is not a day of physical rest, it's a day of spiritual rest. The Sabbath is a day of denial much like fasting. You are fasting from your worldly pursuits.
  2. Commitment
    Assessment Questions
    (1) Priority - Is Sunday the most important day of the week for you?
    (2) Preparation - What do you do on Saturday?
    (3) Participation - Do you believe in the importance of a body of Church coming together to worship God or do you feel it's sufficient to do it from home in front of a TV?
    (4) Purposefulness - Do you come with the sole purpose of worshipping God?
  3. Consequences of Keeping the Sabbath Holy
    (1) Genuine Joy
    (2) Genuine real blessing of God
    (3) Genuine Hope

To truly grasp the meaning of Sabbath you need to first realize that it is not a task. It isn't a burden placed on us but rather an opportunity to come closer to God. It's a day set apart to allow us to still our hearts so that we may reflect upon our worldly endeavors throughout the week. It gives a chance to spiritually renew ourselves and hopefully feed our souls with the Wword which it so desperately seeks. By breaking the Sabbath, not only are you robbing God, but you are ultimately robbing yourself. Why deny yourself an opportunity to get close to God?

--from Nakwon EM March 2nd 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Heavy metal = fire alarm?

Monday, March 10, 2008

Honor God : Part 1 (You are not your own)

Sexual Immorality is a topic that most people feel awkward talking about. We live in world where we are constantly bombarded by promiscuous images which has desensitized us from our own sexual deviance. We live in a world where we proudly proclaim that our body is ours to do with what we wish. Despite what we may think of our bodies, or how we may take it for granted, the Lord considers it an incredible masterpiece. 1 Cor 6:12-20 explains the dangers of sexual immorality and why we must flee from it.
  1. Command
    (a) Ownership - The moment you pronounce the Lord is savior, you belong to Him. Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? (v15)
    (b) Union - The act of union between a man and a women is a a covenant with God to keep us from breaking away during our moments of weakness. By honoring your body you are honoring God, who in return will honor you.
  2. Commitment - How do we commit?
    (1)Commit with purity of body - Will you honor God with your body?
    (2)Commit with purity of the mind - Where does your mind wander? Do you expose yourself to stuff that can taint your mind?
    (3)Commit with purity of action - You can not walk with God while living ins sexual immorality.
  3. Consequences -If you wrap your life with the worldly sin, the Holy Spirit can not work the way He want to. You must break free and most importantly no one else can do this for you. For the Lord has given us freedom will. The Holy Spirit will never display His power in a vessel unfit for His presence.

You are more precious to the Lord than you'll ever imagine. To Lord your body is more precious than any treasure we can imagine. It is so precious that the Lord sacrafice his one and only son in order to save it. You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.(v20)

--from Nakwon EM February 24th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Don't open other people's gifts!!! -_-;