- Faith that Risk Clings - In v14, it states Ruth literally clung to her mother. Despite all the discouragement she received from here sisters and mother, Ruth adamantly decides to stay with her mother. Even in v13 when Naomi declares "the LORD's hand has gone out against me!" Ruth was not shaken. Ruth's faith was not dependent on her mother's faith. Ruth, who was a foreigner that learned about God through her mother-in-law, did not falter when even her own teacher denounced God.
- Faith that Risk Chooses - Faith is a choice, a conviction, but not an emotion. Faith in a choice that must be demonstrated by two things. Action for God and surrender to God. Furthermore, the moment of choice must happen now and if you do not answer God's call, then He will eventually move on and find someone else to carry out his work.
- Faith that Risk is Committed - In v17 Ruth pledges to stay by her mother side until the very end. Faith is about commitment. Do you demonstrate partial commitment in your spiritual walk? Do you find yourself always appending a condition to your prayers? Are there certain things you are afraid to give up for God? If so then you are worrying that God is ultimately going to fail you.
Unless there is an element of risk in our spiritual walk, there is no need for faith. Furthermore, the fruits of our faith might not even blossom in our lifetime. In the end Ruth marries Boaz and live happily ever after. However, she never found out that through her children she gave birth to the genealogy of King David who genealogy can be traced all the way up to our Lord Jesus? And it all started with the steadfast faith from a woman name Ruth.
--from Nakwon EM December 16th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim
P.S. you can keep the picture =P
what picture?
i want to see it!
(by the way, i'm going to name my daughter, Ruth, so i can call her Ruthie)
(ok... not really~ but who knows!!)
Faith risks, clings, chooses, and is committed! AMEN to that!
man i hope your kids don't play with mine b/c they will make fun of your ruth. =P
good summmary as always ray.
this time i actually read it and didn't jump all the way down to the last part.
I missed this sermon.
but I understood that.
Now my name is Ruth!
- MInkyung-
I missed this sermon.
but I understood that.
Now my name is Ruth!
- MInkyung-
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