Monday, October 01, 2007

confession of faith

Faith is God-initiated, God-empowered and God-centered.

Faith remains a poetic concept, a beautiful idea until I am found struggling amidst a violent storm that threatens my peace.

Faith is strengthened only during the storm. It is then that faith is either purified or proven a lie, a shallow idealism quick to crumble into shattered despair around me.

Faith has nothing to do with emotions; it is all in the will—a willful, stubborn choice to trust God even though all hell screams into my fragile mind: “Impossible!”

Nonchalance, a mimic of trust, and carefree heartless attitude toward circumstances that do not directly concern me often masquerade as faith and can often be mistaken for faith. It may fool everyone except God. I say: “Oh, God will help him. He’s faithful. No worries!” When truthfully, that simple and seemingly faith-based declaration has provided no more than an excuse for neglect and laziness, unwilling to commit to uphold a struggling brother or brother in a storm.

Faith counters doubt, unbelief and crippling fear that pushes God outside my line of spiritual vision.

Faith rekindles a dying spark of trust, renews fledgling hope, and refreshes thirsty soul so parched that it has forgotten the memory of sweetness of satisfaction in Christ.

Faith allows me to feel that warm embrace which will be made real on that Day when I stand before my Savior and King.


little jane said...


thanks JDSN :)

Unknown said...

i'm going to print this out and carry it with me. hope you don't mind jdsn. <33

Anonymous said...

not at all!
