Temptation looks so good and feels so right when it comes...
There are certain things I just couldn't let go for a long time. Maybe still am?! And I knew it has to be changed and got to do something about it because afterwards as a result i was dead...I mean dead dead. And i didn't like it and hate it so much. I didn't know what to do about it anymore and whom to ask because I've tried so many "my" ways to fix it. There was just Satan over me and my soul.
"Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."---Well, my sin was giving birth to a double, triple death as I've felt...
Ever since I've decided to give my life to God ( after came to EM), everything has been changed!
I think everyone knows how it feels like when the Holy Spirit guides us and God shows to us His Grace , Mercy and Love that nobody can't.
Every time I'd sin or when there is a temptation, Holy Spirit starts telling me that I shouldn't have done that or reminds me I belong to God not Satan. But at the same time, in my mind like - "I've been a "good person" for so long and if i do that "a little bit", there will be no harm because I know how to control myself more than ever. Hey, you know what, I've been changed...! "
Once I started, then I was no longer under control and even it became worse. I couldn't get up and stand up in front of God. But there was no judgement of God, just "Love" after love pour out through EM and that's what make me understand He has already won the war for me.
One thing i'm so sure is that no matter how many times i'll fail God's love for me will never change.
This time I stood up once again but stronger than ever!
Thanks for sharing that with us, destiny!
I'm sure many of us feel exactly the same way!
God is faithful!
praise the LORD! :)
you go girl~
stay strong <3
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