Is Ray bending down?
"My Savior loves me. He died to save me..."
Corny Games
Yum...ramen at 12AM
Group Picture
I have only posted 5 out of 122 pictures we took.
If you want to see all of the pics, click here.
If you want me to send you a zipped folder of all of these pictures, I will do it only if you email me at and I will need a response by Wednesday (6/13) 8 PM.
This is so I will not have to keep on resending it via email to every person who asks (the attachment will about 7 MB) and I can just cc everyone when I send it all at once.
nice job tobi!!
thanks for resizing all these pics :)
Thanks, Tobi!
You rock Tobi.... After I saved all the pics, I saw your msg saying how you would e-mail it to us. darn it... but still time well spent.
wow...i think we need to add more pictures to this blog site. it's like the only way we can get you guys to visit this site.
my neck is really really really red. wow, i never realized it. oh wait, this thing is on anonymous...
umm, nice pics tobi!
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