Sunday, May 20, 2007

true inner peace

True Inner Peace comes only from God.
True Inner Peace comes during the storm.
True Inner Peace comes by seeking God actively.

Remember the Shunammite woman who went to Elisha the prophet all the while confessing "Peace."

Remember the story about the perfect picture of peace.

True inner peace that is so elusive to this world comes from the Giver of peace that surpasses all understanding.

--from Nakwon EM May 20th Sunday Worship Service


Anonymous said...

I wish I could be there to hear all the messages!

little jane said...


hiiiii!!! i didn't know you knew this site! hahahaa

Destiny said...


you should come!!!

God is always waiting for you David...

How lovely is Your dwelling place
Oh, Lord Almighty
For my soul longs and even faints for You
For here my heart is satisfied
Within Your presence
I sing beneath the shadow of Your wings

Better is one day in Your courts
Better is one day in Your house
Better is one day in Your courts
Than thousands elsewhere

One thing I ask and I would seek
To see Your beauty
To find You in the place Your glory dwells

My heart and flesh cry out
For You, the living God
Your Spirit's water to my soul
I've tasted and I've seen
Come once again to me
I will draw near to You
I will draw near to You