How do you fight and defeat a Giant?
We all face "giants" like young David did. The giants in our lives come in two forms: the visible & the invisible. The first is not difficult to detect. It is apparent. That giant of a financial problem, that person (be it a family member or friend) who is a burden or concern or is at enmity with my peace of mind, that annoying boss who has the compassion of a mad dictator.
The latter is not so obvious: it is the enemy within. It is the Goliath that comes in the form much like that of David's oldest brother Eliab and King Saul, one outright attacked the newly anointed young boy for shallow recklessness, and the other used factual reasons to discourage him.
But neither took into account the God of Israel on whom young David based his confidence for victory.
Ultimately, the battle was won before David ever faced the Giant in the valley.
Three important aspects of David's character prepared him to defeat his giant, the giant of his people, the giant who defied God:
1. Faithfulness - David never slacked in his duty as a shephered - the lowliest, the most tedious and painstaking job for any young man in Israel. It was his faithfulness to his work that prepared him for the battle to come.
2. Perspective - only David (who at the time was too young to join the army of Israel) understood the real issue at hand during this war with the Philistines. Goliath's insult of the armies of the living God was essentially insult of the Living God Himself. (1 Sam 17:26, 36, 47).
3. Trust - David's confidence in God's deliverance is demonstrated by his repetitious use of the word "will" when he addresses King Saul and Goliath.
How do you stand against your Goliath?
Do you cower before it like the entire army of Israel did, seeing only with the eye, never with the heart of faith in God to whom all battles belong?
Or do you make a stand with a full assurance of faith that He who promised is faithful?
mMmmm... sometimes (a lot of times)...(actually practically all the time), i wish i could be in sunday service! argg. But, i'm so glad you put the overview in the blog. It helps me a lot!
Glad to hear it, Jane!
Hopefully you can join us SOON!!!!!
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