Apostle John in his later years...
...forced into exile on Isle of Patmos, a Roman Penal Colony
...torn away from his flock
...long since having lost all of his brothers in the faith, the original disciples of Jesus
...was "in the Spirit" on the "Lord's Day." (Rev 1:9-10)
And it was during such lonely yet faith-sustained hour that he received one of the greatest revelation of Jesus Christ any one could have.
He saw Jesus.
John saw the kingly High Priest who intercedes on our behalf; he beheld the Perfect and Pure One whose eyes lwere ike blazing fire that pierces into the deepest recesses of the heart and yet never condemns; he encountered his Source of Strength and Protection--feet llike bronze a powerful combination of strength of iron and endurance of copper, his righteous right hand holding up the seven stars, the messengers, servants of the church; John heard the all-consuming, ever contant Voice of Love that swallows up every other distracting noise that surrounds us, yet speaks to us the piercing yet freeing Truth, the double-edge sword protruding from his mouth; and finally, he was blinded by the brilliance of the face that shone like the sun at high noon - the Light that shines at our darkest hour.
What do you "see" when you think of Jesus?
When all around you seem to shatter and fall apart, remember another vision John saw amidst terrifying and awe-inspiring events that would lead up to the end of days:
I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one "like a son of man" with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. (Rev 14:14)
Jesus is in control, no matter what, with a crown of authority and kingship, his hand ready with the instrument of harvest - ready to fulfill the perfect will of His Father.
-From August 6th Sunday 2:30 PM EM Service
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