Thursday, August 31, 2006

revival review

This is a summary of the mesage by Bishop Oh on Sunday 2:30pm service during the revival:

Taking Paul's confession in Philippians 1:21 ("For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain") Bishop Oh spoke of Four Pillars of Christian Life:

1. Prayer-Driven
Prayer life that is Daily, Systematic (e.g., keeping a journal of prayer requests) & Seasonal (i.e., setting a time; 10-days, 21-days, 40-days, etc)

2. Spirit-Led

3. Word-Based
4 "must-read" books of the Bible: Genesis, Romans, John, & Revelations

4. Mission-Focused
Be focused on others; not just on self.

new service times!!!

English Ministry Sunday worship service time has been CHANGED from 2:30pm to 10:00am.

Saturday Bible Study time remains the same.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Check out our Fri to Sun Revival Speaker, Bishop Oh's personal website (Link on the sidebar under "Soul Food.")

Also, take a look at the website for Oikos Mission International, a church-planting ministry which Bishop Oh founded.

Monday, August 21, 2006

important announcements

Important Reminder:

Due to the Revival with Pastor Oh on Aug. 25th to 27th, there will be no Saturday Bible Study on Aug 26, or Worship Service on Sun, Aug 27.

Also, our Sunday worship time has changed:

Beginning September 3, our worship will be held at 10:00am (instead of 2:30pm).

Saturday Bible Study time will remain the same.

Please come join us!!!

fully devoted follower of God

The second portion of Nakwon EM's mission statement is to "nurture fully devoted follower of God through Christ-centered teaching, fellowhsip and accountability."

So how does one become a fully devoted follower of God?

Today, we are bombarded on all fronts by our culture's godless ideology based primarily on self-actualization and personal fulfillment. We are told to "envision" our success and consummation of our hopes and dreams, and to go for it at all cost.

A nominal Christian has no hope of surviving under such bombardment.

But Christ calls us to be fully devoted followers in our generation in these last days when so many will be led astray by false gospel and teachings as Paul warned Timothy, a young pastor in the first century.

This is impossible without Christ-centered teaching, Christ-centered fellowship and Christ-centered accountabiltiy.


The living and active word of God that discerns the very thoughts and intents of the heart is also likened to a mirror which shows us our faults and flaws.

The Word of God must teach, rebuke, correct and train in righteousness. In other words, it must transform its hearers.


Fellowship in the New Testament had little to do with "fun times" as we understand fellowship today. Sadly we have watered this essential part of our Christian walk down to no more than an excuse for social gathering to "bond" with one another.

Apostle John tells us that fellowship with one another is impossible without fellowship with God. Our shared times or activities (Greek for fellowship is koinonia which simply means "common" or "shared") has no meaning unless we each have a relationship with the Father.


True fellowship demands accountability.

How does a professed believer "suddenly" fall away, shocking his or her fellow believers or the entire congregation. How does one who appears to be a "faithful" believer backslide?


No one can grow to be a mature Christian on his or her own. It is impossible, because God had not designed us for solitary faith.

It is within the body of Christ that we grow and mature. Any believers who is confident he or she could survive on his own is headed for disaster.

Remember the story of the young couple who were driven out of their lovely new home by the previous owner, an old man who claimed ownership of a small nail on the door to their closet? What seemed superfluous cost them their dream and livelihood.

That is what sin does to us.

All it takes is that small foothold, that small nail on the door to our heart we give claim to the devil. And we will discover it is too late to rescind the haste and carelessness that would ultimately cost us our very souls.

Be alert. Be awake. There is a spiritual warfare taking place every moment of every day. A war rages on for your soul.

Through Christ-centered teaching, fellowship and accountability, may Jesus find us faithful and mature, fully-devoted followers of God who will not be ashamed to stand before God on that Day!

-From August 20th Sunday 2:30 PM EM Service

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I saw this illustration a while ago, and it is funny yet sad in a whacky sort of way.

For those who still don't understand what is so funny about this, go read the Bible.

A candidate for church membership was asked, "What part of the Bible do you like best?" He said: "I like the New Testament best. Then he was asked, "What Book in the New Testament is your favorite?" He answered, the Book of the Parables, Sir." They then asked him to relate one of the parables to the membership committee. And a bit uncertain, he began...

"Once upon a time a man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves; and the thorns grew up and choked the man. And he went on and met the Queen of Sheba, and she gave that man, Sir, a thousand talents of silver, and a hundred changes of raiment. And he got in his chariot and drove furiously, and as he was driving along under a big tree, his hair got caught in a limb and left him hanging here! And he hung there many days and many nights. The ravens brought him food to eat and water to drink. And one night while he was hanging there asleep, his wife Delilah came along and cut off his hair, and he fell on stoney ground. And it begin to rain, and rained forty days and forty nights. And he hid himself in a cave. Later he went on and met a man who said, "Come in and take supper with me." But he said, "I can't come in, for I have married a wife." And the man went out into the highways and hedges and compelled him to come in! He then came to Jerusalem, and saw Queen Jezebel sitting high and lifted up in a window of the wall. When she saw him she laughed, and he said, "Throw her down out of there," and they threw her down. And he said "Throw her down again," and they threw her down seventy-times-seven. And the fragments which they picked up filled twelve baskets full! NOW, whose wife will she be in the day of the Judgment?" The membership committee agreed that this was indeed a knowledgeable candidate!

Here's the quiz: Which (and how many altogether)Bible story references did this "knowledgeable" candidate use in his disastrously juxtaposed "parable"?

I will be very impressed if anyone can find the scriptural references for them also.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006


What kind of man was Saul? Who was this one who made himself David's enemy? Anointed of God. Deliverer of Israel . And yet remembered mostly for his madness.

Forget the bad press. Forget the stinging reviews. Forget his reputation. Look at the facts. Saul was one of the greatest figures of human history. He was a farm boy, a country kid who made good. He was tall, good-looking, and well-liked.

He was baptized into the Spirit of God.

He also came from a good family. In his lineage were some of the greatest historical figures of all humanity. Abraham, Jacob, Moses – these were his ancestors.

Do you remember the background? Abraham had founded a nation. Moses had set that nation free from slavery. Joshua gave those people a toehold in the land that God had promised them. The judges kept the whole thing from disintegrating into total chaos. That's when Saul came along. It was Saul who took these people and welded them into a united kingdom.

Saul united a people and founded a kingdom. Few men have ever done that. He created an army out of thin air. He won battles in the power of God, defeated the enemy again and again, as few men have ever done. Remember that, and remember that his man was immersed in the Spirit. Furthermore, he was a prophet. The Spirit came on him in power and authority. He did and said unprecedented things, and it was all by the power of the Spirit resting on him.

He was everything people today are seeking to be … empowered with the Holy Spirit… able to do the impossible… for God. A leader, chosen by God with power from God.

Saul was given authority that is God's alone. He was God's anointed, and God treated him that way.

He was also eaten with jealousy, filled with self-importance, and willing to live in spiritual darkness.

Is there a moral in these contradictions? Yes, and it will splinter a lot of your concepts about power, about great men and women under God's anointing, and about God himself.

Many pray for the power of God. More every year. Those prayers sound powerful, sincere, godly, and without ulterior motive. Hidden under such prayer and fervor, however, are ambition, a craving for fame, the desire to be considered a spiritual giant. The person who prays such a prayer may not even know it, but dark motives and desires are in his heart … in your heart.

Even as people pray these prayers, they are hollow inside. There is little internal spiritual growth. Prayer for power is the quick and the short way, circumnavigating internal growth.

There is a vast difference between the outward clothing of the Spirit's power and the inward filling of the Spirit's life. In the first, despite the power, the hidden man of the heart may remain unchanged. In the latter, that monster is dealth with.

Interesting about God. He hears all those requests for power, which fervent young men and women pray (in every generation), and he answers them! Very often he grants these requests for power, for authority. Sometimes, in answering them, he says yes to some very unworthy vessels.

He gives unworthy people his power? Even though they are a pile of dead men's bones inside?

Why does God do such a thing? The answer is both simple and shocking. He sometimes gives unworthy vessels a greater portion of power so that others will eventually see the true state of internal nakedness within that individual.

So think again when you hear the power merchant. Remember, God sometimes gives power to people for unseen reasons. A person can be living in the grossest of sin, and the outer gift will still be working perfectly. The gifts of God, once given, cannot be recalled. Even in the presence of sin. Furthermore, some people, living just such lives, are the Lord's anointed … in the Lord's eyes. Saul was living proof of this fact.

The gifts cannot be revoked. Terrifying, isn't it?

If you are young and have never seen such things, you may be certain that sometime in the next forty years you will see. Highly gifted and very powerful men and women … reputed to be leaders in the kingdom of God, do some very dark and ugly deeds.

What does this world need: gifted men and women outwardly empowered? Or individuals who are broken, inwardly transformed?

Keep in mind that some who have been given the very power of God have raised armies, defeated the enemy, brought forth mighty works of God, preached and prophesied with unparalleled power and eloquence ….

And thrown spears,

And hated other people,

And attacked others,

And plotted to kill,

And prophesied naked,

And even consulted witches.

"A Tale of Three Kings" by Gene Edwards

faith & fellowship

The following is a journal entry I made while in Mozambique in '97. I had not posted it along with the four-part mission post, but recently I am realizing more and more this need for fellowship among believers and how at times Christ-focused fellowships can become a very critical turning point in a believer's life.

So here it goes...

(Of course this needs to be read in the light of the other posts I had entered here -the lack of shower water on any given day...and we were often forced to take what we called "baby-wipe shower." Use your imagination; I won't belabor an explanation.)

Fourth one to take the shower, I didn't expect hot water, but I hoped for at least water! None! Almost frustrating...

"No water? Face it! It's a fact of life!" said Matt [a long-term missionary who had been there over a year] as a matter-of-factly.

That didn't help.

I stepped outside. So few stars out tonight...

Am I angry at God? No. Not really - just frustrated by my own lack of faith.

Holding back tears, I came back inside still feeling uptight.

"Where were you?" Eunice [a Hispanic girl who came with me on this mission trip] asked, worried.

I mumbled a reply. I wanted to cry, but my foolishness would not permit it.

"Do you want to pray for water?" she asked.

I was astounded but didn't show it. "It's okay," was my lame reply.

She sat by me on my bed anyway and began to pray. I still held back my tears. When Eunice finished, Eren [another girl who came with us] and said "There's water!"

Eunice jumped and screamed and shouted in joy! She was truly rejoicing! "God answers prayers! Hallelujah! Come on, Song! Take the shower; if you don't, I will!" she sang, literally jumping up and down, clapping in joy.

She knelt beside me and hugged me, thanking God. My tears released then. It was incredible. Literally.

But it turned out, Eren used the last bit of reservoir to brush her teeth, and well, no water.

Eunice kept on believing saying, "God, let the water just overflow!" She didn't doubt a moment.

I was astonished by her faith.

Eren kept turning on and off all the faucets trying and trying. It was beautiful to see as I stood leaning against the threshold to the bathroom, watching them in wonder.

I felt peace. I had wonderful sisters in the Lord.

"It's okay, guys. I'm fine. Even if no shower, I'm still happy," was my honest reply.

An important note, it had been a long, dusty, exhausting day, and Eunice had not had any shower either...

Monday, August 14, 2006

love God, love My rag dolls

The Disgraced Love...

Bombarded by Hollywood's shallow, depraved yet indelible expression of "love" - a physical appeal that has somehow been made equivalent to intrinsic goodness - the three typically-nonverbalized yet powerfully implied notion of "loves" to which we are daily exposed are;

The "because" love that says, I love you because you are beautiful...because you make me feel special...;
the "when" love that says, I love you when you are good...when you're obedient...; and,
the "if" love that says I'll love you if you measure up to my expectations...

These are birthed from what is termed eros in the Greek language. Though eros itself is not necessarily a bad kind of love, to build any kind of relationship solely on eros will always prove devastating and even fatal in the end.

The Divine Love

The love that God has shown us through his Son, Jesus beyond reason, love unconditional, love sacrificial...

It is the kind of love that makes the recipient of that love beautiful like Barbie's ragged doll, Pandy.

There is nothing we can think, say or do that can ever lessen or increase God's love for us. Such is the kind of love with which God woos us daily into His presence.

The Decree of Love

Love God, Love People...It seems an impossible command to obey, but as A.W. Tozer said:

"Love is the will to, the intention..."

God's command to love our neighbor as ourselves is not an option, and it has nothing to do with how we feel toward our neighbor.

Love is an act of obedience to God's command rising from willingness to love God with all that we are, a command indivisible from loving our neighbor as ourselves.

To show them the same mercy we show ourselves each day after countless faults and failures...that is what God requires of us.

May Jesus not be ashamed to call us His own when we confess our love for Him...

"If you love Me, you will obey what I command." John 14:15

-From August 13th Sunday 2:30 PM EM Service

Friday, August 11, 2006

can you sleep while the wind blows?

A coworker (a christian) sent this to me.

Read carefully.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

self-sufficiency illustrated...sort of...

This is a posting I made on 5/13/04 again on my sister's blog site:

"Isaac" in the story is actually one of the little boys I taught at my dad's church before his retirement:

This happened last week during the Friday night service.

I was seated toward the back when the two boys, Isaac and David, walked in with uncharacteristic silence. (I should have known then and there that something was very wrong, but my trouble-detection radar was not on full operation.)

Even more unusual was that they quietly sat behind me without a word, their faces grim.

I turned my head discreetly and met each of their eyes, a questioning brow raised. When I turned to face forward again, a slight tap on my shoulder got my attention.

“Teacher, Issac did something bad. Something… big,” David volunteered in whispered urgency.

I frowned, looking at Isaac, I whispered and asked: "What?"

Isaac opened and closed his mouth three times, but no audible sound came out. His face was ashen, guilt written all over him.

This is pretty bad, I thought to myself, but didn’t risk any speculations.

I looked from Isaac to David, whose eyes were wide with something like incredulity. He was clearly excited, if not necessarily in a good way.

Obviously David is innocent, I thought wryly as I saw David, eager to lead me out of the sanctuary.

“It’s something big,” offered David, his voice nearly cracking with uncontainable excitement. “In the girls’ bathroom. It’s…big. You gotta come see, Teacher.”

Sighing inwardly, I got up and quietly motioning them both to follow me, the three of us left the sanctuary.

As soon as the sanctuary door closed, David's voice cracked with wild enthusiasm, taking my hand to lead me toward the girls’ bathroom. I pulled back.

“Wait.” Turning to Isaac, I faced him, bending over to his level, “Isaac, tell me what happened first. I want you to tell me what you did.”

Isaac, looking sickly pale as I have never seen him before, muttered, stuttered and stammered, and after 5 minutes of that, I had absolutely no clue as to the deed or the damage done.

He kept raising his arms as though he is drilling a hole into something.

“All right,” I said resignedly, “Let’s go see.”

We walked over there and I gasped when I saw the bathroom floor.

The entire floor (a space of about maybe five by six) was covered with at least half an inch of toilet water, with what appeared to be scattered pieces of toilet papers floating by wasteful soaked bunches all over the place. Apparently Isaac thought to soak up gallons of water with half a roll of toilet paper.

I stood there speechless and, slowly turning to Isaac, asked (careful not to raise my voice since he looked half scared to death as is): “Isaac, how did this happen?”

David gladly supplied an introductory commentary, “I was in the room and Isaac was gone so long, I came over looking for him, and…”

His words trailed away keenly aware of my displeasure at the sight.

I knelt down before Isaac and asked him gently: “Isaac, tell me what you did. How did you cause this flood? Was the toilet stuck when you flushed?”

Isaac shook his head, his frightened eyes averting mine.

Then as I glanced at the deluge, the question of the day arose: “Did…did you pee before this happened?”

Isaac eagerly said, “No.”

I frowned: “Then why did you need to flush it? Were you playing in here?”


Okay. Now I got it.

“Isaac, what did you do to the toilet?”

Isaac began his explanation, finally: "I took the suction thing-y.”

“The what?”

“The suction thing-y.”

I frowned and followed his pudgy little pointer directed toward the wet crime tool, the plunger.

“Isaac, this is a plunger.”

I thought, where on earth did he get a ‘suction thing-y’?





“Plunger,”he said in his small voice.

“You use it when the toilet is stuck.”

He blinked.

Then it dawned on me. “Did you plunge this into the toilet while you flushed it?”

His eyes almost wide with fear he nodded.

Do you know what it feels like to be punished eternally? I wanted to ask, but held back. I was speechless.

But in all honesty, I couldn’t be angry with him.

"Were you curious as to what a plunger does?"

He nodded eagerly, clearly grateful now we were understanding each other.

"Well, now you know," I muttered more to myself.

I only pointed out his two mistakes: “Isaac, first of all, this is not a playground. There is nothing in the bathroom you should ever play with. Do you understand? Never play in this place. This (lifting the crime tool before him) is not a toy.”

He nodded remorseful.

“And you should have called me immediately as soon as you saw the waters come out. You only came because your brother decided to call me. If David hadn't called me and then the adults saw first..."

I let my words trail, leaving the rest of the wrathful reactions of the other adults to his creative imagination.

He seemed to blanch at that realization.

I went on: "There was no way you could have handled this problem on your own. You tried to fix it so you won’t get into trouble, right?”

He nodded, eyes wide with guilt.

“Well, you know what? You made it worse. (pointing dramatically to the wasted tissue paper) You just wasted a lot of toilet paper trying to cover up your wrongdoing.”

He bowed his head, repentant.

I faced him squarely, calling David as well this time: “Listen to me, both of you. Never try to fix these problems on your own. If you did something wrong, ask an adult for help. Don’t try to solve these kinds of problems on your own. Sin is like that too. You can’t solve the problem of sin alone. You have to ask God for help. Do you understand?”

They both nodded.

I sighed and brought a old towel (we had no mop) and crouching down, began to wipe off the excess water, emptying it into the bucket.

“Ew! Gross!” David commented, giggling in disbelief.

Isaac, feeling miserable, softly muttered: “I should help.”

“Don’t worry about it, Isaac. As long as you know what you did wrong…” I began to quickly clean up the mess, which really was gross even if Isaac assured me he had not peed. For some odd gnawing reason, I felt he wasn’t entirely truthful, as he probably assumed I’d freak out even more.

O well.

As I almost finished, infinitely relieved, Isaac squeaked, “Am I going to be in trouble?”

I realized he meant, Will you tell mommy?

I wanted to tell him, not only his mom, but my mom would totally flip if they saw this, but I didn’t answer.

When I finally finished and stood up, David ran over to me and started to massage my back.

The adults were filing out of the santuary.

“Does this feel better?” David asked, his tiny hands making useless taps on my aching back, smiling.

I smiled back and pat him on his head, “Thank you, David. It’s good.”

Isaac, seeing me smile, seem to take on more color on his pale face and threw me a shocking revelation.

“The plunger... I saw in Larryboy…”

O brother.

Now I understood. The “suction thing-y”!

Larryboy and his silly super-suction ear cups… (See here if you still don't understand.)

No wonder Issac did this bizarre thing.

I tell you, cartoons are dangerous…

i asked

I asked God for strength,
that I might achieve.
I was made weak, that I might learn to humbly obey...

I asked for health,
that I might do greater things.
I was given infirmity,
that I might do better things...

I asked for riches,
that I might be happy.
I was given poverty,
that I might be wise...

I asked for power,
that I might have the praise of men.
I was given weakness,
that I might feel the need of God...

I asked for all things,
that I might enjoy life.
I was given life,
that I might enjoy all things...

I got nothing I asked for -
but everything that I had hoped for.
Almost despite myself, my unspoken
prayers were answered.

I am, among all,
most richly blessed!

- Anonymous

(p236, Gray, Alice, Stories for the Heart, Multnomah Publishers, Inc., Sisters, OR, 1996)


This is actually a post I made on 8/9/04 on my older sister's blog. I've been searching for this story and had forgotten I had posted it on the site:

There were three men on horses riding down the shores of a beach. Each being a believer, they heard the voice of God instructing them to take a handful of the pebbles from the shore and put them in their pockets. They were not told the reasons for such odd command, but they were told that they must not look at the pebble in their pockets until tomorrow morning, and that they will experience joy and sadness simultaneously.

All being obedient, they each took a handful of the pebbles from the sandy shore and put them promptly in their pockets.

The following morning, each awoke eager to see what God had in store for them. And to their utter shock and amazement, when each man reached in to take out the pebbles from their pockets, instead of sandy pebbles, they found beautiful gems and precious jewels shimmering in their hands.

Filled with awe, they were overjoyed with the unexpected gift wealth, but immediately, they were filled with deepest sorrow for each moaned the same regret: "Why, oh, why didn't I get more pebbles?"


The devotional went on to say that such will be the case for many if not all believers when we reach Heaven.

The things we strive for on this earth can sometimes seem like a waste of time, insignificant and even tediously useless in the light of deceptively glamourous wealth and pleasure the world promises. We may appear to be foolish people picking up pebbles on a shore when others are mining for gold.

But we would find on that Day that we had all along been carrying treasures incomparably precious and beautiful.

And alas, we would be stricken with regret beyond description that we had not sought after true treasures blinded by temporary pleasures.

One life to live; it will soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last.

missions - part 4


Wed., 10:48pm 8/20
…came from Outreach 30 minutes ago…
Very tired…car got stuck in sand dune…we were lost on our way out of the center [because] we had to take [an alternate] road—the village people had planted a tree in the middle of the road… nice…
…Less chaos with kids today since the educators (Mozambican men and women who helped out at the mission center with cooking, etc) until they decided they wanted to make the lantern (that the kids and I were making) Then I was on my own with hundreds of “Mana Song!” again… Physically very drained…

Thurs., 1:39am 8/21
These mosquitoes (or whatever it is) bites are so bad on me—I can’t ever sleep! I wake up to a sound of pest whizzing over me. I’m so tired—but can’t sleep. I think the bites are infected---it hurts and itches at the same time…How do I cope with this? I need to get all sugar out of my system—which takes how long? God! Help me!

Sat., 8:10am 8/23
Thank you, Lord, for shutting out the electricity… I should have done QT first—not laundry (my own)… Forgive me, Father—I’m glad you shut out the electricity—now I [have to] do the QT. Lord, help me to get my priorities straight…

Huh—raining now—so much for my laundry (hanging outside to dry). Yes, Lord, I hear you.

Sun., 8:36pm 8/24
I’m a fool…
…holding little Davidine (pronounced Da-vi-di-nyo, Valentine’s younger brother) in my arms during [Sunday worship] service…his beautiful little atms and hands bitten mercilessly by mosquitoes and as Elisabeth said, quite possibly by ants, centipedes and other biting insects—He was scratching it…Then I saw my arms—the bites were healing so it doesn’t itch, just dark blotches here and there…But what a fool I am—so…selfish. Here I am complaining, whining…about some mosquito bites while a two and a half year old boy sits tortured with bites literally all over his body…
As a matter of fact, all kids—now that I think about it—has bites all over their bodies—in their faces, arms, legs, bellies, etc…Poor children—they sleep on the dirty with mattresses—so they are victim to all kids of crawling creatures—sometimes even scorpions. I’ve already seen huge spiders, large millipedes, enormous grasshoppers—ugh! Disgusting!
The sleeping conditions in these tents are not too great (which is an understatement). They have bunk beds—but 3 sleep in 2 beds—one literally sleeps under the bottom bed….hilarious story: Alfeo—about 13 or 14 years old—had to sleep under—with no mat! So he complained (and reasonably so) that he had to sleep on the dirt with insects crawling all over him, and even worse, the boy who sleeps above him on the lower bunk—they had no mattress (just iron-wrought frame)—peed on him!—on his face! He said he’d rather go back to the streets…understandable…

Tues., 6:15pm 8/26
Feliciano ran away with 200,000 meticais (Mozambican currency: US$1 = 11,000 meticais, pronounced me-ti-ca-ish)—which is a large amount of money by Mozambican standard—it could mount to someone’s monthly salary—all the more so, it was bread money for Philip (A Mozambican aid at the mission center)…Philips’ real angry…

Tues., 7:45pm 9/2
I have one more day left at the center—feels too weird—saying goodbye…But the two months were perfect, Lord—You times it perfectly…

Thurs., 5:47am 9/4
Last journal [entry] in Mozambique…
Thank you, Father. I haven’t the words to express my thanksgiving!

The End...

No, the beginning of a small step closer to the heart of God...

missions - part 3


Wed., 7:09am 8/6
The electricity went out around 6:20am…raining a lot—it was thunder and lightning all night [into] early morning—wonder how the children at the center are doing…they must be cold…
No water… no bath…

Wed., 9:45pm 8/13
Little Calito lies constantly about his age—last week he said he was 13—he looks about 8 or 9—though he does act older…Today, he’s 12.

Thurs., 6:21pm 8/14
A busy day…beach—funny how kids [just the boys] just swam and played totally naked…

Fri., 4:45pm 8/15
Julie (a long term missionary from Australia) just left—must be having a very hard time—she burst into tears when Elisabeth (a short term missionary) held her. A lot of struggles…especially the past few weeks—she’d been sick a lot physically—but no doubt spiritually too…

Sun., 10:56pm 8/17
Fear is attacking me—it’s overwhelming. I don’t understand what’s going on—such fear! I can’t sleep. Back aching—tired, but too tired…Being in this room all by myself (all other members that had come with me from NY had left by now) Afraid to sleep. Jesus, help me! Every little sound—it’s so sudden—this dreadful fear—my heart is overwhelmed with dread and fear. Jesus, my life is in Your hands!

Mon. 6:45am 8/18
Praise God! Fell asleep last night finally—in peace—reciting Psalm 23…
The itching in my legs—driving me insane, literally! Can’t even imagine in summer time!

Tues., 7:55pm 8/19
Extremely long day! Did some crafts with kinds…whew! Today was…let me should I say… Well, I can’t even begin to expound on my supremely unfathomable depth of stupidity, which resulted in utter and complete chaos. Yeah. That should suffice—Disastrous!…I guess my disappointment and anguish were apparent—several kids eyed me carefully asking me if I was angry (they had all acted very unruly and out of control today during craft time)—I wasn’t—not really. But when 100 kids come to you at once calling at the top of their lungs for attention and immediate service—”Mana Song! Mana Song!” (“Mana” is a respectable term one uses toward an older woman, it means more or less “Miss”)—it could be quite annoying—I’m so dumb! I should have thought of more organized way—God, forgive me for losing it today. (note: by now I was able to communicate with very basic Portuguese). be continued...

missions - part 2


Tues., 6:02am 7/22
…the rooster [next door] crows everyday [at the most ungodly hours. Regina {another short-term missionary) called it “time challenged.”

Wed., 9:24pm 7/23
No water at Matola (this is the city where the house for short term and long term missionaries stayed at nights)—so no shower, no wash… Another “baby-wipe wash” It’s been a long day…

Thurs., 5:47am 7/24
After 12pm—clothed some 20 kids today—
More washing and rinsing of laundry today—so many clothes ruined and dirty due to rain… a lot of mud [splattered onto the clothes we had brought to clothe the kids at the mission center]—some more washing to do. We’ve been doing this [for the past] two weeks—or 3 weeks—God sure prepared me for the work—
Lord, give me strength.
Lord, I just remembered about Cheila (a 16 or 17 year old mentally retarded girl who used to be a prostitute)—I wonder what she was trying to me…Forgive me that I got frustrated. Lord, how do I get through to her? Jesus help me to learn the language quickly so I can actually communicate with them…

Tues., 7:22pm 7/29……a wonderfully long day—falling in love with the kids more and more each day—they’re truly precious!

Wed., 3:35am 7/30
…Seeing …and hearing so much about the reality of what goes on at or around Arco iris (name of the mission center)—in a short time—put a bitter spirit in me that resulted in much vindictiveness… As OC (Oswald Chambers) said, disillusionments come from god—but Lord, prepare my heart, carve it into humility and understanding so that I may not be bitter and sarcastic and cynical…Help me to despair of no one…

Mon., 5:34am 8/4
…I held little Valentine (pronounced Va-len-‘ti-nyo) in my arms during last part of [Sunday worship] service yesterday—so beautiful and adorable—hated the fact that flies were constantly [pestering] him and consequently around [me also] because obviously he’s not clean…
A long day…I am physically VERY tired. I don’t know why, but I miss home so much…Exactly one month left but I’m so homesick…

-to be continued...

a heart for missions - part 1

The following several posts are excerpts from my personal journal during a mission trip I took for two months at Mozambique, Africa, in 1997.

(Since this Sunday's sermon will be about Missions, I thought it'd be a good introduction.)

These are just bits and pieces of (though word-for-word) entries from my journal, so I've edited here and there to make more sense out of choppy portions.

Hope you will be blessed!

Mon., 9:48pm 7/7/97 (US time: Mon., 3:41pm)
Praise Jesus! I’m here at Mozambique (Maputo). It was a long day, but God was there…Got ‘caught’ for taking pictures at Maputo Airport—not real authority…[they] wanted [to confiscate] my camera. They were suspicious of us all…

Heidi’s (Missionary) words still hang in my mind: “It’s a spiritual warfare!”

…a Mozambican teenager with no right arm came begging for something, mumbling weakly in Portuguese (national language). I couldn’t understand so I tried to ignore it. Was I supposed to help or was this another trick? When Heidi came, she asked to open one of our bags (we had brought 15 bags of donated clothes and shoes and other basic supplies) with sweaters in it. She said simply (as she handed out the clothes to the begging street boys), “These kids are street kids and they are cold…I know these were for our kids (at the mission center) but these kids are cold, and if nothing else, now they’re happy—that we know.”

Thurs., 12:05am 7/9
…Heidi shared her joy of hearing Beatrice’s testimony today at the outreach—a testimony by a girl who was found almost dead with worms filled in her swollen belly and toes, dying. She [had] almost died four times and at the beginning [when Heidi had brought her to the mission center] wouldn’t ever talk, but today she gave a testimony smiling!

Heidi said, “If I have to go through a lot of hell—and I do a lot—seeing Beatrice saved like that, hearing her testimony, it’s worth it!”

Thurs., 7:24am 7/17
I am afraid, Lord, and now I face my fears—
Heidi (who’s been a missionary in Mozambique since she turned 18; she was then I think near mid thirties) said she gets the diseases (especially malaria) or live or things like that at least once a month. More than I want to admit it, I fear. God help me!

Fri., 4:47am 7/18
…I don’t know what I’m feeling. Somewhat confused, disappointed… (?) I don’t know what to feel…

Sat., 12pm 7/19Mat 26:58 “But Peter followed him [Jesus] at a distance, right up to the courtyard of the high priest…”
Do I fear being identified with Christ in suffering? Am I following Him at a distance? Afraid of what might happen?

-to be continued...

Monday, August 07, 2006

four spiritual laws

Here is a cool flash site of the well-known Four Spiritual Laws.

revival with Oh!

Don't forget to tell your friends!

A Revival at Nakwon Reformed Church with Pastor Suk Hwan Oh, an anointed, powerful preacher.

Fri, Aug 25th 8:00PM
Sat, Aug 26th 7:00PM
Sun, Aug 27th 11Am & 2:30PM

Please remember to pray for this Revival, for your personal renewal as well as for your friends and those who will attend!


Who is Jesus?

Apostle John in his later years...

...forced into exile on Isle of Patmos, a Roman Penal Colony
...torn away from his flock
...long since having lost all of his brothers in the faith, the original disciples of Jesus

...was "in the Spirit" on the "Lord's Day." (Rev 1:9-10)

And it was during such lonely yet faith-sustained hour that he received one of the greatest revelation of Jesus Christ any one could have.

He saw Jesus.

John saw the kingly High Priest who intercedes on our behalf; he beheld the Perfect and Pure One whose eyes lwere ike blazing fire that pierces into the deepest recesses of the heart and yet never condemns; he encountered his Source of Strength and Protection--feet llike bronze a powerful combination of strength of iron and endurance of copper, his righteous right hand holding up the seven stars, the messengers, servants of the church; John heard the all-consuming, ever contant Voice of Love that swallows up every other distracting noise that surrounds us, yet speaks to us the piercing yet freeing Truth, the double-edge sword protruding from his mouth; and finally, he was blinded by the brilliance of the face that shone like the sun at high noon - the Light that shines at our darkest hour.

What do you "see" when you think of Jesus?

When all around you seem to shatter and fall apart, remember another vision John saw amidst terrifying and awe-inspiring events that would lead up to the end of days:

I looked, and there before me was a white cloud, and seated on the cloud was one "like a son of man" with a crown of gold on his head and a sharp sickle in his hand. (Rev 14:14)

Jesus is in control, no matter what, with a crown of authority and kingship, his hand ready with the instrument of harvest - ready to fulfill the perfect will of His Father.

-From August 6th Sunday 2:30 PM EM Service

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

think about it...

Behold the sun! Every square yard of the sun is constantly emitting 130,000 horse power, or the equivalent of 450 8-cylinder automobile engines. And yet our sun, as powerful as it is, is but one minor star in the 100 billion orbs which make up our Milky Way Galaxy. Hold a dime in your fingers and extend it arm's length toward the sky, allowing it to eclipse your vision, and you will block out 15 million stars from your view.

Consider the earth! Our globe's weight has been estimated at 6 sextillion tons (a six with twenty-one zeroes). Yet it is precisely tilted at 23 degrees; any more or any less and our seaons would be lost in a melted polar flood. Though our globe revolves at the rate of 1,000 miles per hour or 25,000 miles per day or 9,000,000 miles per year, none of us tumbles into orbit. Our God who "stretches the northern sky out over the empty space and hangs the earth upon nothing" (Job 26:7) also created an invisible band of gravity to hold us secure.

Now...let me pose a few questions. If he is able to place the stars in their sockets and suspend the sky like a curtain, do you think it remotely possible that God is able to guide your life? If your God is mighty enough to ignite the sun, could it be that he is mighty enough to light your path? If he cares enough about the planet Saturn to give it rings or Venus to make it sparkle, is there an outside chance that he cares enough about you to meet your needs?

-excerpt from Max Lucado's The Great House of God