Wednesday, November 02, 2011
Two Extremes
But then there are men who say, “We will have nothing of that.” And everything is just a proposition and a figuring out and correct exegesis and that is all. And the know nothing of being led and directed by the Spirit of God who will sometimes make men do unusual things to accomplish his end, never things that contradict Scripture, but nonetheless unusual things.
We must be in the Word and grounded in the Word. We must also cry out for the Spirit to reveal God’s will through his Word, but we must be sensitive in all things to follow Him, not only to start our journey into the wilderness, but to be led throughout the wilderness by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
- Excerpt from Paul Washer‘s Sermon, “Pray And Be Alone With God”
Monday, October 24, 2011
Spiritual Atomic Bombs!
Friday, October 21, 2011
That big project.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Giving All
Not to claim I've arrived in giving my all but things are put into perspective when I know God isn't looking for me per se but to eventually see His Son in me. That there's nothing I can do to become like Christ because I simply can't in my own strength or understanding. Only the supernatural can give birth to the supernatural. However, that doesn't mean I wait until something happens but living each day wanting Christ to live in me and allowing Himself to form within me by obeying and heeding His voice.
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Opportunities for Christ
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Friday, September 16, 2011
Prayer Meetings
The conditions of the church may be very accurately gauged by its prayer meetings. So is the prayer meeting a grace-ometer, and from it we may judge of the amount of divine working among a people. If God be near a church, it must pray. And if he be not there, one of the first tokens of his absence will be a slothfulness in prayer.
So this started to make me think of how I viewed our prayer meetings and whether it was something of utmost importance or just of drudgery and routine. Do I see it as the lifeline of our church or just a gathering to feel good after I've done my duty? The way that God moved through this simple act of faith by Pastor Cymbala really challenged the way I viewed prayer meetings because I would fall into the second category a lot of the times because it seemed so hard and I wanted to just get it over with. But to see God so willing to work in those who are obedient to pray, I wanted to see God do that in our church especially when I meet others to pray.
Friday, September 09, 2011
Hungry for something ...
Do we feel the hunger pains? Or are we finding constant distractions to alleviate the striking pangs that come our way. As Tozer puts it, the world is perishing for lack of the knowledge of God, and the Church is famishing for want of His presence. The cure is simple. It is the experienced fullness of God. In that moment, when all anxieties of tomorrow and whirlwind of voices subside, then we are satisfied. It is no longer broken. He has repaired us together.
"Like the blind we grope along the wall,
feeling our way like men without eyes.
At midday we stumble as if it were twilight;
among the strong, we are like the dead.
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and His glory appears over you.
you will drink deeply
and delight in her overflowing abundance." (Isa)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
Examining & Controlling the Heart’s Desires
My son, you will have many things to learn which you have not yet fully grasped.
What things, Lord?
You must conform ALL your desires to My good pleasure and stop loving yourself, and earnestly desire that My will be done.
You frequently burn with desires that powerfully impel you to action, but what is the motive behind your actions? Is it My honor or is it your own self-interest? If I be the motive, then you will be satisfied with whatever I decide for you; but if it be your own self-interest, then this is what puts the brake to your progress and slows you down.
2. Therefore, be careful not to rely too heavily on your own desires without first consulting Me. You may later on find that you are sorry and displeased with what once pleased you and what you once thought the better thing to do.
Not every desire that seems good has to be carried not, nor is everything feeling contrary to your desires to be avoided. Even in good desires and endeavors it is sometimes necessary to hold yourself back; otherwise, overeagerness may result in dissipation of energies. At the same time, your lack of self-control may give offense to others and their opposition, in turn, may dishearten you and cause you to give up.
3. You sometimes have to resort to strong measures and manfully go against your sense appetites, disregarding what your flesh wants or does not want, and endeavor to subject it, though unwilling, to the spirit. The flesh has to be chastised and held down until it learns to give obedience in all things, to be satisfied with little, happy with what is simple, and not grumble about any physical discomfort.
I read this chapter in Thomas a Kempis' book The Imitation of Christ and it really made me examine the motives of my own heart. Is everything I do, say, and act upon really for God's honor and glory, or is it in my own self-interest? Kempis says, "if it be your own self-interest, then this is what puts the brake to your progress and slows you down." This is exactly how I feel sometimes. I feel stunted, stagnant, and spiritually starving. I'm still in the race, but I feel like i'm crawling, dragging myself along the narrow road instead of running with endurance. I believe God will still use and speak to the struggling believer, but I want to be more effective & grow daily in Christ.
It made me think of Jesus' life here on earth. He always consulted His Father before doing anything and selflessly did His Father's will. Consequently, the people around Him were healed & full of hope. You look at His ministry here on earth, and even as He's the Intecessor in heaven, and it's a ministry of building up and breathing life into the broken and dead.
I mean, the title of the book says it all, no? This is the way to imitate Christ. We must examine our heart's desires, but also need to ask the Lord to try to reins of our hearts to put them under His submission.
Lord, we have many things to learn which we have not yet fully grasped. But, give us teachable hearts and a spirit of understanding. Give us the courage and strength to see the truth in ourselves so that we can turn and follow You. It's not in our nature to want the things of God, this is a supernatural working of your Holy Spirit. So, fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we may obey and serve You selflessly.
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
But these thoughts crossed my mind while I was slowly approaching the airport, "Why do I want to go home so much?" I did miss things that could only be found at home but I started to ask myself, "Why do I want to leave so badly?" Simply, because Korea wasn't my home. This wasn't the place I was meant to be in. If I had to live in Korea, sure I could survive because it had the things I need to live but I did not belong there. My life was in New York.
I couldn't help but connect this to Narnia because C. S. Lewis does a great job portraying this sense of not belonging and desire for home in The Horse and His Boy. This is similar to the longings within all of us for heaven but I started to realized it was actually for the presence of God. I think we often get confused with what heaven is suppose to be because we see it portrayed with pictures of clouds, angels, a lot of light and halos but heaven is simply being in the presence of God for eternity. That here on earth, as we spend time in His presence, the longing for heaven grows because we get a taste of it and know what it will be like. And just like when I was in Korea and wanted to be back home, so will we start seeing we weren't meant to live here on earth but we were meant to be in heaven, in the presence of God.
I'll finish this post by borrowing something else from C. S. Lewis: “If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world. Probably earthly pleasures were never meant to satisfy because they were there to arouse, to suggest the real thing. That real thing is heaven.”
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Prayer & Faith
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Guest Speaker - Basil McLaren
Also, if you guys want to keep in contact with Basil his email is
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Life of the Body
-Samuel Chadwick
Friday, March 25, 2011
David Livingstone (Missionary)
“In Scotland, nine miles out of Glasgow, there’s a great big house, a national memorial to David Livingstone. In it there is a model that shows the room where he died, where for years and years he prayed. It’s like some of those houses in India that are made of bamboo and leaves woven in. And there he is, kneeling over a bed, if you can call it that—two bamboo rods with some leaves on it—and a candle flickering there. They said every night he would kneel at that bed and you would hear him crying with his hands raised, “God, when will the wound of this world’s sin be healed?”
He fought the Portuguese slave traders. He did many, many marvelous things. Why? Because he had a Gethsemane of his own. His precious wife died and he buried her in the jungle. And the baby she bore died. He buried the child at the side of its mother. Another child he had died—he buried that one.
But the grief didn’t change his zeal for God. It added fuel to the fire. “The devil’s trying to rob me. The devil’s trying to hinder me.” And he worked with greater zeal. He prayed more than ever he had prayed. They said that night after night his voice would echo through the forest, “Oh God, when will the wound of this world’s sin be healed?”
Dear God! all our pastors are concerned about is adding one or two members! Or getting another bus to bring the people in! I say again, there can be no revival without travail.”
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Living Seed
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Worshippers of God are made during dark stormy nights. And how we respond to our storms determines just what kind of worshippers we are.