Thursday, November 18, 2010

Revival Praying - 3

More amazing truths...
In heaven there will be no praying. All the faith we exercise must be exercised here. All the praying must be done here, for heaven will not be a place to make up a pitiable backlog of unfinished praying.

"Rend your hearts" (Joel 2:13). We rend our hearts by godly consideration and self-examination; by the conviction of the Holy Spirit; by recognition of our failure to pray; by confessing that we have more appetite for material food than for spiritual; by acknowledging that we like the company of men more than the company of God; by abhorring ourselves because we love to play more than pray.

Men who prayed most accomplished the most. Lasting prayers bring lasting revivals. Prayer does not condition God; prayer conditions us. Prayer does not win God to our view; it reveals God's view to us. Prayer is not merit, so that by withdrawing from the world we of necessity gain special favors of God. Prayer is not purchasing things from God.

Prayer is another way to telling God that we have all confidence in Him but no confidence in our own native powers.

No man is greater than his prayer life.

~ Excerpted from Leonard Ravenhill's Revival Praying

If you have read all 3 posts of excerpts from Ravehill's book, I would strongly suggest re-reading them. It sounds beautiful at first (if you understood anything at all), and then you will wonder what was so wonderful and forget it all. READ IT AGAIN! And most importantly, PRAY!

Revival Praying - 2

Here are more spirit-stirring excerpts from Leonard Ravenhill's Revival Praying. May these words stir you to be on your knees...
Prayer is taxing. Prayer is exacting. Prayer means enduring. prayer means denying self, a daily dying by choice. But someone says, "There's nothing wrong in going fishing for a couple of hours." Maybe not if you are prayed up. Yet there is something wrong when we go fishing or do some other thing without the Spirit's leading. It is wrong when instead of praying we do things just to please others. There cannot be two operators of the Christian's life. We are either Spirit led in everything or self led.

We will have to sacrifice precious things in our lives if we are going learn the great art of intercession... Affection can play havoc with devotional life. I believe it is but simple logic to say that a Christian is backslidden if he spends more time with a member of the opposite sex than he does in prayer and in the Word.

No one is a firmer believer in the power of prayer than the devil; not that he practices it, but he suffers from it. (Guy H. King)

Once again I say that at God's judgment bar we believers are going to be embarrassed, for as Dr. A.W. Tozer mentioned recently, "We are not only going to be judged for what we have done; we are going to be judged for what we could have done." That hurts. Oh what we could have done! Oh the sacrifice we could have made, the prayers we could have offered, the tears for the lost we could have shed, the souls we could have won to Christ! There are resources in God that we believers have never touched; there is wealth, spiritual wealth in God that we have never discovered; there is power in God that we have left untapped - all because we have been faithless and unbelieving.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Revival Praying

I am currently reading an amazing book entitled Revival Praying, by Leonard Ravenhill, and I want to share with you some of what I've read with prayerful desire that these blazing truths will set your own hearts on fire to seek God in prayer:
The world has lost the power to blush over its vice; the Church has lost her power to weep over it... Every church without a prayer meeting condemns us; every Bible daily unopened condemns us; every promise of God unused condemns us; every lost neighbor condemns us; every lost heathen condemns us; every dry eye among us condemns us; every unclaimed opportunity for God condemns us. Next year is not ours. Tomorrow may be too late. Unless we repent now, unless we return and fire the prayer altars now,unless we fast and weep now, woe unto us at the judgment!

Often we hear the prayer, "Lord, Thou art able to do this." That prayer is very good and may build up confidence in the pray-er [that is to say, the one who is offering up the prayer]. But - and this is important - to say "God is able" is not faith... But - and here is where I fail - I do not have the faith to believe that God will [do what I believe He is able to do]. My theology says that God can do it, but on the faith end I fail. I have said before that one of these days someone will read the Bible for the first time, believe it, and act on it with a daring, simple faith. Then we long-time believers will bow in shame, crying, "Lord, help our unbelief."

Here is a great illustration from Ravenhill's father's own personal experience:
One day in the course of his [Ravenhill's father] hospital visitation, a sick man listened to my father's testimony, then jabbed back at him feelingly with, "I have prayed to God and He did not hear me. Why?"

Dad answered the man this way: "Suppose the king of our country [Great Britain] came into this room right now, and I asked him for five pounds (equal to twenty dollars then), would the king give it to me? After all, I am a loyal subject to the crown."

The man thought for a moment and then replied, "I don't suppose that he would give it."

"Well then," Father said, "suppose that after I had asked the king and had been refused, the Prince of Wales had come into the room. Would he [the Prince] get the money he asked for?"

"Oh yes," answered the man, "but then, he's the king's son."

"Exactly right!" Father said. "Relationship makes all the difference."

Here is another spirit-provoking words:
...There is an article by Bakht Singh. This dear Christian leader in India says, "The indigenous churches in India have a great burden for American just now... and are praying that God will visit your country with revival... You feel sorry for us in India because of our poverty in material things. We who know the Lord in India feel sorry for you in America because of your spiritual poverty. We pray that God may give you gold tried in the fire which He had promised to those who know the power of His resurrection... In our churches we spend four or five or six hours in prayer and worship, and frequently our people wait on the Lord in prayer all night; but in America after you have been in church for one hour, you begin to look at your watches. We pray that god may open your eyes to the true meaning of worship... To attract people to meetings, you have a great dependence on posters, on advertising, on promotion, and on the build-up of a human being; in India we have nothing more than the Lord Himself and we find that He is sufficient. Before a Christian meeting in India we never announce who the speaker will be. When the people come, they come to seek the Lord and not a human being or to hear some special favorite speaking to them. We have had as many as 12,000 people come together just to worship the Lord and to have fellowship together. We are praying that the people in America might also come to church with a hunger for God and not merely a hunger to see some form of amusement or hear choirs or the voice of any man."

Convicting, isn't it?

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


This is actually the introductory letter from Pastor Carter on his newsletter. God's been giving us this message for a while now.

Dear Friend,

Are you one of the many people today who harbor grave concerns about the future? Whether it’s on a global, national or personal level, the storms of our time seem to be taking on an intensity we have not known before.

In these times, the lessons of Scripture can become our greatest comfort. I am reminded of another day and another storm which believers in Jesus Christ had to face (Mark 4:35–41). Self-concern so gripped these early believers that they lost focus—and then they lost faith. Two things are worth noting in the Scripture. Firstly, we see that they were indeed going to the other side and that Jesus was with them in the journey. Secondly, there were “other little ships” alongside them (v. 36), trying to make the same journey without the relationship with the Savior which they enjoyed. I believe the disciples lost faith in the midst of the storm because they lost focus. When they feared for themselves, they lost sight of God and those around them.

God wants to give you His heart for other people. Ask Him for the capacity to care, as He does, about where those in our generation will spend eternity. I have personally found that fear gives way to faith as I allow God to perfect His love for others within me.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Carter Conlon
Senior Pastor

I encourage you all to read the full Newsletter.

Thursday, September 02, 2010

the Cost

This is an excerpt from A.W Tozer's Success and the Christian: The Cost of Spiritual Maturity. I encourage you all to meditate on these truths:

I want to tell you that it costs to know Jesus Christ... It costs, and most people won't pay the price for it at all. That's why most Christians are common. They won't go on because for Christ's sake, they have surrendered evil things - that is, things that are injurious and things that are unclean and grossly sinful; but they are unwilling to surrender "good things."

There are certain things we won't do and for Christ's sake we have surrendered those evil things. But this is the mark of a common Christian and the man who's never gone beyond that is a mediocre Christian...

As a little child will take his teddy bear to bed with him, so we grownups have our "teddy bears" too. We have what to God must look like teddy bears and dolls. We hang on to them. A baby, of course, has a right to that... But the point I'm making is that we oldsters, we mature people, people even in their teens, when we still insist upon hanging on to things, we will worship them. Whatever you hang on to, you worship because it gets between you and God, whether it be property or family or reputation or security or your life itself. Jesus taught that we couldn't even hang on to our life itself...

Any external treasure that touches your heart is a curse. [Apostle] Paul said, "I give that up so I might go on to deeply enriched and increasing intimacy and vast expanses of knowledge of the One who is intimate and illimitable in His beauty and I go on to know Him. And that I might know Him, I give all this up." He never allowed anything to touch his heart. (pp.19-21, emphasis mine)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Miracles of Intercession

I really encourage all to listen with full attention to Pastor Claude Houde's sermon (also posted on Times Square Church website) entitled The Miracle of Intercession (July 25). If you can, watch the video, not only the audio. I would memorize this message if I could! Don't miss a word he says! A word from the very heart of the Father...

"True Intercession: it always goes from Inspiration to Intercession... Will you stand between the living and the dead? ...Are you a Complainer? A Consumer? or a Combatant ...I am a Worshiper, but I am also called to be a Warrior."

Pay special attention to his powerful and clear message about having "one hand on God's shoulder, and another on man... One hand on God leads to Blindness, one hand on Man leads to Burnout. But one hand on God, another on man leads to Breakthrough!"

This message is a MUST for every child of God to understand and live in the miracle of Intercession.

Totally awesome. Totally convicting. Don't miss it.

I want to pray NOW!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Habit of Bible Reading

I read this from Halley's Bible Handbook and it really goes well with what we learned in Bible Study yesterday.
It's a bit long but it's worth reading.
I hope this encourages us to read His Word. =)

Everyone should love the Bible. Everybody should read the Bible.


It is God’s Word. It holds the solution of life. It tells about the best Friend humanity ever had, the noblest, kindest, truest Man who ever walked on this earth.

It is the most beautiful story ever told. It is the best guide to human conduct ever known. It gives a meaning, a glow, a joy, a victory, a destiny, and a glory to life elsewhere unknown.

There is nothing in history, or in literature, that in any way compares with the simple record of the Man of Galilee, who spent His days and nights ministering to the suffering, teaching human kindness, dying for human sin, rising to life that shall never end, and promising eternal security and eternal happiness to all who will come to Him.

Most people, in their serious mood, must have some question in their minds as to how things are going to stack up when the end comes. Laugh it off and toss it aside as we may, that day will come. And then what?

Well, it is the Bible that has the answer. And an unmistakable answer it is. There is a God. There is a heaven. There is a hell. There is a Savior. There will be a day of judgment. Happy is the person who in this life makes his or her peace with the Christ of the Bible and gets ready for the final takeoff.

How can any thoughtful person keep his or her heart from warming up to Christ and to the book that tells about Him? Everybody ought to love the Bible. Everybody. Everybody.

Yet the widespread of neglect of the Bible by churches and by the church people is simply appalling. Oh, we talk about the Bible, and defend the Bible, and praise the Bible, and exalt the Bible. Yes indeed! But many church members seldom ever even look into a Bible – indeed, would be ashamed to be seen reading the Bible. And an alarming percentage of church leadership generally seems to be making no serious effort to get people to be Bible readers.

We are intelligent about everything else in the world. Why not be intelligent about our religion? We read newspapers, magazines, novels, and all kinds of books, and listen to the radio and watch television by the hour. Yet most of us do not even know the names of the Bible books. Shame on us! Worse still, the pulpit, which could easily remedy the situation, seems often not to care and generally does not emphasize personal Bible reading.

Individual, direct contact with God’s Word is the principal means of Christian growth. All the leaders in Christian history who displayed any kind of spiritual power have been devoted readers of the Bible.

The Bible is the book we live by. Bible reading is the means by which we learn, and keep fresh in our minds, the ideas that mold our lives. Our lives are the product of our thoughts. To live right, we need to think right. We must read the Bible frequently and regularly so that God’s thoughts may be frequently and regularly in our minds; so that His thoughts may become our thoughts; so that our ideas may become conformed to God’s ideas; so that we may be transformed into God’s own image and be made fit for eternal companionship with our Creator.

We may, indeed, absorb Christian truth, in some measure, by attending religious services, listening to sermons, Bible lessons, and testimonies, and by reading Christian literature.

But however good and helpful these things may be, they give us God’s truth secondhand, diluted through human channels and, to quite an extent, obscured by human ideas and traditions.

Such things cannot possibly take the place of reading for ourselves the Bible itself, and grounding our faith and hope and life directly in God’s Word.

God’s Word is the weapon of the Spirit of God for the redemption and perfection of the human soul. It is not enough to listen to others talk and teach and preach about the Bible. We need to keep ourselves, every one of us, in direct touch with God’s Word. It is the power of God in our hearts.

Bible reading is a basic Christian habit.

We do not mean that we should worship the Bible as a fetish. But we do worship the God and the Savior the Bible tells us about. And because we love our God and our Savior, we love dearly and devotedly the book that is from Him and about Him.

Nor do we mean that the habit of bible reading is in itself a virtue, for it is possible to read the Bible without applying its teachings to one’s own life. And there are those who read the Bible and yet are mean and crooked and un-Christian. But they are the exception.

As a rule, Bible reading, if done in the right spirit, is a habit out of which all Christian virtues grow – the most effective character – forming power known to mankind.

Bible reading is an act of religious devotion. Our attitude toward the Bible is a pretty sure indication of our attitude toward Christ. If we love a person, we love to read about him or her, do we not? If we could only bring ourselves to think of our Bible reading as an act of devotion to Christ, we might be inclined to treat the matter less lightly.

It is a glorious thing to be a Christian. The most exalted privilege any mortal can have is to walk through life hand in hand with Christ as Savior and Guide. Or, to put it more correctly, to toddle along at His side and, though always stumbling, never letting go of His hand.

This personal relationship of each of us with Christ is one of the intimate things of life, and we do not talk much about it, probably because we often believe that we are pitifully unworthy to wear His name. Why would the Creator of all things care about me? But deep down in our hearts, in our serious moods, we know that because of our weakness, our worldliness, our frivolity, our selfishness, and our sins, we need Him more than we love anything else in this world. He is our Father. And in our saner moments we know that we should not willingly offend or hurt Him for anything. Why would we intentionally hurt the One who loves us and whom we love? We are thoughtless.

The Bible is the book that tells about Christ and His immeasurable love for us. Is it possibly to love Christ and at the same time be complacently indifferent to His Word? It is possible? Each one of us has to make daily choices – to serve Him and not the world. The Bible teaches us how!

The Bible is also the best devotional book. Booklets and books of daily devotions, now published in such abundance, may have their place. But they are no substitute for the Bible. The Bible is God’s own word, and no other book can take its place. Every Christian, young and old, should be a faithful reader of the Bible.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Spiritual Depression

God is truely all knowing and understanding~! I stuggle with depression and I hate being alone. I have been parranoid and in fear of failure and I was so distracted when all God wanted me to do is keep my eyes on Jesus. I realized I also fear depression because of my past. I was in denial and self sufficient. God revealed and convicted to me through the sermon the prophet's attitude how he was self sufficient in fear of his life and some issues that weren't dealt with that I didn't want to. When my troubles and worries are big God will always be small but when my God is big my troubles and worries are tiny. One thing that really stuck to me is that Elijiah knew God and even if he saw the mountain and fire ect what caused him to cover His face was God Himself.The spiritual depression was an oppurtunity to get closer to God for this man. What really drawed me closer was when i reread the passage. God speaks to Elijiah in a soft and tender way with love. He was a gentleman with him because God isn't t tamemaster. He could've said "Go back to where I told you to go! You didn't do wrong" But in His own special way he approach Elijiah asking why is he there and waited patiently until he realized what he done wrong. I won't stay depressed because it is clearly an oppurtunity to know God and be intimate with Him and the struggles that are here and coming to know Him are good kind and I must press on with Jesus the author and perfector of our faith. God will have great delight in us even in our stuggles because we are trying to know Him but ONE THING THAT WAS CLEAR WAS TO NEVER GIVE UP ~!!! to KEEP PRESSING ONWARD because it is worth it and there is greater hope in OUR Savior than anything in the world. Thank you God for your unconditional and unfailing love~!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Golden Bells

There was an old bridge. Worn by time and weathered by the climate. The end of the bridge was unseen to the naked eye. Only the bold would spur on the path. One misstep could mean death, for beneath it was a long way down, down in the rapids of the river. But what was scarier was the unfamiliar territory beyond the bridge, even more so than the rushing waters beneath. And on this bridge there was a sign, that read, “Treasure at other end. Come and take!”
But most who passed by disregarded it and disbelieved it.

One day three travelers read the sign and with much boldness decided to take the journey to the unknown. They chose to take the path. They steadied themselves and made their way closer and closer to the bridge. With deep breaths they embarked on the journey ahead in search of treasures. With each step the fear of the surrounding dissipated. And confidence and exhilaration arose in their hearts. But something even more wonderful started happening, something magical. Instantly, the rust of the bridge had faded and the bridge had transformed. As they looked back the way they came, they noticed that the bridge was no longer the old bridge. The bridge had turned to gold. The beauty amazed them.

The bridge had been a magic bridge.
The only way to unlock the magic was a choice, a choice to travel – to journey beyond. All their fears had now vanished. And as they walked, each new step came with more assurance and hope.

Oh, what could be waiting on the other side!

When they finally crossed over, they were taken aback in astonishment!
Was this all real!
The place was a gold mine!
The only thing you saw were bells – GOLDEN BELLS.
The entire land was filled with these golden bells.
Not one, not a hundred, and not even thousands, but an endless provision of golden bells.

But the first traveler’s face was downcast.
Disappointed he voiced,

“I traveled, not for gold
Nor for fame, but of another
A desire for wonder – adventure and more
For riches & wealth, I already possess”

He returned the way he came. The magic of the journey had been lost and he never desired to come across the bridge again.

But the second traveler was filled joy!
In joy he said,

“Alas, the treasures, how marvelous
I searched and searched, for this place
For I knew, the bridge was no ordinary
Full of magic, of wonder and more
In awe I stand, in love I am”

He took with him five golden bells and placed them in his backpack and journeyed back home. He exchanged the golden bells for food and clothes. He shared his wealth with the entire town. And he would return each new day to replenish all his needs.

Now the third traveler, stood bewildered. Such a beautiful and enchanting bridge, yet why the golden bells? What could this mean! There has to be something more! He walked around troubled by the meaning of this place. But as he walked further in, he noticed a golden well which had been surrounded by all the golden bells. What a strange place for a well! Perplexed he went over to look inside. It was not filled with water as you would expect, but something peculiar. It had been filled with keys – golden keys. He picked one key and also one bell and sat down. He was flustered and agitated. He stared intently at the bell hoping for a keyhole to make it fit. But no such luck. What good is a key without doors?

In frustration he hit the bell with the golden key.




The gongs rang and rang. The sound was beautiful, magical.
The air became lighter. He became lighter. He felt as if he was being lifted with each new gong. And then the gong had stopped and all the magic seemed to have stopped as well. He tried to ring the bell again, but no sound came forth . He went and grabbed another bell and tried again. This time the gong came, louder and louder it rang. And he was lifted, lifted high with the gongs, to a place he had never seen. And this place had a golden door. He used the key to unlock the door.
Behind the door, he saw!

He proclaimed,

“In wonder and amazement
My heart’s desire; standing – standing here
From youth til now, long-suffering, how I have searched
The very thing, I have found
Which magic has brought me,
To meet you now; here and forever
Could there be, any other
More gracious, more worthy
Utter peace, pureness – sweeter than any
In bended knee, worship, worship"

And the voice spoke back,

“Grace is here
And everywhere, nowhere scarce;
In plentiful, never to disappear;
As long as the sun shines,
As long as the moon glows.
Waiting to make known,
It will always be.
Grace is waiting
Longing to give, to embrace the one
Willing to see, that which is hidden
Repentance is key, to unlock grace
For grace is veiled, concealed to sight
Clouded by darkness, from within you
For grace will touch,
one who unlocks, revealing truth”

“Grace has opened, from heaven above
now taste and see
blessings poured, overflow
Immeasurable, uncontained
For the one, the seeker who comes”

The third traveler enjoyed his time with the ONE and came back every day to receive one blessing after another.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Speaking the Truth in Love

Salt & Light (Matthew 5:13-16)
I really liked the analogy comparing salt as the union of two parts, love & truth.
It seems love & truth can have opposite effects.

Na+ = Love

Sodium / Na+ (LOVE) is a positive ion and Na+ cannot be by itself but must be combined with many other ions. Likewise, love attracts all kinds of people. Love without truth is blind & will combine with any "truth" or doctrine in the form of blind zeal.

Cl- = Truth
Chloride / Cl- (TRUTH) is a negative ion and Cl- by itself can become a noxious and overwhelming poison gas. Likewise, truth by itself can be offensive & hurtful, unless it is combined with pure & sincere love.

NaCl = Salt of the earth

Opposites (positive & negative ions) attract. When Na+ combines together with Cl- it forms Sodium Chloride / NaCl, table salt, which we put into our food.

So when Love (Na+) & Truth (Cl-) come together you have perfect union, Salt of the earth (NaCl).

When it comes to chemistry I am more of a visual learner. Pictures really help me to visualize the interaction.

Love + Truth Salt of the earth

But, when you add water, the equation is reversible meaning it can go in both directions:

(aq = aqueous/ "in water")

So is this also true?

Love + Truth + Water Salt of the earth + Water

Is this taking the salt analogy too far? Maybe not...

One interesting fact is that salt (NaCl) is exposed to water when it enters your mouth. In water, NaCl (Salt of the earth) ionizes aka separates again to Na+ (Love) & Cl- (Truth).

I know this was not in the sermon but this sparked my curiosity.
What does water have to do with salt?

Water / H2O (the red & white circles in the pictures above) is an important component in the equation. But what does it have to do with the passage from Matthew 5?

This reminds me of the passage in John 4 when Jesus talks with the Samaritan woman at the well about "living water":

13Jesus answered, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." (John 4:13-14)

I could only guess that "living water" is the Holy Spirit. Correct me if I'm wrong (Jdsn)

Ultimately, this would suggest that the Holy Spirit is essential when speaking the Truth in Love.

Anyway, I remember thinking when I first read the passage about Salt & Light, what good is salt besides giving a little flavor to food?

I thought, why did Jesus compare His disciples to salt & light?

Well this message really clarified my confusion...

A true disciple of Christ...

1. Influences the world

Salt is...
  1. Palatable - salt gives flavor to food. The true disciple makes life desirable and beautiful.
  2. Precious - in the days of Jesus, salt was EQUAL in value to gold. No kidding. Roman soldiers were paid in salt, a salarium (the origin of the word salary). The true disciple is precious in God's sight.
  3. Preserving - salt preserves food from decay. The true disciple prevents corruption to sin.
  4. Pure - salt that is mixed in with other things is bland & useless. The true disciple is free from corruption to sin & compromise with the world.
2. Illuminates the world (Ephesians 5:8-14)

Light is...
  1. Conspicuous - light cannot be hidden; The true disciple does not hide his faith. It is obvious to everyone.
  2. Contagious - light will shine; The true disciple's faith inspires others.
So now that I know what salt & light Jesus is talking about-- I can't believe I am saying this but it is amazing that we ARE salt & light! It is a plain fact not a command. I don't have to pretend to be salt & light or my hypocrisy will be exposed for what it is. I shouldn't be a reflection of light otherwise I would be a spiritual thermometer instead of a spiritual thermostat. The influenced instead of the influencer.

The true disciple should influence the world. The world should not influence the true disciple.

Phoebe Baker who visited us for only a short time had a noticeable impact on our EM. I didn't even talk with her personally yet I can still notice the positive changes in our EM. Yet, she is just one example of what a fully surrendered vessel of God can do. The only difference between someone like me for example and her is SURRENDER.

The true disciple who is fully surrendered to God has the power to change the world--for the glory of God!

I feel that Jesus is telling me through this passage that as salt & light I should be pure and sincere. Free from compromise with the world & with sin. Free from hypocrisy. To be pure & sincere.

God may we truly be pure & sincere as you have called us to be.

Sunday, June 27, 2010


I remember JDSN's sermon about salt and light before this sermon.One thing that stuck into my head is that she explained to us that Jesus didn't say you could be, should be, will be the light of the world. Jesus said you are the light of the world and it was not a option or choice. The sermon I heard on Sunday, God defined what salt and light is and its purpose. God searched my heart and showed me how I approach people to share the gospel with anyone. God's intentions in me are to be pure and purposeful. I have realized how impure and ineffective I have been around my loved ones and my friends. God convicted me of how you start to change my tone, attitude and accent towards my worldly friends to blend in.The fear of rejection and failure is what The Spirit wanted me to tell him with honesty and have a sincere heart. He told me I am not to be influenced by the world but influence others.To give flavor like salt and be the light of this dark generation. I was pondering about how and what can I say to a non believer and show that my life can shine through Christ. It can encourage the people to come to know this God only when I surrender. It really challenged me to think what kind of God people think I worship. I wasn't willing to be that vessel that God is always looking for to use because of my self sufficiency. I knew deep inside that I was not worshiping the real God through my actions, I showed other people opposite of who God really is. When I flash the flashlight to the people's eyes instead of the chair it really got to me. Blind Zeal is what I thought when I was thinking and reflecting my actions and more but I can't seem to know now. As I listened to the sermon God really told me repeatly that it is SOOOO IMPORTANT TO KNOW GOD'S LOVE BEFORE ANYTHING it is such a necessity to understand how much God loves me and to know I am in God to do anything for Him in His Kingdom. Anything with out the love of God will serve the enemy. God desire and love to change and purify me was so... not able to be put into words~!

Monday, June 21, 2010

My Response to the Repentance Sermon

Until recently, I didn't think I was such a bad person. Back then, if you had asked me if I was a good person and gave me one of those cartoon tracts I would've shrugged and thrown it away. It is ironic that those tracts that I have been giving away to share the gospel were so applicable to me. I didn't think my sins were too serious. I was hardened against God and blind to my own sins.

I didn't realize the sinfulness of my heart until these recent months when God has been revealing all the wrong motives and hidden sins that I had in my heart.

I had the sin of pride. Subconsciously, I was always comparing myself to others and if I felt I was "better" than somebody it made me feel better. Pride became the scales that blinded me to all the other sins that were hidden in my heart. I denied those others sins existed because I knew if I acknowledged them then I would have to live with the reality that I am truly a sinful wretch and that there is really nothing good in me.

I was living a lie. The lie that I am a good person because my "good" works and the "insignificance" of my sins. I would never acknowledge it but in my proud heart I believed it. The deception and denial grew even deeper as I began to believe that lie was the truth.

As pride and deception took free rein over my life naturally I became more self-focused, self-conscious and selfish. I was more prone to depression because I would wallow in sinful self-pity when things wouldn't go my way. I became more critical and began condemning others in my own self-righteousness and blind pride.

I became very aware of my pride and hypocrisy in these most recent months. I didn't know how to react to it. So I wanted to run away. Run away from church and go back into the world where I believed I would be accepted and be free from condemnation and hypocrisy. I was wrong. The world and its ways seemed enticing at first and I felt good to be free from the conviction of sin. But something was wrong. The world was so wicked and I knew the deeper I go into it the more wickedness I will see. I would become just like them. I realized all I was doing was running away from reality. The reality of my sins.

Just two weeks ago something happened so I called Jdsn because I was really confused. I rarely talk with Jdsn unless it is something serious. She told me plainly what spirits were operating in my life and how I gave them a foothold with my sins. She also told me very plainly to repent. That was it! Repent! I realized it has been a long time I have truly repented for anything so I thought that is a good idea. I repented. I didn't feel anything. There was no sudden eureka moment of freedom. I just repented. It was not until the next day I realized I was free! Free from the evil spirits that have tormented me for so very long. I was genuinely joyful. God has forgiven me! I remember thinking God is really good and this time I sincerely know that is true! My relationship with God took a complete 180. I don't feel like running away from God anymore. Now I truly want to know Him. I only had a small taste of God's amazing grace but it really was amazing! So this is the joy of salvation that King David was talking about! It is incredible. For the first time in my life I realized God truly does love me.

To boil this long response down into one statement---here's the simple truth that I have learned in the past two weeks and from this sermon:

God always forgives the humbled sinner who truly repents.

Repentance ( 6-20-10)

The sermon of Repentance was very powerful because God showed me my motives why I repented before God. God wanted to tell me that He was not a tame master with a whip. But, I constantly bring a mask before God to wear. I repented before God because I feared that He will take away my blessings. I felt sorry and guilty before God because I directly disobey God and the right thing to do is repent. I was so blind and decieved how much I really loved the world. I was in denial to see what the world was really made up of because I loved to hold on to my pride, security, money, and reputation. I assumed I had a relationship with God because I assumed confessing my sin before Him would keep my relationship with Him. I am like King Saul confessing sin with such a parranoid surrender and thoughts instead of being like King David aknowleding how he offended God wit his sin. Repentance is knowing how I offended God and asking God for a willing heart to change and to sustain me to obey God the next temptation comes. Satan can not create anything to bring us down. The spirit of confusion come when I refuse to obey and accept God's truth. I was convicted that I pick the truths I want to hear Because it didn't fit into my wants and selfishness The spirit firmly said THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE in SUCH a tender way. I didn't want to admit or be honest about me because of my fear of failure and pride. THIS attitude totally insults God because it is a hidden way of saying " God you can't help me what I am going through." The Spirit crushed my heart as I was able to see HOW MUCH SUGAR COATED DUNG I was bringing to God but yet He still says HE LOVES ME......I have to constantly ask God to remind me that HIS LOVE IS UNCONDITIONAL~ and He never fails to do so!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Sunday Seminar: Book of Matthew

For the next Sunday Seminar we will continue going over the Book of Matthew.

Read the 5 Major Discourses (teachings, sermons) of Jesus:
1. Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
2. Instruction for Evangelism (
Matthew 10)
3. Kingdom Parables (
Matthew 13)
4. Character of True Disciples (
Matthew 18)
5. Teaching about End of Age (
Matthew 24-25)

Write down on the handout or leave a comment with your insights or questions about the passages.

Have a great week! =)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Dear Friend,

Try to imagine a lighthouse being afraid because it becomes aware of an approaching storm.

“Oh, dear!” it says. “How will I ever make it through? Where will I find the strength to stand and somehow make a difference?”

You would stand in wonder and say, “Poor little lighthouse. Doesn’t it realize that it was designed to withstand the coming storm and provide both comfort and direction to those looking for refuge? Does it not know that it has a strength and power source within it that makes it stand and shine in the storm?” As a matter of fact, it is built FOR the storm!

Dear friend, don’t be afraid. Our hope is in God. “And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us” (Romans 5:5).

We were designed for this time, so be encouraged! Jesus Christ will NEVER fail you.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Carter Conlon
Senior Pastor

Friday, February 26, 2010

All or nothing

Read this quote by C.S. Lewis and post a comment on what your initial reactions are after reading it =)

The Christian way is different: harder, and easier.

Christ says, "Give me ALL. I don't want so much of your time and so much of your money and so much of your work: I WANT YOU. I have not come to torture your natural self, but TO KILL IT.

No half-measures are any good.

I don't want to cut off a branch here and a branch there. I want to have the whole tree down.
I don't want to drill the tooth, or crown it, or stop it, but to have it out.
Hand over the whole natural self, all the desires which you think innocent as well as the ones you think wicked- the whole outfit.

I will give you a new self instead.

In fact, I will give you MYSELF. MY OWN SHALL BECOME YOURS."

C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity

Friday, February 19, 2010

Jesus in the Bible

GENESIS Ram at Abraham’s Altar
EXODUS Passover Lamb
NUMBERS Cloud by Day, Pillar of Fire by Night
DEUTERONOMY City of Our Refuge
JOSHUA Scarlet Thread out Rahab’s Window
JUDGES Our Judge
RUTH Our Kinsman-Redeemer
1 & 2 SAMUEL Our Trusted Prophet
1 & 2 KINGS & 1 & 2 CHRONICLES Our Reigning King
EZRA Our Faithful Scribe
NEHEMIAH Rebuilder of Everything that is Broken
ESTHER Mordecai Sitting Faithful at the Gate
JOB Our Redeemer that Ever Liveth
PSALMS My Shepherd and I Shall Not Want
SONG OF SONGS Beautiful Bridegroom
ISAIAH Suffering Servant
EZEKIEL Wonderful Four-Faced Man
DANIEL Fourth Man in the Midst of the Fiery Furnace
HOSEA My Love that is Forever Faithful
JOEL Baptizes Us with the Holy Spirit
AMOS Our Burden-Bearer
OBADIAH Our Savior
JONAH Great Foreign Missionary that takes the Word of God to All the World
MICAH Messenger with Beautiful Feet
NAHUM Avenger
HABAKKUK Watchman Ever Praying for Revival
ZEPHANIAH Lord, Mighty to Save
HAGGAI Restorer of Our Lost Heritage
ZECHARIAH Our Fountain
MALACHI Son of Righteousness with Healing in His Wings

MATTHEW Thou Art the Christ, the Son of the Living God
MARK Miracle Worker
LUKE Son of Man
JOHN Door by Which Every One of Us Must Enter
ACTS Shining Light that Appeared to Saul on the Road to Damascus
ROMANS Our Justifier
1 Corinthians Our Resurrection
2 CORINTHIANS Our Sin-Bearer
GALATIANS Redeems Us from the Law
EPHESIANS Our Unsearchable Riches
PHILIPPIANS Supplies Our Every Need
COLOSSIANS Fullness of the Godhead Father
1 & 2 THESSALONIANS Soon Coming King
1 & 2 TIMOTHY Mediator between God & Man
TITUS Our Blessed Hope
PHILEMON Friend that Sticks Closer than a Brother
HEBREWS Blood of the Everlasting Covenant
JAMES Heals the Sick
1 & 2 PETER Chief Shepherd
1, 2 & 3 JOHN Has Tenderness of Love
JUDE Lord, Coming with Ten Thousand Saints
REVELATION King of kings & Lord of lords

~Not sure to whom the credit for this insight belongs, so...

there is nothing

A beautiful song by Laura Story: [LISTEN HERE]

"There is Nothing"

Lord, I come before You to honor and adore You
For who You are and all that You have done
Lord, I am not worthy, my heart is dark and dirty
Still somehow You bid for me to come

May our time be sweeter
May I be a keeper of the promises I make to You in song
Lord, may I remember these moments of surrender
And live my life this way from this day on

So clothe me in humility
Remind me that I come before the King

And there is nothing
There is nothing more precious, more worthy
May I gaze deeper, may I stay longer
May I press onward to know You, Lord

law of grace

Yet the duties God requires of us are not in proportion to the strength we possess in ourselves.
Rather, they are proportional to the resources available to us in Christ.
We do not have the ability in ourselves to accomplish the least of God’s tasks.
This is a Law of Grace.
When we recognize it is impossible to perform a duty in our own strength,
we will discover the secret of its accomplishment.
But alas, this is a secret we often fail to discover.

~John Owen, Sin & Temptation

Tuesday, February 02, 2010


One of my sisters sent me this...

Salmon, anyone?
Busy life... Going with the flow...Most of you might already know about it... I admire the strength of salmon, going against the flow with all of their strength. It is a life or death event. It returns to the birth place, where their life has started. On the way back to their birth place, 50% gets eaten by their predators (killer whale, salmon shark, bear, birds...) ...Speak of having many enemies... and even more do not make it back if they encounter unfavorable circumstances. Those who makes it back, their appearance are disfigured and skins damaged by rocks in the low water leveled areas. They do not eat or even drink water, even when they are traveling in the water in their journey back... Even when they are traveling in the water... When they finally reach their birth place, they lay eggs and die... Oh, how do they know to travel back from wide pacific ocean to its birth place, a specific river head? It is said that they have extreme sensitivity to the smell that they could distinguish smell of a drop of water from the rest of the ocean... Interesting, huh?


Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!

My Name Is I AM

I was regretting the past,
and fearing the future.
Suddenly my Lord was speaking:
"My name is I AM".

He paused.
I waited.
He continued,

"When you live in the past,
with its mistakes and regrets,
it is hard. I am not there.
My name is not I WAS.

When you live in the future,
with its problems and fears,
it is hard. I am not there.
My name is not I WILL BE.

When you live in this moment
it is not hard. I am here.
My name is I AM."

~ Helen Mallicoat