- Daniel's divine distinction - In v3 the bible states "Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom." Furthermore, in v5 even his enemies proclaim "Finally these men said, "We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God." There was no evidence of corruption.
- Daniel's deliberate devotion - In v10 we hear about the decree which condemned anyone found praying to God. Yet despite this we see that Daniel immediately got on his knees and began to pray. Despite the imminent threat on his life, he did nothing different. Moments of trial doesn't give integrity, it proves integrity and in his moment of trial, Daniel chose not to compromise.
- Daniel's demonstrative deliverance - At the end of this chapter we see Daniel being thrown into the lions den, but God delivers him from danger. Despite spending the whole night in den of starving lions, not a hair on his body was harmed. God honored Daniel by saving him and made Daniel's life a testimony to Himself. Once you begin to compromise, your testimony is dead. By compromising you did not prove that God is faithful.
So how does one avoid compromise?
- Keep a higher standard - Make God's word your standard. There is the no higher standard. The Lord gave us the Word so we may know what is right and showed us what it means to be righteous in His eyes. It is impossible to know God without studying the Word.
- Form a Godly habit - Daniel prayed 3 times a day, every day. Daniel was in such a habit of praying throughout his life, that during times of great trials, it was only natural for him to get on his knees and pray.
- Obey without delay - There are moments when the Holy Spirit will urge you to do something, but when you hesitate to carry out the Lord's wishes, you are in essence disobeying Him. For the Lord may ask you to help Him, but he will never force you. Every opportunity is a chance to help glorify the Lord. If you turn down His offer, then He will always find someone else to carry out His will.
Compromise has a become a populate ideal in our mainstream culture. We are taught that it's okay to compromise our principles. Yet compromise itself is not a bad things. However, if used in the wrong context can be an extremely deadly thorn in one's spiritual walk with God. Compromise is a deliberate choice to sin, to cave under the pressure for the sake of comfort and ease, when our devotion is challenged.
--from Nakwon EM October 28th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim
Thank God for GPS........ (get it? God Positioning System?........... .. .. .... bah nevermind..... )