Monday, December 17, 2007

Faith that Risks

You can not walk a life of a believer without ever taking a risk. The book of Ruth almost seems out of place in among the other books in the Old Testament. It is sandwiched between Judges and 1 Samuel. Even it's length is surprisingly short compared to other books. Yet if one takes the time to story of Ruth, they will discover what it means to live in faith. Ruth 1:1-18 tells the story of an amazing woman who despite her dire situation she decides to stay with her mother-in-law.
  1. Faith that Risk Clings - In v14, it states Ruth literally clung to her mother. Despite all the discouragement she received from here sisters and mother, Ruth adamantly decides to stay with her mother. Even in v13 when Naomi declares "the LORD's hand has gone out against me!" Ruth was not shaken. Ruth's faith was not dependent on her mother's faith. Ruth, who was a foreigner that learned about God through her mother-in-law, did not falter when even her own teacher denounced God.
  2. Faith that Risk Chooses - Faith is a choice, a conviction, but not an emotion. Faith in a choice that must be demonstrated by two things. Action for God and surrender to God. Furthermore, the moment of choice must happen now and if you do not answer God's call, then He will eventually move on and find someone else to carry out his work.
  3. Faith that Risk is Committed - In v17 Ruth pledges to stay by her mother side until the very end. Faith is about commitment. Do you demonstrate partial commitment in your spiritual walk? Do you find yourself always appending a condition to your prayers? Are there certain things you are afraid to give up for God? If so then you are worrying that God is ultimately going to fail you.

Unless there is an element of risk in our spiritual walk, there is no need for faith. Furthermore, the fruits of our faith might not even blossom in our lifetime. In the end Ruth marries Boaz and live happily ever after. However, she never found out that through her children she gave birth to the genealogy of King David who genealogy can be traced all the way up to our Lord Jesus? And it all started with the steadfast faith from a woman name Ruth.

--from Nakwon EM December 16th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

P.S. you can keep the picture =P

Monday, December 10, 2007

Set Your Minds

Colossians 3:1-3 provides a short excerpt on Holy living. It gives a simple command of setting our "minds on things above, not on earthly things." Yet one of the most common trials we face is the temptation to fall back into our worldly ways, even after we've come into the presence of Christ. We try to set our minds on walking the higher path, yet we often find ourselves stumbling over worldly habits which hinder our spiritual walk. Ultimately, what started off as a noble determination, becomes withered away to nothing more than guilt. Guilt for lacking the strength to follow through with the promises we so zealously made. Yet despite all our knowledge and convictions, why do we often find ourselves caught the same cycle? Why is it so hard for us to set our minds. To answer this question there are three things you must know about the mind.
  1. Truth about the Mind - First of all, our mind is not a vacuum. Since the moment we were born, the mind has been constantly soaking up information. It has the uncanny ability to absorb limitless amount of information. Furthermore your mind is your captain. What your mind says you will do.
  2. Bombardment of the Mind - We live in an age where we are constantly bombarded by the media. From magazines, to television to video games, companies are vying for you attention. Yet what does media teach us? It tells us that beautiful is good and ugly is bad. It tells us that truth is relative and it paints a false picture of what it means to have a good life. Furthermore, try to think back when was the last time you saw a positive image of religion being portrayed on TV. The truth is media has become a tool which dictates our reality. Post modern philosophy calls this hyperreality. It is the sense something being more "real" than real. Media has become a way to filter and distort what's really going on. Just look at this unending fad of reality shows.
  3. Control of the Mind - The first thing we must acknowledge is that there is a a spiritual war being waged for your mind. Furthermore, God will not govern your thoughts. He will not force his will upon you. He might wait patiently and try nudging you in the right direction, but ultimately it's up to you. So how do we control our mind? You must first screen your thoughts, then select your thought and finally strengthen Godly thoughts. The next time you are thinking about something ask yourselves these 7 questions.
    (1) Where is it coming from?
    (2) Where is it leading me?
    (3) Is it scripturally sound?
    (4) Will it build me up or tear me down?
    (5) Can you share this thought with others?
    (6) Does it make you feel guilty for having these thought?
    (7) Does it fit with who you are as a Christian?
    If the answer is no to any of these questions then ultimately you are sowing a thought that will lead you astray.

To key to controlling our minds is by making a positive replacement for a negative thought. This is why it is so important to dwell in the Word. By exposing your mind to the scriptures it allows it to be strengthen by it. Setting our minds is not an over-night process. It is arduous refining process which needs to be repeatedly hammered out, but if you keep at it, then just maybe when all the impurities have been stripped away, you'll be left with something so beautiful that even God will be moved. A Holy mind.

--from Nakwon EM December 9th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

"Quick look busy so we don't have to help decorate..."

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Overflow of the Heart

Our words have the amazing ability to save people or completely tear them down. Whether we are aware of it or not, the words we speak can inadvertently affect people in the most profound ways. In Matthew 12:33-37 it describes, not only the strength of our words, but also the source of its power, and the consequences of what happens when we ignorantly misuse its gift. Ultimately words are about the overflow of the heart.
  1. Words reflect the heart - Words will reflect who you are. It will declare to the world what kind of Christian you are. It is one of the many tools we possess to identity to others what's in our hearts an it is one of the most used, abused and often confused tool we utilize in our daily spiritual walk.
  2. Words reveal the heart - Words are a metaphoric mirror which reveals the nature of your character. The words you speak reflects to others what kind of person you truly are. We often try to brush aside things we say accidentally by labeling it as nothing more than "unconscious words." However, these unconscious slip of the tongues have a tendency to be closer to the truth then the intentional words we often proclaim to others. In v34 it states "You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks." In other words, we can not speak something that's not already in us. If your heart is filled with bitter and discontentment, how will ever find it in you to bring true words of encouragement and kindness? Furthermore, forcing ourselves to habitually be silent doesn't solve the problem. In v33, it tells us the only solution is by amending the heart. "Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit."
  3. Words redeem the heart - Your words are a testimony to what kind of Christian you are. We live in an age where we feel it's okay to say whatever we want without fear of recourse. However in v36 it tells us "But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken." Not only will our words be held accountable but "every careless word!" For words already spoken can not be taken back. Once the harsh words are let loose, the damage is already done.

Therefore, if words are the essence that overflow from the container of our hearts, then it becomes essential that we fill this vessel with the knowledge of the Word. For only the living Word can teach us how to bring out words that edify others even in moments of anger. "For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned."

--from Nakwon EM November 25th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

"Stick and stone can break my bones but words will never hurt me"
You've obviously never been hit by a dictionary!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

You know, it's kind of funny...

As November's Thanksgiving Day strolls along in the year, it is usually piggybacked by December's Christmas Day. We see Christmas trees and holiday decorations displayed in store windows; we hear Christmas jingles on the radio; we attempt to be proactive and buy Christmas gifts early; (and this one is good...) we hectically plan and practice our presentation for the annual joint Christmas worship service. So, it never really occurred to me that I don't take as much time enjoying the season of Thanksgiving until I remembered what Tobi said when we were walking down a street in Flushing.

After seeing a brightly lit Christmas tree in a store window, she said, "Oh gosh. I don't want to see Christmas trees in November... can't they let us enjoy Thanksgiving?" (I’m sure that isn't verbatim because I have a horrible memory. But- it was something to that effect) :P Anyway, I realized how easily we fall into the deception that Thanksgiving is just about feasting and family-ship without seeing the real meaning behind it. Kind of like how people forget that "Jesus is the reason for the season" during Christmas.

In the same way, Jesus is the reason for this holiday season as well. I find myself getting caught up in the traditional motions of celebrating this day and with shallow reflection of "What I am thankful for" that I’m sure Jesus is saddened by my ungratefulness. I mean, Thanksgiving was originally celebrated after the first harvest of the Pilgrims who came from religious persecution in England. We probably wouldn't be here if God hadn't ordained the history of England or this nation.

Sometimes, I forget how privileged we are to actually live in the states. We have so much opportunity here and I fail to take advantage of all that God has provided us. It is an absolute BLESSING and we should live every single day in thanksgiving!

Check this out. In 1789, President George Washington issued a national Thanksgiving Proclamation. Do you know what he wrote??? It’s amazing. He said:

"Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto him our sincere and humble thanks—for his kind care and protection of the People of this Country...for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of his Providence which we experienced in the tranquility, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed...and also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech him to pardon our national and other transgressions—to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually...To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us—and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as he alone knows to be best."

Wow. When I read this decree, my eyes widened just thinking how far we have strayed from God. I thought, “Wow. So this is the kind of faith our nation was founded on… look at us now…” I know I tend to cry a lot, but when I read this, I couldn’t help but tear and repent for myself and for this country.

It reminded me of the entire Psalm 106 where the psalmist begins with, “Praise the LORD. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever” and continues on describing the Jews’ disobedience and God’s unchanging love for them. It says:

7 When our fathers were in Egypt, they gave no thought to your miracles; they did not remember your many kindnesses, and they rebelled by the sea, the Red Sea.
13 But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his counsel.
21 They forgot the God who saved them, who had done great things in Egypt,
24 Then they despised the pleasant land; they did not believe his promise.
25 They grumbled in their tents and did not obey the LORD.
39 They defiled themselves by what they did; by their deeds they prostituted themselves.

And this is what humbles me and makes me get on my knees in thanksgiving... the psalmist says:

8 Yet he saved them for his name's sake, to make his mighty power known.
43 Many times he delivered them, but they were bent on rebellion and they wasted away in their sin.
44 But he took note of their distress when he heard their cry;
45 for their sake he remembered his covenant and out of his great love he relented.

Amazing. I’m sorry I got a little carried away with this entry, but as I was doing my QT this morning- I just felt God urging me to remember Him.

So, using Psalm 160, this is my prayer:

Hallelujah LORD~ I thank you so much for your love and goodness. Words cannot come close to expressing how great You are. God, I thank you for those who maintain justice and constantly do what is right in your eyes. I pray that you show favor to your people and unveil our eyes to see this world as you do.

Please help us to enjoy the blessings you give so that we may “share in the joy of your nation and join your inheritance in giving praise”. Lord, I am in awe of You because You never fail to show kindness to your people even when we are such a crooked and deprived generation -that even when we fail to remember you and even when we curse you, you still continue to love us and cover us in your grace and mercy.

Lord, I pray in repentance. I pray that you forgive us and this nation for forgetting You, disobeying you, and for defiling ourselves. God, let us return to You! I pray that you raise up more and more people who can be like Phinehas who stood up and intervened for his people. Lord, for you credited it to him as righteousness. Let our hearts break for your people, Father… that we wouldn’t just sit by and do nothing, getting fat on your Word for ourselves. But that Your word would move us into action.

This Thanksgiving Day, I pray that we would remember YOU and bring ALL praise and glory to YOU and YOU alone.

47 Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from the nations, that we may give thanks to your holy name and glory in your praise.
48 Praise be to the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting. Let all the people say, "Amen!" Praise the LORD.

So, all these things I pray in Jesus’ mighty Name,


"Simba, you have forgotten me. You have forgotten who you are and so forgotten me. Look inside your self Simba, you are more than what you have become, you must take your place in the circle of life. Remember who you are.... remember...." Mufasa :) haha

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Giving Thanks

Colossians 3:15-17 speaks about the relevance of giving thanks in our Christian walk. In all three verses, the common attitudes is being thankful.
  1. Heart ruled by the peace of Christ gives thanks - Being thankful is not a natural reaction. For fallen beings like us, it is a concept that must be taught, and it is ultimately the peace of Christ that teaches us how. It is this peace that will decide how you live your life. Yet it is not something we can attain until we submit our worries to God. It is only then, through the power of prayer, we slowly achieve an unexplainable peace which can ground you even in the harshest of storms. Contrary to common belief, finding thanks giving isn't when you have something. Rather it's giving thanks when your going through hardships. True thanks is demonstrated during you trials.
  2. Grounded in the Word of Christ gives praise - When the Word permeates through every facet of your life, praise will naturally rise. Praise is an natural expression of thanks. However, if you can not grasp of what God accomplishes in your life daily, then you will never find thanks. So how does one open their minds to the glory of the Lord? The answer is simple; it all starts with the Word.
  3. Life aligned with the will of God will give thanks - In the story of Daniel and the lions den, we see the life of a remarkable man, who faced the dilemma of being killed if found praying. Yet despite the threat to his life, Daniel fell to his knee and prayed 3 times of day giving thanks to the Lord. Daniel was able to do this because he spent over 70 years of his life praying to the Lord. Daniel was in the habit of giving thanks to the Lord, so when he trials came, it was only natural for him to get on his knees and continue praying.

A true heart of thanks can be demonstrated during the good times and the bad. Do you thank the Lord for you troubles? When life knocks you down is the first thought that enters you mind a prayer of thanks? The bible chronicles amazing tales of people like Paul and Peter who endure unbelievable hardships and yet always finds peace within themselves. A true heart of thanksgiving will bring glory to God, and God in return will bless you with a indescribable peace that can center you no matter how shaken up your world might get.

--from Nakwon EM November 18th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

when in doubt the answer is COMFORT!";-)

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Contentment of Being Loved

Our free will might stem from the fact that we have the ability to ignore God. We seem to have the uncanny ability to block out God's words no matter how hard He tries to talk to us. Yet it seems it is in our moments of deafness is when we often fall into our discontentment. Too often do we find ourselves gauging our levels of happiness to our intrinsic material possessions. As if our scales of contentment can be offset by the weight of our wealth. How often have we found ourselves saying "if only I had that shiny new car" or "if only I could afford that beautiful condo overlooking the water front.", which of course makes it even more ironic since by now we are past the stages of our infancy naiveties. Just as we now realize how trivial that childhood "Happy Meal" was, deep in our minds we also realize that the new car today will turn into tomorrow's heavily insured heap of scrap metal. Yet despite this revelation why do we subjugate ourselves to these thoughts? Maybe it's because we've learned to ignore God. After all it's one thing to know about God, it's another thing to have a relationship with God. It's no secret we have God missing in our lives. It seems no matter what we try to satiate our hungers, we always find ourselves feeling lonely or frustrated. Maybe that feeling of despair is our soul yearning to be closer to God. Even though we've learned to block it from our minds, it doesn't mean our souls have. As Christians we are taught that we are designed to worship the Lord. Then it only seems logical that when we astray from that purpose our, we will only find disappointment. It's like trying to cut a steel pipe with a paper scissor. Sure, you can try as hard as you want, and maybe you'll even scratch the metal, but ultimately it's a futile attempt and down-right ludicrous. After all, what in our world can possibly measure up the glory of our Lord, because ultimately that's what we are looking to do.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Silence of God

We often associate silence of God to unanswered prayers. We have come to expect three kinds of answers when we ask God for help; Yes, No or Wait. When we do not receive an answer we begin to fall into despair. As cruel and unbearable the silence can be, there is a profound meaning in this silence. In John 11:1-15, 32-37 we read about the death and resurrection of Lazarus. This story provides a great insight into the silence of God.
  1. Silence of God is an answer - The first step in every one's faith is to accept that God comprehends your situation better than anyone else. After all, how can we claim to believe in an all-knowing, omnipotent God and not accept this truth. The second step, and often the stumbling block for most, is to believe that God love for us is greater than anything in the world. Whether it's for you, or for someone else, your feelings for your loved ones pales in comparison to His. v35 summaries this powerful notion in on simple phrase, "Jesus Wept". Jesus, who knew that he will raise Lazarus from the dead, still wept for him.
  2. Silence follows and fortifies faith - Faith is believing in advance what only makes sense in hindsight. It is only through our struggles and trials that we grow with the Lord. It is impossible to grow spiritually without ever being tested.
  3. Silence ushers into greater intimacy and revelation - Is your perception of God as a giver of gifts? If so then your understanding of our Lord is greatly limited. Prayers is a way to align ourselves with God's purpose, not the other way around. As much as we should rejoice in the blessings of the Lord, we must also rejoice in the silence. Because silence serves as an opportunity to come closer to God. For God will never burden us with something He feels we can not handle. Ultimately, silence is God's way of telling us that He trusts we are strong enough to receive a great revelation. In v15 we hear Jesus tell his disciples that Lazarus' death and eventual resurrection will serve a purpose to help us believe. It will give faith to His followers.

Silence is God's way of asking you for your trust. Do you trust that God is in control? That no matter how dire the situation might be, He always has your interest at heart? Do you believe in His love for you? If you can not come to accept this truth then your faith will wittle away and be replace with doubt.

--from Nakwon EM November 11th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Monday, November 05, 2007

KIDS Lord's Prayer

I found it!

(3-year old Reese) "Our Father, Who does art in heaven, Harold is His name."
(3-year old Caitlin) "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from E-mail."
(4-year old) "And forgive us our trash baskets, as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets."


A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Kevin 5, and Ryan 3. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity for a moral lesson.

"If Jesus were sitting here, He would say,'Let my brother have the first pancake, I can wait.'

Kevin turned to his younger brother and said, "Ryan, you be Jesus!"


A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son ran up to him,
grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a seagull lay dead in the sand.

"Daddy, what happened to him?" the son asked.

"He died and went to Heaven," the Dad replied.

The boy thought a moment and then said, "Did God throw him back down?"


A wife invited some people to dinner. At the table, ! she tur ned to their six-year-old daughter and said, "Would you like to say the blessing?"

"I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied.

"Just say what you hear Mommy say," the wife answered.

The daughter bowed her head and said,"Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"


Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Worshipping Idolater

1 Samuel 15:17-31 tells the story of the the turning point of King Saul's reign over Israel. It speaks about how Saul disobeyed God's command and ultimately paid the price for it. Saul's flaw was that he tried to replace worship with obedience. His actions didn't reflect the worship he tried to demonstrate and this misunderstanding with God prevented him from truly repenting for his mistakes. So how do we define worship in our Christian lives?
  1. Expression of Life - Worship is not a concept that is caged inside the four walls of a church. It is not bounded by some magical forces that prevent it from existing beyond Sundays. Yet so many of us treat it as if it was. Worship, in it's truest form, is an extension of our life. It lives as an expression of our lives, reflecting day-to-day how we carry ourselves through the constant trials of temptations.
  2. Complete Obedience - In v20-21 when Saul is asked why he didn't carry out God's command and destroy everything, he says "But I did obey the LORD... I went on the mission the LORD assigned me. I completely destroyed the Amalekites and brought back Agag their king. The soldiers took sheep and cattle from the plunder, the best of what was devoted to God, in order to sacrifice them to the LORD your God at Gilgal." Saul tries to justify his actions by skewing the very command God has given him. In his mind he felt that partial obedience was enough. However in God's eyes, partial obedience is just as bad as disobedience. The danger of partial obedience is that you are ultimately trying to negotiate with God's mercy. As if you can bribe God into letting you get away with your sins if you can "offer" God something in return.
  3. Genuine Repentance - From v24-30 we see Saul continually trying to repent for his sins, but God ultimately rejects him. There is a huge difference between regret and repentance. John Ortberg describes this syndrome as pain avoidance. Do you repent in fear of God's wrath? Do you rationalize that if I go to church, read the bible, do all my QTs then God will look the other way as I commit my sins? If so then your view of repentance is greatly skewed. True repentance is when you realize that what you are doing is wrong and you ask the Lord to help you overcome your urges to commit them.

Worship is an expression of life characterized by complete obedience and genuine repentance. If your worship doesn't reflect your daily life, then it will become disguise you wear to conceal your actions and ultimately you will fall away from God. There's nothing that God hates more than lukewarmness. What does your worship of God say about you?

--from Nakwon EM November 4th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Saul and his 3 BMWs

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Dare to Not Compromise

Daniel 6:1-28 tells the story of how Daniel did not compromise his faith despite the king's decree that have anyone found praying to anyone else besides the king would be put to death. Yet despite this decree, "three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God." In the amazing story of devotion and deliverance, there are three things we can learn from Daniel's willing act not to compromise his faith.
  1. Daniel's divine distinction - In v3 the bible states "Now Daniel so distinguished himself among the administrators and the satraps by his exceptional qualities that the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom." Furthermore, in v5 even his enemies proclaim "Finally these men said, "We will never find any basis for charges against this man Daniel unless it has something to do with the law of his God." There was no evidence of corruption.
  2. Daniel's deliberate devotion - In v10 we hear about the decree which condemned anyone found praying to God. Yet despite this we see that Daniel immediately got on his knees and began to pray. Despite the imminent threat on his life, he did nothing different. Moments of trial doesn't give integrity, it proves integrity and in his moment of trial, Daniel chose not to compromise.
  3. Daniel's demonstrative deliverance - At the end of this chapter we see Daniel being thrown into the lions den, but God delivers him from danger. Despite spending the whole night in den of starving lions, not a hair on his body was harmed. God honored Daniel by saving him and made Daniel's life a testimony to Himself. Once you begin to compromise, your testimony is dead. By compromising you did not prove that God is faithful.

So how does one avoid compromise?

  1. Keep a higher standard - Make God's word your standard. There is the no higher standard. The Lord gave us the Word so we may know what is right and showed us what it means to be righteous in His eyes. It is impossible to know God without studying the Word.
  2. Form a Godly habit - Daniel prayed 3 times a day, every day. Daniel was in such a habit of praying throughout his life, that during times of great trials, it was only natural for him to get on his knees and pray.
  3. Obey without delay - There are moments when the Holy Spirit will urge you to do something, but when you hesitate to carry out the Lord's wishes, you are in essence disobeying Him. For the Lord may ask you to help Him, but he will never force you. Every opportunity is a chance to help glorify the Lord. If you turn down His offer, then He will always find someone else to carry out His will.

Compromise has a become a populate ideal in our mainstream culture. We are taught that it's okay to compromise our principles. Yet compromise itself is not a bad things. However, if used in the wrong context can be an extremely deadly thorn in one's spiritual walk with God. Compromise is a deliberate choice to sin, to cave under the pressure for the sake of comfort and ease, when our devotion is challenged.

--from Nakwon EM October 28th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Thank God for GPS........ (get it? God Positioning System?........... .. .. .... bah nevermind..... )

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Test of Trust

Job 1:1-5 chronicles the story of an amazing man who was "blameless and upright" in God's eyes. It goes on to describe how God allowed Satan to systematically pick apart his life to the point where Job begins to curse his fate. In the end when God reveals Himself to Job, he comes to terms with his situation and acknowledges the Lord. The book of Job paints a beautiful picture of a man, despite the amazing hardship, kept his faith with God. However, there's another lesson here that's hidden between the lines. No one will ever question Job's faith or the his morality, yet there was one thing he did lacked, trust.

Trust is a simple yet powerful principle and there three characters that are relevent to every Christian.
  1. Trust reveal fear - Job had fear in his life. In 1:5, it mentions how Job would sacrifice burnt offerings for his children in fear that they might have done something to offend the Lord. In 3:25 Job even confesses "What I feared has come upon me; what I dreaded has happened to me." Fear stems from that one does not have trust in God. Do you have trust that God is in control? Do you really believe no matter how dire the situation may be, God only has the best interest in mind? When you lack that trust, then you heart become a vessel to be filled with doubt which will ultimately lead to fear.
  2. Trust rests in relationship - There is no doubt that Job had faith in God. Even during his ordeal, he never once denied the existence of the Lord. Furthermore, this man's faith was so strong that the bible itself describes him as "blameless and upright." Yet God was not after this man's faith. What God was interested in was his trust. Because it is impossible to have a relationship with God without trust, and God wanted to have a relationship with Job.
  3. Trust redefines belief and blessings - Blessings that come from trusting God will be far greater than blessings you receive from mere faith. Gifts you receive from God with any prior trust in Him, will ultimately come to possess you. For we are children of sin and our nature will always draw us back to our pride.

That is why faith alone is not enough. It must be coupled with trust in God for it to be meaningful. Faith will come with the Word, but if you yearn to have a relationship with the Lord, then there is only one way, trust. Without it, your faith will always be shaky.

--from Nakwon EM October 21th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Donkey + Lion = Anti-christ????????????

Monday, October 15, 2007

Zaya ya

just testing it out guys.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Spiritual Attack

The moment you've decided to follow Christ and declare Jesus is your savior, is the moment Satan will begin to attack you. Beneath the veil of reality of our mundane everyday lives, is a spiritual war going on between God and the devil for your soul. Some may dismiss it and others may all together think it's ludicrous, but whether we acknowledge it or not, we are under constant spiritual attack.

There are distinct moments in you life where the devil will try to attack you.
  1. Growing spiritually - Are you a nominal Christian? Do you live with a lukewarm faith? Despite what you may believe, the devil is not interested in you. Actually, he's quite content with where you are in your life. It's when you decide to take significant steps towards the Lord will he try to do everything in his power to dissuade you.
  2. Invading enemy territory - There are two things that threaten Satan's work, evangelizing and interceding. Maybe he will try to stop you by finding people to ridicule you. Or maybe he will plant thoughts of laziness and complenceny to deter you from praying for others.
  3. Exposing enemy schemes - Testimony is a powerful tool. It's one thing to hear or listen to accounts of spiritual attacks from books or TV. However, it's completely different when you hear about it from a fellow peer or family member. The devil will try to find ways to discredit you.
  4. Repenting of sin
  5. Being prepared for God's work

The devil will have many ways of deterring you from doing God's work. Genesis 3:17 chronicles the story about how the serpent tricked Eve into disobeying God and eating from the Tree of Knowledge. If you read the verses carefully you'll see how Satan will make you question God's authority. First, he will try to make you question God's word. In verse 1 he asks Eve ""Did God really say, 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" Then he will try and deny His words. In verse 4, after Eve has done explaining that she will die if she ate the fruit, the serpent tells her "You will not surely die." Finally the devil will try to change God's word.

So what defense do we have against these spiritual attacks? In Ephesians 6:16 Peter says to "take up the shield of faith." However, what exactly does he mean when he says "shield of faith?" To have a shield of faith requires you to have confidence in God.

  1. Confidence in His Promises - Satan will try to tell you that the troubles you are going through are too much for you to handle. However, the Lord will tell you that no matter how dire the situation may appear, He will never throw something at you that you can't handle. Trust that the Lord will get you through the storm.
  2. Confidence in His Power - Satan will try to diminish your faith in what the Holy Spirit is trying to achieve in your life. Believe in His power and you will witness a level of sanctification that can only come from His power.
  3. Confidence in His Program - God has an amazing plan for you. It is not by chance that God went out of his way to save you. The devil will try everything to make you doubt His plan.

When Jesus spent 40 days in the desert being tempted by the devil, he used the Word to overcome His trials. You can not overcome temptation if you do not know the bible. Take heed to the pending attacks and take up your shield of faith. Because whether or not you acknowledge it, there is a spiritual war going on for you soul, and the only thing that will save you will be your faith.

--from Nakwon EM October 14th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

cough medicine or exorcism?

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Salvation that Works

In Philippians 2:12-18, Paul gives a commentary about what it means to achieve salvation as a Christian.
  1. Command (v12) - We are given a command to "continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling." However, aren't we taught that we are saved by grace? After all if we are already saved, then what is there to work out? This command is addressed more specifically to Christians.
  2. Empowerment (v13) - We are given empowerment "to act according to his good purpose." One can not truly claimed to be saved and not act accordingly. We are all called upon to follow a higher path and it is this day-by-day sanctification that we must uphold to finish our part that God has called us to do. However, even though the Lord has given us the strength to carry out his will, it is still up to us to uphold it.
  3. Method (v14) - "Do everything without complaining or arguing." Sometimes as we are going through our struggles we begin to compare our lives with others. After all, it only seems natural to question why one person must go through hardships while other don't. Why must some endure incredible hardships while others seem to breeze through life without a care. Yet no matter how hard you ask God, he will only tell you about your life. The concern of other people affairs is between them and God. Ultimately, what God is asking is to trust in Him.
  4. Result (v15-16) - The result of salvation will lead to four things. Sanctification ("become blameless and pure"), consecration ("children of God without fault"), demonstration ("in which you shine like stars in the universe") and instruction ("as you hold out the word of life"). Through our salvation we must reach to become blameless and pure. A change in belief is nothing with out a change in behavior. Will your life as a Christian be a shining example for others or will you become a hypocrite that will taint the Lord's name?
  5. Illustration (v17) - Paul provides this beautiful analogy to describe what it means to achieve salvation. Like the final cup of wine that it poured out onto a burnt offering, it completes the sacrifice and as the wine mixes with the burning meat, it will saturate the air with a sweet and pleasing aroma.
  6. Joy (v18) - The final result is mutual joy. The only thing more beautiful than your own salvation is the salvation of your peers.

Do you live your life stressed out wondering what your purpose in life is? If so maybe should read these verses more carefully. Believe that one day God will explain everything that concerns you. Until then follow your faith without arguing or blame.

Pastor Ruben summarized it best (this week's guest speaker at TSC). A microphone will do what it was made to do without ever question it's purpose in life. We've all been designed to worship the Lord. If only we are willing to humble ourselves and step down from our own pedestal, maybe one day God reveal to us our purpose, and you find yourself lifted up high by God's hand.

--from Nakwon EM October 7th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Are you going to talk about the parrot? - JH

Monday, October 01, 2007

confession of faith

Faith is God-initiated, God-empowered and God-centered.

Faith remains a poetic concept, a beautiful idea until I am found struggling amidst a violent storm that threatens my peace.

Faith is strengthened only during the storm. It is then that faith is either purified or proven a lie, a shallow idealism quick to crumble into shattered despair around me.

Faith has nothing to do with emotions; it is all in the will—a willful, stubborn choice to trust God even though all hell screams into my fragile mind: “Impossible!”

Nonchalance, a mimic of trust, and carefree heartless attitude toward circumstances that do not directly concern me often masquerade as faith and can often be mistaken for faith. It may fool everyone except God. I say: “Oh, God will help him. He’s faithful. No worries!” When truthfully, that simple and seemingly faith-based declaration has provided no more than an excuse for neglect and laziness, unwilling to commit to uphold a struggling brother or brother in a storm.

Faith counters doubt, unbelief and crippling fear that pushes God outside my line of spiritual vision.

Faith rekindles a dying spark of trust, renews fledgling hope, and refreshes thirsty soul so parched that it has forgotten the memory of sweetness of satisfaction in Christ.

Faith allows me to feel that warm embrace which will be made real on that Day when I stand before my Savior and King.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Why Faith

The concept of faith is one of the core principles of Christianity, but what exactly is faith? Furthermore, why does God use faith to prepare his children? Hebrews 11:1-2 describes faith as "being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." Without faith it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:13-16 goes on to further describe four principles of faith.
  1. Faith endures to the end - In the beginning when we first come to know God, God will answer your prayers right away. It will seem everything is going your way, but as we get closer to God, it will feel like God is answering us less and less frequently. It is not because God has forgotten us or is mad at us. It is because we have become more spiritually mature. God strengthen and refines us with our trials. Just like a mother displaying her love for her infant child by nurturing to their every need, the same mother will demonstrate her love by demanding discipline and resolve as the child gets older.
  2. Faith envisions beyond here and now - Your faith must give you hope beyond our worldly existence. If you faith lingers only from moment-to-moment you will never grow spiritually. Do you live with the hope of eternity in you heart?
  3. Faith eliminates all doubts and obstacle - God makes it so easy to reject him. He will never force you to listen to him. He will never give up on you, but he will never barge his way into you life demanding you give up everything for him. Yet if you find yourself always thinking about the all the stuff you gave up before you met God, then it will become inevitable that you will return to it. It is only when you make the resolve to leave it behind, is when that door closes behind you so you can move on.
  4. Faith exalts God - Is God ashamed of your lack of faith? Just as much as God can be please by your faith, he is just as easily ashamed by your lack of faith. In the moment of truth when you come face-to-face with trials, God can either be pleased by your trust in him, or disappointed by your lack of faith in Him.

After all when we begin to doubt, we are really doubting God.

--from Nakwon EM September 30th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Get in the wheel barrow.... NOW!!

To Zaya,

I just wanted to tell you that your testimony has given strength to everyone from someone like me, who struggles day to day with his faith, all the way up to our Song JDSN. Maybe this was God's way of helping EM. I don't know, and honestly I'm not writing this to preach to you (that's best left to the pros like Song JDSN =P). I just wanted to tell you that our prayers and tears are with you and that we'll all be here waiting for you with open arms when you come back. Oh and we'll make sure James keeps his "wormy" apples away from you. =)


Friday, September 28, 2007

The Power of Prayers

"You don't know what you are asking," Jesus said to them. Matthew 20:21-23

When I was listening to "Obedience, then Desert?" message, I prayed that "God please let me give you everything that I have; my life, hope, future and my family! And I want to go to the desert if I have obeyed You. I want to give up every precious thing I've ever had. I want my faith to be growing in You more and quickly."
Then I got this the most devastating phone call from my family that my little sister run away from home with a six months old pregnant.
She was the most precious gift I have ever had. I thought I was so ready for the desert and can walk with God. But i just didn't know what I was asking for and it could have been her to give up. I was just in an unexpressable pain. It wasn't something that I was willing to give up the money, possession, dreams, friends, school, job, and time for God.
The sun wasn't shining upon anymore, the food wasn't tasteful, sound wasn't clear, every color turned to gray and black, the world wasn't meaningful, the school wasn't important, work wasn't that serious and there was just absolute SILENCE and DRYness and PAIN.
I realized that how my every promise to God was empty.

I prayed that if God won't bring her back to home by tonight I was going to give up my faith and everything else no matter what. God has brought her back that night.
Through all of your prayers I was able to think of the light in my darkest days-though two of my sisters are in jail and my mom and family is falling down.

God answers and hears EVERY prayers. I think of Jesus, Job and Elijah and now waiting for the next. I found an Undying Hope within me even if I was dead...For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, whose thoughts are fixed on You." Isaiah 26:3

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Obedience, then Desert?

Why do trials and hardships come to those who obey God? After all, aren't we taught that if we obey God then everything will be OK?. However, if you study many of the characters in the bible, you'll see that those that obey God are often driven to hardships. We will look at four characters and see how God has placed them in impossible hardships even after their great obedience.
  1. Jesus (God will lead you to trials after you received a great calling) - This was especially true for our Lord, Jesus. In Matthew 3:16 we see Jesus being baptized as the heavens themselves parting to shine their glory upon Jesus. Jesus received a great calling and then in chapter 4 we see Jesus being immediately led to the desert where he would spend 40 days being tempted by Satan.
  2. Job (God will lead you to trials after great Godliness) - Job was the picture of a man walking in Godliness. In Job 1:1 he is described as a man who "was blameless and upright; he feared God and shunned evil." Yet in verse 8 we begin to see Satan systematicallyy pick apart Job's life. In an instant he loses his wealth, his family and ultimately his health.
  3. Elijah (God will lead you to great trials after a great victory) - In 1Kings 18 we see Elijah having a contest between him and the prophets of Baal. They begin a contest to see who can get their god to bring down fire from the heavens. After days of dancing and praying, the prophets of Baal failed to call down fire. Then Elijah begins to pray and suddenly "the fire of the LORD fell and burned up the sacrifice, the wood, the stones and the soil, and also licked up the water in the trench. When all the people saw this, they fell prostrate and cried, "The LORD -he is God! The LORD -he is God!" Yet immediately after this great victory we see Elijah running away to Beersheba fearing for his life.
  4. Paul the Apostle - In 2 Cor 12:1, Paul talks about how he received the greatest revelation a man can ever receive. Yet God struck with him a physical aliment to keep him from boasting about it. This aliment was so great that three times Paul pleaded with the Lord to take it away from him.

So then why does God do this to us? The answer can be summed up in two words. To purify and to perfect.

  1. God wants to purify and perfect our vision because it can not be achieved with your own strength.
  2. God wants to purify and perfect our faith. Even a great man like Job was eventually shaken in his faith. God wanted to purify his faith beyond what we think is righteous.
  3. God wants to purify and perfect our spiritual maturity. People often mistake great spiritual moments with great emotion. Which is why after great religious experiences people are often proned to bouts of depression. However it's when we're at our lowest where it's the prefect moment to have communion with God. Use it to hear the voice of God.
  4. God wants to purify and perfect your strength. Worshipping God has nothing to with your abilities or strength. Everything we achieve in our lifetime is by the Lords Grace, and it is through him our strength is perfected.

Paul sums it up the best in 2Cor 4:16-18. We should not lose heart in our day to day struggles. Even though our bodies will wither away in time, (16)" inwardly we are being renewed day by day." Because what might appear unfair or horribly unbearable is all (17a)"light and momentary troubles" in the light of an eternal perspective. No matter what your troubles may be, there is an (17b)"eternal glory that far outweighs them all." (18)"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal."

--from Nakwon EM September 25th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Did anyone get past page 30?

Monday, September 17, 2007

Godly Living in an Ungodly World

Daniel 1:3-8 introduces us to Daniel and his friends as they are being groomed to be put into service for the king of Babylon. Daniel and his friends were thrusted into a new world where they were being forced to adopt new ideals and customs that went against their teachings in Judah. We live in a world where even though 80% of Americans claim to be Christian, our society rarely reflect the ideals of Christ. We are constantly bombarded with ideals and ethnics which slowly chip away at the very core of Christianity. Much like Daniel growing up in Babylon, we too often find ourselves struggling for godly living in an ungodly world. So how does one attain godly living in such an adverse environment?

It begins with discernment. Do you know what kind of world we live in? Does the gratuitous violent images in today's media no longer bother you? We live in a world where the idea of right and wrong has now become relative. Where something considered wrong and immoral for one person can considered acceptable for others. So how does one attain discernment? The answer is the bible.

The second characteristic of Godly living is determination. In v8 Daniel resolved not to taint himself with the royal food and wine which was used as an offering as an offering to false gods. There are three things to note about what Daniel did. First he committed without compromise. Daniel risked himself by refusing to the eat the food. Secondly he resolved with tact and wisdom. He didn't go barging into the chief officials courts demanding to have his food changed. He acted practical and plead his case with the chief official. Finally he acted with faith. He had faith that the Lord would deliver him.

Finally, godly living demonstrates results. If you live Godly, you will see the result. In v15-21 it states that at the end of the ten days they looked healthier and better nourished than any of the young men who ate the royal food. Furthermore its states that God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. God blessed them with wisdom and surpassing knowledge and all began with his resolve to do what was right.

Living Godly is our world is never an easy thing to do. Peter mentions that those who want to live a Godly life will always be faced with persecution. However, if you have the faith and resolve to follow through, God will bless you in ways you can only begin to imagine. We are called to follow a higher path, will you have the resolve to follow?

--from Nakwon EM September 16th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

what?!! there's no hae-dup bap?!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Extravagant Devotion

Mark 14:3-9 tells a story of woman who took a bottle of perfume, worth over a year's wages, and selflessly poured it onto Jesus. In that single act of devotion Jesus acknowledged her and states that "wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her." It is this extravagant act of devotion that moved Jesus so much that he went out of his way to make sure she is forever remembered in his gospel. It is also the only time in the bible where Jesus does this, but what exactly does it mean to have extravagant devotion?
  1. Confronts lukewarm devotion - Verse 5 mentions how those present "rebuked her harshly" for wasting such expensive perfume. There will always be people who will criticize others for their acts devotion. What makes it even harder is the fact that often times it will be those people who believe who will criticize you the most. Love seems a waste to those who don't.
  2. Costs what you cherish the most - Often times God will call to you to sacrifice that which you cherish the most. It can be your career, family, money, your abilities, etc. However, as hard it is to let go, God will never take without a reason. Always remember that whatever God takes from you, he will return it to you a thousand fold better. He will take a facet of your life and purify it. Do you have to faith to let go?
  3. Conforms to the heart of Christ - In the last part of verse 3, it mentions that "she broke the jar and poured the perfume on his head." She could have easily have just opened the jar and poured the perfume out. After all this was no ordinary jar, this was a marble alabaster jar which, in itself, is worth a lot. Yet she held nothing back and gave everything without expecting anything in return. Do you give waiting for Jesus' return or for his return?
  4. Counters self corruption - If you try to satisfy yourself with God's blessing, then it will ultimately corrupt you. God's grace is something which is given to you as an award. If your don't pour it back and try to hoard it for yourself, then in the end it will only make you bitter and selfish.

Extravagant devotion is not something that comes easy. By definition alone it means to go beyond. Will you live your life as a nominal Christian? Or will you actions move the heart of God?

--from Nakwon EM September 9th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

God accepts knee-mail ;)

Monday, September 03, 2007

Cure for the Great Sin

Philippians 2:1-11 talks about imitating Christ's humility, but for what purpose is there a necessity to do this? There is one sin greater than all the other sins. There is one sin that is said to be the root of all the other sins. This sin is so powerful that it made the devil the devil. This sin is called pride. Pride is something we all know about and live with. It is something that we despise to see in others but hard to see in ourselves and it is a sin that no one is safe from, now matter how "righteous" one claims to be.

There are three characteristics of pride

  1. source - pride is the source of all our sins. Think back to any guilty thought or conscious sin you've committed. Most likely it can be traced back to some form of pride. Maybe you were mad at someone because you felt you were more deserving? Maybe you felt people weren't recognizing you? Or maybe you feel you are above everyone else? Whatever it is in the end it's a comes back to some form of pride.

  2. competitive - pride by nature is competitive. It thrives on comparison. It is being proud of having more than the next person.

  3. deceptive - Pride is such a subtle sin because it something entirely spiritual.

So how do we overcome pride?

  1. Mind of Christ - v2 talks about "being like-minded" as Jesus and furthermore it mentions the word "joy." If you are so enveloped in pride you life will never be filled with joy.

  2. Other-centered - Is your priorities the only the thing that's on your mind? Verse 3 mentions considering others better than yourself. There is nothing wrong having your own priorities but you make sure they are not your ONLY priorities.

Humility is not an option, it's a necessity . Jesus showed us the greatest humility. v7 mentions how a perfect and eternal God "made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." If you are so busy looking down on others, then you'll have no time to look up to God.

--from Nakwon EM September 2nd 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Air-tight arguments

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Surpassing Righteousness

Matthew 5:17-20 serves as an introduction of Jesus' sermon as he begins to break down all the misconceptions the people had with God's laws. However, even today we tend to get so caught up trying to follow our discipline that we sometimes forget why we are even doing it.

If spiritual discipline is defined as acts we take as Christians then we can view legalism as spiritual discipline gone awry. Jesus heavily criticized the Pharisees for taking God's laws and skewing them into something cold and rigid. Just like the Pharisees back in the day, we also tend to forget the heart of the law. When it comes to our daily walk with God, there are three things to keep in mind when it comes to our spiritual discipline.
  1. Purpose - There should only be one purpose in your heart, and that is to know God. There is no other purpose. The moment you begin to forget this is the moment you begin to distort it
  2. Practice - There is no discipline if there is no commitment. Your words will not define who you are, it will always be your actions. It is a way for you to live your life.
  3. Pitfalls - Ultimately it is the danger of distortion. Don't get so caught up with following spiritual discipline that you forget why you are doing it. Because once you follow that path, you will find yourself in the presence of pride. Things like bible study, QT, going to church, etc. should be a means to God, not an ends to a mean. Think of a nice long drive way in front of a beautiful mansion. The purpose of the driveway is to lead us to the nice house, it can never be the point of the house. In other words, just because you do QT everyday, spend hours reading the bible, it does not make you better then someone who doesn't. You should be doing all this because your love for God.

After all, God loved us long before we even knew him. No matter what we do he will continue to love us, because his love is everlasting and never changes.

--from Nakwon EM August 26th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Did you enjoy ice skating?

Sunday, August 19, 2007

We are called to Live for God

1 Peter 4:7-11 begins with "The end of all things are near." What an ominous phrase, but we've all heard it before. The idea that all things in this world are temporary is an idea that we, as Christians, have understood since day 1. However, what most people to fail to realize is that the end isn't a reference to some unknown point in the future, the end is now. We are living in end times. The point of this phrase isn't to scare us by prophesying some apocalyptic end, but rather it is to help us understand the present time. How often are we so caught up in our own busy life that we don't' have enough time to be sensitive to God. Maybe some of us are so caught up in our own ministries that we can not see beyond our church walls. How much time do you set aside a day to read the bible? Often times we get so trapped in our worldly lives, that we fail to truly live for God.

So then what can we do to correct this? In 1 Peter 4 v7, the first thing Peter tells us to is to clear our minds to pray. Will you be ready when you come face-to-face with your maker? If not how can you be ready? The answer is prayer. Prayer is everything! The second thing Peter mentions is love (v8). We are called to love one another and our enemies. The Lord gave up his one and only son to redeem us and showed us what it means to love. Can you show the same kind of love to your enemies? Finally, the last thing Peter mentions is to serve. We are called to by God to help further his kingdom. However, the greatest thing is that he provides us to strength to carry out his will. It is only through is great strength and grace that we are able to accomplish.

--from Nakwon EM August 19th 2007 Sunday Worship Service

Thank god for nerds

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." - John Piper

I Challenge You (dun dun dun~)

Hello my lovely brothers & sisters in EM =)

I just wanted to post a few verses from my QT this morning~
I was contemplating on whether I should post this or not, but... whatever. I chose to post it. :P
I know it's kind of long~ but, just read it~ unless you have something better to do ;)

Isaiah 54:2-8

2 "Enlarge the place of your tent,
stretch your tent curtains wide,
do not hold back;
lengthen your cords,
strengthen your stakes.

3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left;
your descendants will dispossess nations
and settle in their desolate cities.

4 "Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame.
Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated.
You will forget the shame of your youth
and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood.

5 For your Maker is your husband—
the LORD Almighty is his name—
the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
he is called the God of all the earth.

6 The LORD will call you back
as if you were a wife deserted and distressed in spirit—
a wife who married young,
only to be rejected," says your God.

7 "For a brief moment I abandoned you,
but with deep compassion I will bring you back.

8 In a surge of anger
I hid my face from you for a moment,
but with everlasting kindness
I will have compassion on you,"
says the LORD your Redeemer.


In verse 2, the prophet Isaiah is using the illustration of a tent. He was telling the Jews to enlarge the place of their tents, stretch their curtains, etc. as a challenge to act in faith & to depend on God's promises only.

In verses 4-8 Judah is being viewed as a wife judicially separated from her Husband, God, because of her sin. But, because God had such an intimate relationship with his people, he never ceased to love them. AND- even though they were in exile for many many years, God's compassion for Judah just seemed like a fleeting "moment".

SO--- basically, I just wanted to challenge you guys by saying, "TRUST IN GOD!!" Trusting in God IS a challenge sometimes... but I urge you to take a step of faith. ACTUALLY, I urge you to take MANY steps of faith & lean on God's promises.

Like verse 4 says, "do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more..." God has taken all that shame from us forever~ no matter what we've done. He said, "...with deep compassion I will bring you back..." & "...with everlasting kindness I will have compassion on you..."

So, yea!!! Don't forget how much God LOVES YOU!!! <3

As an EM (or- as Christians~), I pray that we can see each person as God sees them AND that we can show compassion towards one another as God has given us.

Like William Carey said,


I love you guys a LOT... SOOOOO very very much <3

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Responding to Trials

"Untried faith is unreliable faith"
- Charles Stanley

1 Peter 1:3-9 talks about the purpose and necessity of trials in our life. Much like temptations, trials are inevitable in our life. It is also a measuring stick by which we can gauge the degree of our faith.
  1. Purpose of trials
    The first step is to purify us. In 1 Peter 1:7, an analogy is made between our trials and the process of refining gold. We are that piece of impure ore that is constantly thrown into the furnace of trials, and little by little our impurities begins to strip away until all that's left is the beautiful shiny piece of gold. For the Lord will purify us of our sinful nature, but he will also prepare us for our calling in life. Sometimes the Lord will call upon you to give up something other don't have to. Will you be able to let go?
  2. Process of trials
    God designs our trials to discipline us. Furthermore each trial has been specifically tailored to you. We are all in different points in our spiritual walk with God, so it's only obvious that God's trials will not always be the same for everyone. The key thing to understand that despite the hardship of our trials, this is not a punishment. It is discipline.
  3. Product of Trials
    Ultimately in the end it all boils down to devotion and demonstration. The harder your trials are the greater your faith will grow. Each time you overcome your trials you will grow stronger, but how will you react the next time you are faced with a burden in your life?

How does God measure our faith? God measures your growth by the way you respond to your trials. Will you have the strength to trust that God is in control? Do you have faith to believe he will deliver you from your hardships no matter how impossible it might be? Because when you overcome your trials you will be stronger, but what about your faith?

--from Nakwon EM August 12th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Don't run with baby skunks!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Temptation in my life

Temptation looks so good and feels so right when it comes...
There are certain things I just couldn't let go for a long time. Maybe still am?! And I knew it has to be changed and got to do something about it because afterwards as a result i was dead...I mean dead dead. And i didn't like it and hate it so much. I didn't know what to do about it anymore and whom to ask because I've tried so many "my" ways to fix it. There was just Satan over me and my soul.

"Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."---Well, my sin was giving birth to a double, triple death as I've felt...
Ever since I've decided to give my life to God ( after came to EM), everything has been changed!

I think everyone knows how it feels like when the Holy Spirit guides us and God shows to us His Grace , Mercy and Love that nobody can't.
Every time I'd sin or when there is a temptation, Holy Spirit starts telling me that I shouldn't have done that or reminds me I belong to God not Satan. But at the same time, in my mind like - "I've been a "good person" for so long and if i do that "a little bit", there will be no harm because I know how to control myself more than ever. Hey, you know what, I've been changed...! "
Once I started, then I was no longer under control and even it became worse. I couldn't get up and stand up in front of God. But there was no judgement of God, just "Love" after love pour out through EM and that's what make me understand He has already won the war for me.

One thing i'm so sure is that no matter how many times i'll fail God's love for me will never change.

This time I stood up once again but stronger than ever!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Overcoming Temptation

Where there is no temptation there can be little claim to virtue."

James 1:13-15 speaks about the nature of temptation and where it comes from. It begins to reveal the power of temptation and ultimately where it will lead you.

So we begin with...
  1. Source of Temptation
    myth : to be strongly tempted means as if we have actually committed sin
    We are sinful creatures by nature. God does not tempt us, the desire to sin is already in us. V.14 reveals that "but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed." It all starts with that small desire in our hearts. Have you ever told a white lie? Do have inconsistencies in you life? Do you indulge in acts you know are wrong? What starts off as a harmless desire will give eventually give way to sin. v.15 spells it out very clearly. "Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death." That desire is a gateway which will lead you to sin, and ultimately that sin will lead you to your spiritual death.
  2. Power of Temptation
    myth :
    you can overcome temptation by separation from it
    Do not underestimate the power of temptation. Furthermore, do not be naive to believe you can remove yourself from it. No matter where you go, there will always be temptation. The key isn't to avoid it, the point is to overcome it. When you take a bird's eye view of a river, you'll notice it never follows a straight path. It always weaves around different bends and looks all crooked. This is because as a stream of water encounters an obstacle, it will go around it. It will follow the path of least resistance. This analogy holds true for us. If we follow the path of least resistance, we ourselves will become crooked.
  3. Deliverance
    myth: When I am spirituallymature, I will no longer be bothered by temptation
    (a) Believe the truth (John 16:33) - The bad news is that in this world you will always have trouble. The good news is that God has already won the war for you. Do you believe in the power of Jesus' blood?
    (b) Accept God's Grace (Philippians 1:6) - You are not fighting this war alone. If you try to overcome temptation on your own you will ultimately fail. It is only through God's grace that we have the strength to overcome impossible obstacles. All we have to do is accept it.
    (c) Actively avoid sin (Romans 13:14) - Are you desensitized by the sins of the world? Does it no longer bother you when you turn on the TV and it's littered with violence? How much time do you spend for God compared to the amount of time you indulge yourself in temptation?
    (d) Live by the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-18) - "If you are led by the Spirit, you are not bound by the law"
    (e) Judge Not (Romans 2:1) - Don't be so quick to judge others as they struggle through their battles with temptation. You don't know how hard it is for them. You don't know how hard they are being attacked, and ultimately who's to say you won't react the same way if you were placed under the same situation.

No matter where we are in our spiritual walk, we all live temptation. Know the source or your temptation, don't underestimate the power it can have over you and most importantly believe that God will deliver you from it.

--from Nakwon EM August 5th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

When buying a house avoid the nails.

Friday, August 03, 2007


Sanctification: Moment-By-Moment Obedience was one of the powerful message to me as i was struggling with a lot of things in my life.
We come to church because of the faith but there is a question that "how much faith do we have in our Savour who set us free?".
I've seen Jesus was walking on water to came to save me in the storm when i was so afraid that i couldn't even recognize Him. Sometimes I even recognize Him, I'd say " I know this can't be a ghost or human, It's Him, Jesus Christ alone because nobody can't do this but let me stay in the boat until the storm will calm down for now." But God told me through this message, " Believe in Me, trust Me!!! If you have a faith, step out from the boat and just walk towards me; you will not be shaken."
I really want to able to step out from the boat and walk on the water, looking at Jesus' eyes. I know what I'll see;-It'll be so much love, peace and joy in His eyes...If i have a lttle faith.

renewed in the Anointing

Message by Pastor Claude Houde in Times Square Church on July 31, 2007:

3 Principles for Renewal in the Anointing:

You are renewed in the Anointing, when you...

1. Commit to His Promises
2. Confess in His Presence
3. Confident in His Power

You can go into TSC website (see side bar under "Soul Food") and listen to sermon dated 31-July 2007 entitled "Renewed in the Anointing" by Pastor Claude Houde.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sanctification: Moment-By-Moment Obedience

Sanctification can best be described as being made perfect through the grace of God. But what does it mean to be sanctified and how do we know we are being sanctified?

Mark 6:45-52 chronicles the story of Jesus walking across the stormy lake to come to the aid of his disciples, but why did Jesus send his disciples out into the storm in the first place? v.45 starts off by telling us Jesus "made" his disciples get into the boat. What many people fail to realize about sanctification is that it does not end when we are saved. Just as Jesus sent his disciples into the storm, God will also not leave you as you are.
  1. Recognition of truth : We can all look within ourselves and find flaws we wish to fix, but unless you are willing to face up to them now, you are not truly realizing your need to be sanctified.
  2. Method
    (a) endurance : Sanctification is a daily process. You need to come to accept that it won't happen overnight. Will you cooperate with God to let the Holy Spirit work in you life, even if it's not according to your "schedule?"
    (b) faith : In v.48 it says Jesus saw the disciples straining with oars. Even though Jesus was standing on a mountain top miles aways from his disciples, he was still able to see his disciples in the storm. Do you have faith to know that Jesus can see you in the storm? Do you have faith to see Jesus walking on water to come save you?
  3. Perfect Obedience : Do you have the obedience not to react the same way as before when faced with the same hardships again? Can you obey God's wishes even if you find it difficult to follow?

Being saved is the merely the first step in God plan to mold you. Every day the Lord will try to sanctify you to become a better person. He will find flaws in you that are both easy and hard to overcome. Will you have the faith to believe in him? Will you have the endurance to get through the storm? And will you have the obedience to not to make the same mistakes?

Can you see Jesus walking on water towards you?

--from Nakwon EM July 29th 2007 Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Be Filled

Ephesian 5:17-21 speaks about being filled with the Spirit, but what does it mean to be filled? We often imagine a cup being filled to the rim, so that when something were to hit it, it will overflow. In other words if you were to fill yourself with the holy spirit, you can't help but pour it back out when you're faced with trials and tribulations. Now there is nothing wrong with this analogy, but there's a deeper meaning to idea of being filled.

  1. saturation : imagine a sponge, the idea is that we soak or submerge ourselves with the Spirit that we can't help but let it become a part of lives.
  2. cooperation : allow the holy spirit fill you. How can the Holy Spirit work in your life if you don't allow it?
  3. continuation : Being filled with isn't a one time thing. Do you come to church and pour your heart for the Lord, but once you leave does it end there? Do you limit you relationship with God? Being filled is a daily moment to moment experience.

So then how do you know you are filled? How can you tell if the Holy Spirit is working in your life? If you read Eph 5: 19 - 21 closely, Paul explains what it means to be filled.

  1. speech and heart (v.19) : Do you have praise in your heart? Do you feel an urge to sing praise to the Lord?
  2. attitude (v.20) : When you begin to realized how blessed we are by God's grace, how can you not help but be filled with gratitude.
  3. submission (v.21) : Submission does not imply aimlessly yielding to everyone. Submissions means choosing to give up you are always right. Do you find yourself trying so hard to win an argument that you forget why it was so important to win in the first place? Submit to the Holy Spirit, let it work in you life. Don't try to dictate how you think the Holy Spirit should work.

Finally, how do we become filled?

  1. nourishment : The word of God. There is no other way (in other words read you bible people =P)
  2. obedience : Do not live your life from experience to experience. Follow the law.
  3. dependence : Do you live you life depending on God in a daily relationship? Or do you keep God in church. When you leave church do you leave God behind?
  4. yield : Don't get caught up on thinking how you feel God should work. Let the Holy Spirit work in your life, even if it's not according to you plan.

--from Nakwon EM July 22nd Sunday Worship Service
*To listen to this sermon in its entirety, please contact James Kim

Song JDSN says try living w/ a goat. =P

Sunday, July 15, 2007

full of horses & chariots of fire

2 Kings 6:8-18 records a fascinating story of Elisha (Prophet Elijah's protege) and his servant when the King of Aram sends a host of chariots and horses to capture the prophet who was aiding Jehoram, King of Israel, thwarting King of Aram's plans to defeat Jehoram.

The servant cries out in fear seeing the powerful Aramean chariots and horses surrounding them, but Elisha prays to God to open his servants eyes so he could see the spiritual reality - a greater host of horses of chariots of fire encompassing them.

Whether we live in acknowledgment of the spiritual warfare that rages on every moment of every day, it is a reality. Just because we willfully live ignorant of the spiritual reality, cannot and does not negate its existence.

God's great army of horses and chariots of fire were there before the servant's spiritual eyes were opened.

But we must remember these three things about the Spiritual Eyes:

1. Spiritual Eyes are Free of Fear. When the Servant was afraid, he could not see the true reality. So long as we focus on the problem, we will never see past it to see the might God behind our problem. Remember the story about Patch Adams and the "crazy old man" who helped him see past the four fingers and see a whole different perspective.

2. Spiritual Eyes are Opened Eyes. The servant could not see until prophet Elisha asked God to open his eyes to the spiritual reality that already existed. How are our spiritual eyes opened? When truth is declared and realized and received.

Never forget: the One fighting for you is mightier than the one fighting against you.

3. Spiritual Eyes are Discerning. It doesn't seek for human ways for solution. It seems an obvious and logical thing to simply leave the enemy blinded and confused, but Elisha, instead, leads them to the capital royal city and instructs Jehoram to basically feed and help his enemy. But it is through this discerning wise act that the bands from Aram stops raiding and wreaking havoc on Israelite territories. Just because it is peace, it doesn't mean it is from God.

Without spiritual sight, life is hopeless. If there is nothing beyond right here and now, there is nothing worth living for.

Remember the Olympic Games race in which the winner is not the one who gets to the finished line first but the one who keeps his torch still burning at the end of his run. It's not about being first; it's about having the fire of the Spirit, that fire of love for Jesus, burning in our hearts until the Day Christ returns.

--from Nakwon EM July 15, 2007 First Anniversary Service